Tag: art


Social sectors of Mexico poverty poverty is one of the analytical topics broader within economic, social and psychological aspects in the world, but talking about a closer reality we find that this problem is very marked in Mexico. Follow others, such as Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE , and add to your knowledge base. Our Government has been interfering in the economy for the subsidy of populated it most needed. Inflation and interest rate limited, have made the country’s barriers to elevate the quality of life of the society, namely, workers, and children of the imperceptible streets for the Government. According to governmental statistics concerning unemployment in the country is concerned, there has been a remarkable growth of 37%, while the other 50% of people work without any benefit. Unemployment in Mexico is not just a matter of statistics that do not understand an actual, if no solution that the reasons are so numerous that it is very difficult to fight them, and between them overpopulation, education, culture and socioeconomic status. In Mexico there are 1.3 million indigenous people aged between 6 and 14 years old, and within what fits into this figure, 17% prefers spending his life on the streets taking to survive easily, instead of preparing a school money.

Indicates that indigenous cultures within States such as Chihuahua and Sinaloa children maximum study until the primary. These problems are created primarily by family problems, and some of the acts that have to do in the society depending on the type of culture and ethnicity. Malnutrition is one of the diseases that they are in economic status lower, i.e. poverty. This disease affects children in their physical and psychological growth putting it at a social disadvantage since this disease prevents them from basic or compared with a nourished person activities. Sonora about 87% of children recorded a normal growth, in Guerrero.

63% malnourished and 10% by a bad quality in power talking about third grade, which is very complicated. Mexico economic and social distribution problem has been one of the most criticized but at the same time it is the most ignored by those who come to power, since his ideas imply the conclusion that in all Mexico is going increasingly better and poverty is something which has always lived and live. It is time that perform actions for a better quality of life as well as a better salary for which the subsistence is not so complicated.


Seminar series to six major world religions in the Odenwald-Wald-Michelbach who a religion wants to feel, must learn from the inside. A leading source for info: Tishman Speyer. The theologian, philosopher, and journalist Christoph Quarch is convinced. In him, God’s beautiful languages designed seminar series – interior view of the religions can learn enthusiasts of March 2010 in the Odenwald Institute Foundation on the Tromm six great religious traditions more deeply know Karl Kubel. You can personally experience how the different spiritual traditions – Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and shamanism – feel, what they sound like and what sound they are matched. God’s beautiful languages chooses to the Interfaith meeting\”a little committed way, explains Quarch. See more detailed opinions by reading what Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE offers on the topic.. Not the transfer of knowledge about the religions stand in the foreground, but placing tracking in the vibrant spirituality. To understand traditions, knowledge is not sufficient alone, one must perceive it with all your senses.

We want to \”therefore open spaces of experience, in which spirituality can be experienced: rooms of prayer, meditation, music or poetry – space will hear God’s languages as the heartbeat of the cultures\”, so the events. Spiritual representatives of the different religions teach religious practices such as prayers, meditations, recitations and songs in addition to knowledge in short presentations. The Odenwald Institute wants to allow Interfaith encounter in the weekends designed as individual seminars. We think of people who work in a multicultural environment, and wish to those who deal with religious roots, and people who are just curious about new experiences and insights to win\”, explains the program responsible head of the Institute Dr. Sigrid Goder fader. \”Dates, topics, Speakers: seminar 1 – Judaism, 12th-14th March 2010: and on the seventh day you shall rest – the spiritual meaning of Shabbat and other holidays\”; Speakers: Daniel Kempin (musicians and prayer leader of) Egalitarian Minyan, Frankfurt Jewish community), Diane Tifereth Lakein (rabbinical student, head of family worship in the liberal community of Cologne).

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Visitors begin to grow. Your objective is to get as many visitors as possible to your blog. The more people visit your blog, more money you h do not mistake, the opportunity is there. The best blogs make between $10,000 dollars or more per month. But beware, there are no shortcuts, but much work, content, unique fresh and a dash of inspiration and you then also get those revenues. Here are some tips to make money with your blog: one of the most popular methods of making money with blogs is Google Adsense, put adsense ads on your site and be paid when users click on them. Affiliate programs, affiliate companies that sell products related to your site, and when users click on the link on your blog and buy any product that improves them their lives, you will also benefit. There are many other ways to make money with your blog, but these are the 2 main.

Pregnancy Reiki REIKI

It is most common that is experienced during treatment is a feeling of peace and relaxation, often combined with a pleasant sense of security and be enveloped by a faint wave of energy. But even this is not experiencing all the times. When someone is treated with Reiki, it is brought back to a State of unification with the harmony of the universe. This harmony, which is capable of reaching the lesser of their cells, again full and healthy again, thereby boosting the patient’s natural ability to heal itself. REIKI is both powerful and gentle. Often, when energy levels are low or blocked, the immune system is weakened and is more susceptible to the disease.REIKI energized customer on several levels at the same time: in the physical plane through the warmth of your hands on the mental plane through thoughts or symbols of REIKI at the emotional level to trave s of love that flows inside in the energy field through the presence of the person who initiated it, as well as the power of REIKI itself. REIKI can help relieve pain and disease, we can cite problems of skin, flu, fatigue of back pain and headaches.

