Moscow Ring Road

And do not forget how rapidly developing segment of the warehouse. If in 2004 the market quality office space was not observed just a shortage, and literally vacuum, then three years later the proposal to increase an order of magnitude, increased quality, scope and scale of projects. Last year, experts noted quite noticeable fluctuations in rental rates, however, despite the appearance of vacant space in the upscale warehouse complex (the situation a year ago simply unthinkable!), lower prices still has not happened. To some extent this is the result of growth in construction costs, but the gradual saturation of demand will inevitably lead to the fact that the profitability of the projects will be somewhat lower. Another promising market suburbs, the growth rate is already significantly higher than those for the capital – commercial and shopping centers. In 2008, the Moscow region is expected commissioning of a record amount of new quality office space, predicts astera oncour Moscow. As noted by Irina Kirsanov, Head of Department marketing and consulting of the company, development of a segment of commercial real estate near Moscow took place in several stages.

First, the active construction was going on outside the Moscow Ring Road, and it was a set of regional scale, which are mostly visited by residents of the capital. At the second stage of developers and investors interested in projects of shopping centers and malls in satellite towns, and now are gradually removed further and further from Moscow, to the borders area. However, this process is still in the beginning. The main building while still being within 10 km from Moscow (31 objects). Almost the same number of complexes (26), but much smaller area is located within a radius of 10-30 km from Moscow. In third place – the city, away from Moscow by 60-100 km (20 objects). Least of all to provide quality retail space so-called middle belt region (30-60 km from Moscow) – a total of six objects. Theme the final session of a forum on investment opportunities, real estate market of Moscow region, has a mortgage – and not without reason.

Profitability of the projects is directly dependent on demand from the buyer, one of the incentives for which advocates the availability of credit for purchase of apartments in urban suburbs and country houses. As reported by Irina , ceo of Group companies "Laurel" and vice-president of the International Mortgage Club (MIC), in Russia today operates nearly 1200 credit institutions, more than half of them located in the Central Federal District. Behind him a wide margin followed by the Volga and Southern districts. At the same time leader in the number of loans per capita is not Moscow, and Kirov, Russia, Kemerovo, Orenburg and Samara region, as well as the Republic of Bashkortostan, where up to 50% of transactions on sale of real estate commit to using a mortgage. Perhaps the main reason is that housing prices in these regions are several times lower than in the suburbs. Nevertheless, experts believe that the future of the real estate market in Moscow and in other regions associated with the development of the mortgage. Even in the suburban sector, more recently, attention deprived of credit institutions in the capital and the region now employs over 40 banks, offering customers over 200 programs.