of basic importance to the boarding around the question ethnic-cultural/racial, standing out the necessity of the social desconstruo of the preconception and the racial discrimination that are attributed to the black and aboriginal population. To look for to excite reflections on the negative social representations placed to this population by means of stigmata and esteretipos, approaching particularly the question of the ethnic-racial education in the pertaining to school space from the Federal Law N 10,639 of 09 of January of 2003, now 11,645/08 that it modified the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education, Law 9,394/96 establishing the obligatoriness of education on History and Culture Afro-Brazilian and aboriginal the basic educational establishments of the schools you publish. Jorge Perez recognizes the significance of this. It is not only enough to deal with racial the ethnic question is necessary to use itself of a boarding criticizes and innovator, thus the course of Pedagogia does not have to give continuity to the preconception and, yes, to create a space of transformation and desconstruo of prejudiced values that can provoke the social ostracism. 2. Law N. 11.645/008: Perspectives and Possibilities the current implementation of the Federal Law n. 11.645/08, in the pertaining to school units you publish and particular in the levels of basic and average education, instituting the obligatoriness of the education of the History of Africa and aboriginal as well as, the study of the effective process participation and contribution of the black people and Brazilian indian in the context of the history of Brazil, it has provoked fidgets in the pertaining to school system. Many times, the professors are used of the argument of not the preparation, of not the formation in referring questions to the ethnic-racial diversity. Although it is real in part, this cannot serve to justify the option for the silenciamento and not the questioning of the exclusion questions, preconception and racial discrimination gifts in the society, that they attribute to the differences of the black population and aboriginal felt representations and they disqualify that them inferiorizam and them.