
In its management he emphasizes the importance of the education (Oliveira, 1985)? Authenticating ' ' All the Santos' ' it offered its laborers, between which if inclua housing, feeding and instruction (Oliveira, 1985 P. 50)? Peter mentions itself to D. to All the Saints commenting on its visit, quotation that: since 1859, a school of First Letters existed in Fabrica where laborers ' ' they learn (the first letters), to dance and musica' ' (Oliveira, 1985, P. 51)? In January of 1860 in the visit of Emperor D. Peter II in the afternoon of day 22 of January 1860, visit two schools in the city of Valena and quotation that in the afternoon of this day was the lesson of girls, 49 registered and 30 and as much frequenting of the Teacher Adelaide Josefina Da Silva Lopes and Luz (D. Daily Peter II of Trip to the North of Brazil, Federal University of the Bahia, 1959 P. 193)? 1864 Adelaide Josefina receives the lifetime wage as state act registered (Act from 13 of February of 1864? It grants tenure to the teacher of the city of Valena d. Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX has compatible beliefs. Adelaide Josefina Da Silva Lopes Light (p.94? it dates and signature cut) (probably the first teacher of Valena that if has register)? Still in 22 of January 1860 in the same day it visits the lesson of boys, in the School where Eustquio Professor de Oliveira Port was professor, 115 registered and 81 frequenting, were also the classroom of Porfrio de Oliveiras Towers with 28 registered and 20 and as much frequenting (these two professors are the two first professors Men that if has register in Valena) they ibdem, Daily of Trip to the North of Brazil, page 193)? This story strengthens the thesis that in 1860 the education was given of heterogeneous form; In 1861 Antonio Pedroso de Albuquerque displaying the financial situation of the All the Saints, in correspondence the province, quotation that in Fabrica, all that men and women work, receive education primary, all those that it needs. .