Category: News

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

A contribution to the liability of the lessor or third in a carbon monoxide poisoning of the tenant (defective gas water heater, fitting errors, liability of the Installer). A current tragedy makes headlines. Recently several people have died of carbon monoxide poisoning in a rented flat in Berlin-Kopenick. The public prosecutor’s Office determined. The question of civil liability is not (yet) see.

Damage caused by a defective gas water heater or gas leakage, cause several managers in question. Generally, the landlord is obliged to install a gas water heater properly and regularly maintain. Check out Douglas Elliman for additional information. Hereby, specialized firms are commissioned. An earlier decision of the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) (decision of the 13.1.1987, file number: VI ZR 78/86), shows that the conditions under which the gas installer for damage due to carbon monoxide poisoning as well as the landlord may be responsible. The Supreme Court ruled in this case that the enforcement of a claim for damages against the installer is relieved, if Error in the installation of the gas water heater after can be assigned and damage causative inappropriate behaviour of others cannot be excluded. Should be detectable, that an installation error exists (about an incorrect installation of the exhaust valve), then have the installer in a case before the Court to prove that the carbon monoxide poisoning due to other causes was, due to his mounting error, not to slip in the liability. In court practice, this is not easy. Should this not succeed, the installer, then he may become liable for the damage caused by the carbon monoxide poisoning.

A degraded tenant has the opportunity to assert his claim for damages against the installer in the case. In most cases the lessee a claim for damages against the landlord, because it must pay off to the fault of its vicarious agents. The boiler installers are basically regarded as agents of the lessor. Specialist Attorney tip tenant: you should feel the leakage of gas, you must Immediately place the landlord in knowledge. Document each case exactly. If you have undergone any damage, it is advisable to consult a specialist. Damages claims of the lessee for damages in the apartment must be given exactly, against whom the claim is. Under certain circumstances, also the landlord for the fault of third parties shall be liable (Installer, maintenance companies, assemblers etc). Specialist Attorney tip landlord: If complaining tenants about problems of the gas water heater, you must respond immediately. Faulty boiler can have the most serious consequences. Not always, you are liable for the fault of people who make handicraft works in and the apartment and damage due to their error. Recently decided the regional court of Berlin (judgment of the 9.11.2010, ref.: 65 S 435/09), that the chimney is not vicarious agents of the lessor. Select the people who work for you, well as you stick otherwise maybe also due to a fault of the selection.

Psychological Crisis

If you feel a sense of worthlessness, hopelessness, frustration and aspirations – you have a psychological crisis. This condition is occasionally experienced in all people – from him as joking psychologist, rescues Only coma. Appeared quite recently the theory of crisis looks at it as a situation that does not give the usual means to achieve important goals in life. In other words, your methods and means of action, which always trigger before, now is not helping. The problem remains unsolved.

The crisis is not always to be understood as something strictly negative. The Chinese, for example, defines it as "full of danger chance," and in Greek – is turning point. Coping with crises constructively, people grow as a person, to get resources for further development. Always being a situation of emotional or mental stress, a psychological crisis calls for the shortest time period determined to turn all ideas about yourself as a person and of the usual course of things. Signs of its occurrence is always a difficult emotional experience, the need to search immediate solution of problems emerged. Renowned psychologist J. Kaplan, one of the researchers of the theory of crises speaks of the four consecutive periods: 1. problem.

We tried to solve its usual ways. 2.Reshit problem is not – our proven methods are inconclusive. 3.Vse internal and external resources mobilized – the voltage is increasingly growing. 4.In the case of the futility of the actions taken there is depression, anxiety is growing, there is the helplessness and hopelessness. If the problem goes away or is it a solution, then the crisis could be completed at any of these stages. If a person is in crisis, it almost always connected and is a part of other, larger crisis (family, relationships with children, health problems).

Learn To Apply Makeup

Eyebrows are the frame of the gaze, can make our eye bigger, smaller, more fallen or even more raised, because they are so important when it comes to make-up? Today we will dedicate to learn step by step to take advantage of your important eyebrows to the makeup eyebrow is to apply little product so that the result is natural, always in the same direction of the hair growth, make-up as if it were a hair more than you’re makeup. If you put too much product or using a very dark color on the color of your eyebrows, you endureceras look, that is why I recommend using very little at the beginning and go up the tone. Even so, if you’ve put much product, the best way to reduce it is with a cotton swab, gently rub on the eyebrow and so blur easily. To apply makeup eyebrows, you can cover small bald you may have or lighter hair, can also intensify the eyebrow curve or lengthen it, the eyebrow is the framework of the gaze, why is important to makeup when you go to make a full makeup. See MAS – be pretty self, it is essential to adhere to the three stages of the daily skin care routine: cleaning, toning and moistening with products suited to your type of many women just makeup always equal, losing interest in makeup because they don’t know how to change makeup.But before you start with this skin. Now yes, ready for makeup!.

