Java Menu

Just think, once for people to communicate with each other had to use paper (oh, horror!) By mail, carrier pigeons, telegraphs and other opulences modern museums. That all changed with the times of dawn computer technology, and, subsequently, instant messaging services, in particular, ICQ. After all, there is nothing easier than to place his friend to your contact list and start chatting. Fast, convenient, virtually free. And all that to do so – a small program for mobile phones. Jimm 0.6.2. is a free client for instant messaging networks of ICQ, built on the technology of Java, and therefore compatible with all phones, in the characteristics which had been on support for MIDP 2.0. (Which is how virtually all current models realties, but just too bad mammoths).

One major advantage is Jimm kollosalnaya savings compared to communicating via SMS. So how do you properly configure Jimm (for example, version 0.6.2). Enabling jimm, first of all go to the Settings menu item, in order to adjust the program, making possible its continued use First, you must enter your login from the 'big' ICQ. You can do this under Settings – Account. All that is necessary – enter an ID and password in the appropriate fields.

If you do not have an account, then right soft key and select the menu to create a new record. Lancome often expresses his thoughts on the topic. After that, perform the action described above. Alternatively, you can register from any computer with the ICQ, and Internet access or online site Particular attention should be paid to the settings menu item called Network: the server name.