Remember El Salvador Dali

Since the oration at the wedding and the final phrase, "You are now husband and wife" was 15-years old. The sheer number of teens said your family. That is, the border crossed infancy you have learned and even serious tone, but mature age have not yet reached. This means that you are waiting in front of another undiscovered and unexplored pages of the Family Code. Having left school early family relationships and having learned the duties of the "husband" and "wife" as multiplication table, it is time to move on to a serious practice, where there should be no "absences during the night" and "compensatory time off for valid reason." Not for nothing that the people of the 15 Th of marriage called Glass and Crystal wedding. The couple made in my life is very fragile moment, like glass, and at the same time clear and beautiful. On the day of the wedding Glass special emphasis on the gifts of glass or crystal.

So, before you go to the gift of guests, I want to draw attention to the gifts, "Husband-groom" to "Wife-bride", because that is the name of the spouses on their wedding day, even with the fifteen-year experience. How do I choose a favorite gift? Before you run to the store, need to think a bit. If the wedding is "crystal-glass", then it is desirable gift of this material. Creativity is in every person, their appearance is very noticeable in children. If you have not yet forgotten, tune in to work, but if you forgot, it's time to remember: a gift made by your own hands, is more valuable than purchased, as well as a "unique and unrepeatable." Remember El Salvador Dali, who painted his wife in different variations, and eventually his work became known throughout the world.