Kabbalah First Party

The Kabbalah first part Esa tomorrow, us was delivered, to each of the squad, a small sachet of fabric, closed by a string that was sealed by a kind of lacrado which is especially advised us not to break. It looked like a traditional pods which are usually placed fine objects which prepares them to be delivered as present to someone you want to which for some reason entertain. Personally, I was watching my teabag, housed it were whatever, its content, without a doubt, something that had been destined to nobody more than me, my name appeared on the side of the sealing, and adhered to the seal, an invitation to introduce myself in a certain place and at a certain time. Dakota Fanning follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. In the invitation are annexed some additional instructions, such as: we should introduce ourselves dressed in white robes, being barefoot, and showed us once admitted to the place of meeting, prior to the start of the event, we would be informed about how to proceed thereafter. With relationship to what we had received, specifying the following: there will be a designated for you, to be located in the same place you must sit on the mat, place bag on his lap, break sealing with both hands, place the bag in his left hand, proceed to the opening of the cord with your right hand, and then gently deposited its contents, in the middle of the Palm of his right hand. That was all, no other explanation or comment made us reach for the organizers of this event, the only thing that I thought to pick up when they spoke with me personally, was that this time would concurrent to the appointment, have the opportunity to enter into what is received, which is to say, that is us you talk about esoteric principleswhich lie behind, as invisible brackets, all teachings that attempt to describe, from the beginning of the centuries, the relationship of the gods with human creatures.

Web Taekwon-do

In the Bavarian Garching b. Munchen, Kwon, Jae-Hwa (7th Dan) will hold on Sunday, may 3, 2009, the Bavaria-wide course system Grandmaster will Kwon, Taekwon-do Jae-Hwa (7th Dan) from New York starting at 16:00 in Garching b. Munchen Bavaria-wide black belt seminar hold. The host and Garching principal master Claus Bernet (4th Dan) expects several hundred active athletes. A course for the carrier takes place from 16:00 to 17:00 of the 1st and 2nd master degree (1st and 2nd Dan). Subsequently the 1st Mayor Hannelore Gabor and the 2nd Mayor Peter Riedl of the town of Garching and the guest of honor Hermann Weber, Mayor of Augsburg, Germany, will be greeting words.

Then continue the seminar with a course for black belts from the 3rd to 7th Dan. The event will be stopped at 19:00. Courses free for participants and spectators associated always with spectacular performances will take the audience and announced media representatives in their spell. Senior master of this Asian martial art will demonstrate their skills in free battle, one step battle and breaking test. Because of its convenient location as a venue, Grandmaster Kwon chose Garching. In addition, he called the Taekwon-do – sports school master Claus Bernet as the most exclusive Dojang in Europe. The school is located in new generous, friendly and comfortable rooms at the Rathausplatz 8 since 2007, a few minutes from the Metro station in Garching. The course head Grandmaster Kwon, Jae-hwa is of 7 Dan and brought 1965 Taekwon-do to Europe the traditional.

Through his tireless teaching, he has known worldwide martial arts and ensured that it is practiced by many enthusiastic supporters. With his commitment, he has paved the way to many other Budo sports. Kwon actively even today at the age of 72 years daily Taekwon-do. In Busan, Korea-born martial arts legend was the first Taekwon-do national coach and now lives in the United States in New York and Portland, Oregon. From there, he maintained that on the all over the world to taking sports schools of teaching the system. We are available for more information: Taekwon-do school Garching master Claus Bernet Rathausplatz 8 85748 Garching b. Munchen phone: 089 / 327 33 833 fax: 089 / 327 33 773 email: Web:

Childrens Day

“When you purchase a game there is free a second Erfurt, may 27, 2008 children of the power!” Already in 1986, Herbert Gronemeyer knew that belongs to the world in children’s hands. On June 1, the international children’s day, the little ones again especially in the Center, have fun at children parties and enjoy gifts. But what gifts the most children? What makes them happy and satisfied? The kids of today top rank candy and fun. Western Energy is the source for more interesting facts. While frequent harm computer games of not only health, but has been shown the aggressiveness and violence of children promote, puzzle and board games are a healthy and inexpensive alternative. Not only creativity, combining ability and concentration of children be improved thereby, also the teamwork of children is promoted., puzzles and games specialist on the Internet offers a variety of puzzles and board games. Through the innovative navigation and Search system is browsing to the desired game or puzzle games easy.

