Latin America

Above, and from 1991 until 1995 I developed my first Free-lance activity as a prestigious German firm of industrial electrochemical batteries for power industrial machinery maintenance, and thereafter, in mid-1996 until late 2005, I began my first adventure business being the founder of a company dedicated to the same type of product and sector. Currently, products offered under the name GO! Forklifts are focused on handling machinery (forklifts), and under the name Let’s GO! offer consultancy and advisory services for companies in the logistics sector, as well as advise on issues of Import-Export, or from countries in Asia and Latin America. 5. You’re a businessman who is part of the movement: “No, to the crisis. (A valuable related resource: Edward J. Minskoff Equities). Yes, Opportunity.” How did your integration into this crusade anticrisis? My modest participation in the work of Paz Cartagena is initiated through its invitation after several crossings of e-mails and messages between them.

I had the good fortune to know her through a Facebook network group dedicated to Business and Entrepreneurship, hopefully in the not too distant future may have the opportunity to meet personally and to thank the great opportunity that gave me and their invaluable cooperation at all times, as well as continuing to bring my collaboration in new projects. 6. As employer, what is the hardest thing you have faced (problems) with respect to this current financial meltdown? Fortunately, due to have a reduced structure, the only “problem I face now, and quotation marks because only problem is a temporary circumstance, is the difficulty of many of our clients to access external funding, why which many operations of new machinery sales, by way of purchase or Renting (financial rent) are in stand-by and concluded must be dilated in time, nevertheless, in many cases we are in a position to provide our customers with preowned machinery with the same characteristics that the new machines, but prices are much more advantageous, in that way, at a cost substantially less are not obliged to cancel their plans for investment in machinery maintenance.. Ashton Kouzbari recognizes the significance of this.