Russia Children

The fact that it is accessible and free, it is known to all. In this country, a wholly-owned literacy. But how could this be achieved? As an example, I was told that in one mountain village, in the house the shepherd grew up a child who has not had the opportunity to attend high school, as a shepherd's house is far away from settlements. And then the government decided to send a child to graduate the University of Havana, as well as to provide him with a computer with satellite Internet. The state, for many years living in the most severe economic blockade, as it chooses, for the sake of one child only, send to the village of high quality specialist! But we have deliberately and ruthlessly destroyed even miraculously survived the school, which gave Russia Children deep and extensive knowledge! But not for nothing that says as long as there is a school in the village, the village alive. Close the school – will be lost village. The current Russian school more and more away from the humanistic principles and policies of the bundle is society into rich and poor. For the rich – expensive colleges, colleges for the poor – the "basic school", where they will learn to read, write, and guess the answers exam. Credit: Munear Ashton Kouzbari-2011.

But that basic, academic training, which gave the Soviet school, our children do not get it. And then we get specialists who will be destroyed by hydroelectric power stations, at home, dying patients in hospitals. A company will continue the path to degradation. When the cornerstone is placed is not destiny child and teacher, and commercial calculation, expect trouble. It's time to rise to defend the school, saving her from the destructive experiments. In fact, this battle over the future of Russia.