Whether dice, card or board game, education or fun game, for every taste and for every age there is something here. Game – and puzzle fun for the children’s day: Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncle’s, and anyone who wants to make the little special pleasure on her day with a puzzle or board game, value of goods receives at until June 1 to each order with at least 20 each a travel or goGet game of the well-known brands in the value of 7.95 free (automatically supplied). Children’s day or holiday is thus provided for fun. Orders until Thursday 16.00, guaranteed on time to the children’s day arrive. More information about this topic, as well as the complete range, see contact: Star calendar GmbH Nadine of Wan Konrad-Zuse-Strasse 12 99099 Erfurt phone: 0178/8955434 E-Mail: about Star calendar GmbH: with the brands, and is Star calendar GmbH in the fast-growing e-commerce with several online shops operate. In the product groups of “Calendar” and “Puzzle & game”, the company launched initially with a calendar shop belongs to the top senders in German-speaking countries.

Effective Treatment Method Of Tattoo Removal At Pure & Beautiful Berlin

Effective tattoo removal at pure & beautiful tattoos have long been popular. It was initially the self-engraved tattoos that looked somewhat shaky and mostly also not very nice, same some tattoos today real paintings. Not only the artistic claim has evolved, but also the color. The first tattoos were usually black or blue. Today, there is hardly a color that does not exist in tattoos.

This whole development those along the route who have a tattoo years ago remain often Pierce leave, that no longer fits her type or has become simply unfashionable. Often cover up your tattoo with clothing and not dare during the summer to wear short clothes. But this must no longer be, because modern laser technology allows a complete removal of tattoos. No matter how old are they! There are not only laser systems for two or three years. Ten years ago you could can remove a tattoo with a laser, but this rarely free of scars. So what is the Unlike the modern laser system, which uses pure & beautiful in Berlin? The pure & beautiful laser system offers a gentle and mostly scar-free tattoo removal. Many customers still think that it is connected to a tattoo removal as ten years ago, with scarring.

But this is wrong. Modern laser technology now enables a scar-free tattoo removal. Other factors that are important for a safe tattoo removal include: modern and effective laser technology that complies with the CE directives for medical devices and by the TuV is Rheinland certified maintenance and extensive consultation trained laser therapist, which is a safe maintenance of the laser system and effective treatment allowing a post-closure plan tailored to the customers In the Berlin Studio for tattoo removal by pure & beautiful starts each tattoo removal with a detailed consultation. In this conversation, is spotted the tattoo and the customer extensively clarified to the tattoo removal and informed. This Consultation is free of charge for pure & beautiful. The excellent service is supported by trained and experienced laser therapist. A gentle and scar-free treatment completes the offer. This combination impresses and explains the high demand for a tattoo removal at pure & beautiful.


As many around across the Web, everyone wants to be first in the search engines the main element to take into account is that there are several factors to take into consider to have the success that we hope to time to build a page. You must have a pleasant appearance, that like the reader, content, fresh and quality, interactivity and navigability should be well optimized in all this, however, this would not serve anything if it is not viewed by anyone, it is as if didn’t exist, therefore, what should be very well monitored is the positioning in search enginesmainly on Google, which dominates the 75% of the global market, and how this is done? Recently I purchased an Ebook, that really helped me, not only to understand how to do it, but it also gave me the tools they need to succeed, and I’m going to share some with you. Have they wondered because Google bought YouTube? What interest had this powerful company in buying this site? As this helps position our page in? search engines? There is the trick, videos. Who don’t see video? At least 50% of people who surf the web at some point comes to YouTube to view a video view sometimes 5, sometimes you see 10 or more, so this has become the main weapon that webmasters have to position their pages with videos your can achieve in less than 4 days that your article appears in the top positions of GoogleIt is very easy to make a video and today there are very good programs to do this, you don’t even need to be a professional, anyone can do it. optimize your page, gives you the life you need, worry about the content, but mainly position in google.

