Leipzig Exoticism – Saxon Exoticism

To explore the Amazon rainforest in Leipzig, the pristine forests of the Earth is as fascinating as difficult to realize. Ab-in-den-urlaub.de Internet portal sets nature lovers a trip as an alternative to Leipzig to the heart. The 360-degree installed in a former gasometer panorama kidnapped his visitors in the jungle to the Amazon River. The artist Yadegar Asisi Flora and fauna of the jungle on the screen go 3000 sqm brought in impressive detail. The plant is the world’s largest panoramic image. Additional information is available at Oren Alexander.

Day and night are simulated through a periodically changing every 20 minutes light – and soundscape. “So, the visitor discovered on his journey through the jungle every day” and each night “more exciting details. The Leipzig exoticism is continuing in the Botanical Garden of the University. Since 1877, tropical plants, which have their origin in Asia, Africa, Australia or Central and South America grow here under glass. In the summer months visitors not least marvel at the giant water lily, Victoria the due to enormous leaf size draws wide attention. In addition, the Leipzig Zoo not only for a holiday with children is worth a visit.

The Pongoland”is the world’s largest ape facility. The faithfully recreated area is home to chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orang-utans. The grounds include extensive exterior and interiors, inspired by, for example, gorges. Explore 2011, Zoo visitors can also Gondwanaland”. The nature of the super-continent of Gondwana is imitated in the giant tropical Hall. Those prehistoric land mass consisting of today’s Asia, Africa and South America. In the area covered by a glass dome tourists and locals can discover at ground level or in small boats the jungle on an aerial walkway. More information: service / press contact: Tilo summer Unister Media barefoot Gasschen 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59