Men And Education

Study shows strict evaluation of images of children by fathers Nuremberg, June 22, 2011, no matter whether at home or in school, anywhere in Germany painting children and have fun doing it, to create a work of art. Almost one in five of the surveyed fathers confirmed however that he improved the images of his child or gives suggestions for the embellishment. However, only about every tenth woman rated their child’s work. This is the result of a representative survey conducted by TNS infratest on behalf of STAEDTLER. Painting should be estimated but as a process and not rated as well as the result, child therapist Dr. Miriam Bachmann explains. Because the created work fills children with pride you can keep your product in hands and share it with others.

Shows a detailed observation of the results of the study: three quarters of all respondents parents say their honest opinion to the painted image of the child. Almost 12 percent of the parents go even one step further and show better how. It is the 19.9 percent Men who enhance the artwork. Children should grow up but with minimal pressure and painting give free rein to their creativity and fun. Children are experiencing being self-determined, acting through the full process of creation and action. “It is therefore important not to evaluate images and other artistic works in the sense of judge but they appreciate”, Dr. Miriam Bachmann confirmed. In particular painting supports numerous positive qualities within the education and development of children.

The three key aspects, promoted by painting are assessment of surveyed parents of creativity and imagination (99.6 percent), motor (98.3 per cent) and concentration (95.7 percent). “This underlines also Dr. Miriam Bachmann: painting will promote not only coarse and fine motor skills, but also abstract logical and creative thinking, as well as the visual perception.” Due to this painting which should at an early stage in everyday life Children are integrated and supported by the parents.