It disciplines it of Theory and Method in Geography is par excellence umadisciplina inigualvel that in it always is present to discussoda geography as science, since its epistemolgicos beddings (where if of the biggest emphasis the aspects theoretician-metodolgicos) prxis. thus enriching the reflections of the gegrafo as to be quecontribui for a qualitative change in the society, is because to nodizer in the world, since geographic science has vriassingularidades it differentiates that it of other sciences, such as, arelao Man X Nature, Man X Society, Society X Nature. Advent of the diverse relations present, the one construction enormearcabouo theoretician-metodolgico better to understand to esistematizar the knowledge was generated, and thus comes following geographic acincia since its systematization as science modernaat the current days. Are methodologies worked in the dicotmica perspective Physical entreGeografia and Geography Human being, the first one sufficiently marcadapelo knowledge gotten in gnese of naturalistic geographic science with osestudos on the landscape/nature with influence nascontribuies of the thinkers daily pay-socrticos and for the etapaadiante one with the General Theory of the Systems, such model influenced numanova metodolgica boarding in the study of physical geography, the theory doGeossistemas. Geography human being in turn initiates its studies in the perspectivada relation Man X Way, after that it inserts as guideline entendersociedade in relation to the space, alicerado for the o process de' ' marxificao' ' (that it invigorates in sciences human beings), then, critical ageografia if becomes a new optics for where estudargeografia, basing on the construction of the society it happens of umprocesso historical. Soon the method of the histricodialtico materialism if became reference in the cientificasgeogrficas productions. What it was always searched in this constructive process of the cinciageogrfica, was concretion of ways that can assist naobteno of the results in the studies in geography, this is given comomotivo for the constant evolution and history of the aspectosterico-metodolgicos.