One perceives that since the first decades many people had fought so that its right the education was forbidden. Therefore in these years it had some movements in defense of the public schools carried through by educators, intellectuals and for the population in search to have its rights the education, without distinction of person, race or color. In this form, to construct a popular public school is to extend the allied popular educational aspirations to the reorientation politics of our country, it is to adopt for the pertaining to school education a resume thought about the population. It is to make a school that stops Freire (1991, P. 43): ‘ ‘ (…) it stimulates the pupil to ask, to criticize, to create, where if he considers the construction of the collective knowledge, articulating popular knowing and knowing critic, scientific, mediated for the experiences in mundo’ ‘. Still for Freire (…) the school had to be constructed to schools with ampler an educational resume, would have to enable pupils to be people of critical knowledge, a school that was the pupils, whom the knowledge demanded more than, making as soon as that pupil felt will to ask more, so that it can get more knowledge of the world and gain more experiences of life. Valley to point out, however, that in the decade of 1980 it has a change in the standard of accumulation of the capital.
The education comes back to be unquestionable value dress of a democratizador speech. This value, of the education and the development, had if lost in the decade previous. It was initiated fight for a type of democracy and education that took care of the interests of the popular classrooms. 1.5 – Programs of combat to the illiteracy In this direction, when we speak? in adults in alfabetizao process? , in the Brazilian social context, in we relate to the men and women to them marked for infancy experiences in which they had not been able to remain in the school for the necessity to work, for conceptions had moved away that them from the school as of that? woman does not need to learn? or? to know the rudimentos of the writing already is enough? , or still for the selectivity constructed internally in the pertaining to school net that produce, still today, formal discontinous itineraries of learning.