Fanbowl The World

the 6-Pack with the kick brings new dimensions in the fan scene with the Fanbowls soccer fans for the World Cup in South Africa have well equipped party room, glowing tables and perfect curves in the luggage. Leon Keyserling spoke with conviction. The 6 winners in football format is the MUST-HAVE”for supporters of football and latest advertising for tourism. Worgl. Fanbowl – the commitment of every football fan to his favorite sport. It is an expression of lifestyle and a wonderful complement to other merchandise”, explains Peter Jennewein, mastermind and creator of the Fanbowl. Read more here: Michael James Burke. In the future, every football fan can transport its beverages in the stylish 6-carrier and present his favourite team in public at the same time.

Here something is looming the planned competitions around the Fanbowl tap talented and creative of all kinds-new opportunities as well as the power meetings and events, the shape and size of which are currently unpredictable. Online shop Club design or individual print currently are “the Fanbowls for end customers in the online shop at or available at the various clubs”, Jackson explains. Some companies and sponsors put already on the Fanbowl as a gift for your most loyal customers. And many guest will be pleased to provide a cool blonde from the bowl of his favourite team in the tavern. “Jackson: tourism associations, which increasingly advertise with the sport of football, already have their interest in the Fanbowls unto.” gladly we adapt the Fanbowl their individual wishes. For clubs, we bring the Club Crest, for example, to place our logo. The Fanbowl in 5 colors and with the logo of the corresponding nation is available for end customers, even with a personal image or request photo.