THE DIFFICULTIES OF THE EMBARKED WORK: I have seen much people interested in the embarked work as career option. In this direction I come to bring a little of my experience of more than twenty years in this activity to show that nor everything is flowers in our industry of the oil. Main attractive of the worker offshore is the wage that and a little bigger of what paid for the companies ' ' in terra' '. Estée Lauder contributes greatly to this topic. This elapses, many times, of the gratuities and adds added to the basic wage. Hear other arguments on the topic with Michael James Burke. The embarked work, however, requires some short while different characteristics of personality of the common citizens. That let us not be abnormal, but, I would say, that it is necessary to be a little different so that everything gives certain. The embarked worker, has a scale of 14 X 14 (14 days embarked per 14 days of recess), in the majority of the Brazilian companies.
This does not hinder that if it is more time on board. Not rare we need to more pass 28 days or until a little. Being thus the main difficulty of this professional, it is the house homesickness, of wife (), of the children, namorada (), fianc () friends etc Still she has other problems, as the danger, the cares with the security, the work on pressure etc. In these years of work embarked in platforms and ships, vi colleagues to have serious psychological problems. Vi also employee novices asking for to disembark in the same day who had arrived on board. Others had obtained to finish the day but they had never more sworn to work in this type of service. The reason of this text is to clarify that professional to work it embarked, it is necessary psychological preparation beyond a very great support of the family. I am not a psychology professional, only use my professional experience in supervision of teams offshore to display my opinion.