
Fortunately these days in a greenhouse is not large deficit abundance, as was eleven years old – fifteen years ago. During these times the greenhouse had enough firmness to penetrate into the entire horticultural life, to become a major equipment nursing favorite summer crops. Equipped greenhouses are ideal land, where frequent change of weather, rain, cold and strong wind. Then, on how big the crop will be in the greenhouse is completely dependent only and only from you, nor phohaya weather, or local soil properties are not able to influence. But do not forget to buy a greenhouse today is simple, but watch her grow crops, and without preparation – is complex and difficult process. Greenhouse beds require special skills.

In order to facilitate their work in a greenhouse in the summer you need an automatic ventilation system and avtopoliva, even if it is the regular device, but you will quickly notice a lot of free time. Depending on the goals greenhouses are heated or unheated. Neprogrevaemye greenhouses freeze in winter, they have no heating, but natural sources, ie solar light. Unheated greenhouses are necessary for growing sprouts, tomato and other late and early vegetables. Heat the greenhouses can be without special equipment, a simple heater.

The main advantage of the warmed greenhouse – a constant temperature of 13 degrees. In fact, every old gardener when it was just a fan, always ask their suburban neighbors how to care for plants in the greenhouse. It is likely a long time leafing through a book on courtship of plants in greenhouses, and m, and only ten years later he was a true proffesionalom his case. Most likely every summer resident on this land ever lost out at the end of the harvest, when to place proper results turned out to be dried fruit or vegetables are bad … And probably why they are so versed in all the fast AGRICULTURAL fertilizers. It does not really talking about the bird manure on it all know it is a various alkalis and acids. Buying a greenhouse, remember that a good greenhouse should stoprotsentov withstand winter under the large canopy snow mass. Because sometimes the snow cover reaches 100ni pounds and if construction fragile, the building immediately selling and would not survive until spring.