
Dynamic or detailed inspection. At this stage, improve the results of general examination. Especially carefully to examine the alleged place of fire. Products of incomplete combustion, settling, covering all subjects layer of soot. Soot burns in areas with higher temperature (> 600 0C) and stored there, where the temperature was not high enough. The absence of soot, as a sign of the fire in the process of its development, is usually kept regardless of the consequences of fire, as the subsequent deposition on the charred areas or does not occur at all, due to the obstacles that the heat flux emitted by a heated surface, or there is a much lower density.

In all cases should be cleared of debris, and carefully examined the floor cabin and luggage compartment car. Particular attention should be paid to inspection of wiring and electrical equipment in the engine compartment and cabin, including the battery. In the study, on-site fire the following tasks: selection of conductors is carried out with the melting characteristic of their formation under the influence of an electric arc tested for tripping fuses fuses, removed fragments shell interior, the luggage compartment, soil samples around the car to investigate the presence of traces of combustion intensifiers; removed other, important to investigate the incident, evidence. Final inspection. At this stage removed, described and packaged discovered evidence, a protocol inspection of the site, plans, schemes seizure of evidence. In Currently, there is a problem in photo-video-commit the crime scene, associated with the burned car.