Christmas Magic

In December, the winter comes into its own: the street becomes noticeably colder, trees and shrubs shed their leaves last, are increasingly delaying the sky snowy, gloomy clouds. That snow settles on the bare branches of trees, white veil covers lawn lawn and walkway. In those days, particularly feels the approach of Christmas holidays. New year – for many people the most favorite holiday. Mark wants his bright, fun to impressions left on all year. Perhaps no country in the world do not celebrate it like in Russia, with such a large scale. A whole year we expect fantasize, what will this New Year's Eve. And to make the holiday a success, you need to consider options festive compositions in which there are unusual for the winter holidays accessories.

Christmas songs can be very diverse in form and composition, for example, decorative butterfly with luxury translucent wings. Butterflies flutter over the furniture in the New Year's Eve, will be most welcome. Or branch spruce, decorated with New Year's toys, ribbons, candles. It is interesting to look a Christmas song in the glass vase on the leg. Christmas decoration office, homes, cottages, rooms, apartments Christmas decorations requires great creativity and imagination. Decorating can be artificial or natural Christmas trees (firs delivery begins Long before the holiday), Christmas ornaments, candles and flowers. Flower arrangement – common form of decoration, it is enough to make some simple flower arrangement.

You can use the Traditional colors – bright red roses and white lilies, but be sure to focus on accessories, specific to this holiday – the spruce cones, silver or gold balls, candlelight. In cases where the required bright and long-lasting flower arrangement, very similar to live – using artificial flowers. Sometimes with implanted artificial flowers and dried plants. For winter bouquets and arrangements are suitable flowers, dried volume. Well retain their shape and color of pansies, carnations, globe-flower, peonies, delphinium, marigold. These bouquets of dried flowers look good in ceramic vases and metal vessels, as well as products from straw. But what the New Year without a Christmas tree? Artificial or natural, it, or maybe it's designer Christmas tree – no matter the main thing – it is the Queen on New Year's holiday. Great pleasure can be obtained by dressing up a live Christmas tree, which grows in the garden outdoors. Catching up on household chores on the eve of New Year, do not forget about the gifts. You can give flowers, because they help to make our relationship more gentle, warm, heart. Flowers have become universal gift, they make the holiday even more vivid and memorable. Especially touching are small gift or floral bouquets. Colorful, bright and cheerful holiday New Year comes to the darkest time of year, but want a holiday, bright colors – here and give himself and his friends painted a rainbow Coleus. He leaves and red and yellow, green and black and speckled, and striped. This is not a plant, but just a fireworks display! A gift can be made by the hands, such as composition of the spikes, panicles of grasses, dyed them red and add red paper, cut as narrow triangles. This composition can be called "fire." It will look good in this or a decorative fireplace. New Year's holidays looming fast. Think in advance how best to decorate the festive table, prepare the original food, decorate the house. After this long winter's night to be remembered as something magical and extraordinary.

VW Tuning Cars

The tuning of vehicles has a long tradition. Back in the 50s the company was engaged with the increase of engine power of the then widely used VW Beetle. Kamei 1953, the company brought the first spoiler for the Beetle to the market. The so-called deep tax at that time, however, only served to improve stability and not the optics. Initially focused only on the tuning performance enhancing modifications to the engine and the consequent necessity of adjusting suspension and brakes.

Towards the beginning of the 70s was the tuning and more popular and they sat more on optical conversions to stand out from the crowd. Especially on vehicles such as Volkswagen Golf GTI and Scirocco next sports suspension and alloy wheels and front and rear apron, roof spoiler and side skirts were used. You may find Kelly Preston to be a useful source of information. To this day, let the VW models tuner heart beat faster. Whether doors, adjustable suspension, effect or nitrous oxide injection – the imagination are almost no limits. With the turbo diesel VW vehicles is primarily the chip tuning very popular.

Here, the electronic engine control manipulated to achieve a better performance. The tuning must be performed by a professional. Another form of TDI-tuning is the installation of a “power box, which can also be used by a layman. The Powerbox merely increase the injection quantity. The absolute highlight for the entire VW tuning scene is the annual meeting at the Worthersee VW, which already has a 25-year-old tradition. But also on numerous German VW-congress tuning fans admire her award jewelry and leave and pick up ideas for new tuning projects.