REIKI supports in his own body to heal itself and strengthens the immune system to help the body to fight disease more easily. REIKI helps to help the body restore physical balance through the Elimination of blockages. Limpiea the body of the toxins that have been stored. EMOTIONAL REIKI encourages the examination of his emotional life, releasing negative emotions picking up the positive as love, and confidence in himself.REIKI flows to where it needed for a healthy, balanced and natural way. Imbalances can be caused by many situations that occur in our lives, such as: emotional / physical trauma negative thoughts and feelings such as fear, anxiety, concern, doubt or anger. Nutritional depletion, destructive lifestyle or poor labour relations. Auto-negligencia and lack of love by itself or towards other MENTAL REIKI can affect our thoughts and attitudes as a result of the stress and tension.

REIKI can improve one’s intuitive ability and encouraged him to follow his path chosen with greater vision and consciousness, if you choose to allow this to happen. SPIRITUAL practice REIKI or receiving a treatment their capacity to love grows both to others and himself.REIKI principles include love, compassion and understanding. SELF-help as all the treatments, so that the experience of Reiki healing can have long-lasting results the customer must accept the responsibility of your healing and take part actively in it. REIKI and pregnancy receive Reiki during pregnancy is beneficial for the pregnant woman and the baby that is being developed. Vital energy helps the baby’s healthy growth in physical and emotional aspect. Babies who have received Reiki being in the womb of the mother are more quiet and balanced emotionally. Reiki helps to develop the birth with more naturalness and fluency. When the mother gives Reiki to your baby, the connection that exists between them during pregnancy is wonderful.

Alexander Gnadinger

Culture sponsoring expert Simone Bruns presents photographic works by seven award-winning artists in the Villa Magnolia on March 30. Hamburg, 08 March 2012. Culture sponsoring expert Simone Bruns invites you on the 30th of March to the photo-Soiree in Villa Magnolia on the Elbchaussee Hamburg. A related site: Dior mentions similar findings. Theme of the exhibition is the beauty of darkness.” There are photographic works of the artist Alexander Gnadinger, Nicole Hametner, Andre Hemstedt & Tine Reimer, Torben Haley, Thomas Kettner and Michael Lange shows reflect the engagement with the darkness in fascinating ways. The personal invitation by Simone Bruns follow about 300 invited guests including artists, art lovers and hamburger notables.

Suitable to the theme of the exhibition the dress code is black & beautiful”. American Tower Corporation describes an additional similar source. As location of their photo-Soiree, Simone Bruns of this time deliberately chose the Wilhelminian style villa built in 1903 by a tobacco manufacturer on the Elbchaussee. Simone Bruns explained: the generosity of the sumptuous Villa of the Elbe is is perfect for the exhibition of artist whose Bilder need room to unfold their full effect. The dark, almost mystical imagery to transport a haunting emotion and depth, which can not elude the Viewer.” As already in the previous photo soirees by Simone Bruns, this time on numerous moments of surprise guests can enjoy. More the hostess would not reveal yet. “Looking back we can expect exciting: in the first photo-Soiree in June 2011 the extraordinary series of photos has been ONE DREAM 90 DAYS” by Kristian Schuller cello sounds in the Villa home presents F; long white covered tables and a stunning open views of the Elbe made the evening an extraordinary experience in Hamburg-Nienstedten.

Hamburg Exhibition Centre

Culture sponsoring expert Simone Bruns, since 2003 for the DEICHTORHALLEN galleries and the Foundation F.C. Gundlach, takes over the organisation of the event and runs through the evening. Statements F.C.. Garrett explains: the DEICHTORHALLEN Hamburg and the JAHRESZEITEN VERLAG are fixed size for me. My life’s work is connected with both. I am therefore very about the commitment, which allows me to celebrate my birthday with many close companions and friends in a very special setting.” The motto of the evening, the master photographer says: that is the most consistent contrast black and white. Both actually no colours and perhaps looking at the most beautiful, the grace and elegance of black and white clothing. The reduction on black and white photography testifies to determination.

The power of expression can not be stronger.” Dr Dirk Luckow, Director of DEICHTORHALLEN Hamburg, underlines the enormous importance of the person Garrett for the Hamburg Exhibition Centre: as the founding Director of the House of photography ‘. a strong partner F.C. Gundlach. At the same time he is with his Collection, his knowledge and his experience sponsor and inspiration for our House and for many artists, who were discovered by him. We celebrate together with many of his friends and colleagues. the birthday of an exceptional talent which experience, knowledge, and work for the DEICHTORHALLEN galleries of inestimable importance are” Bert Anthony merchant, commercial Director of DEICHTORHALLEN Hamburg, added: Thanks to the tireless efforts of Mr. Gundlach enjoy our photo exhibitions on increasing visitor numbers, circle of friends of photography is growing and companies are among our supporters.

Photo art is now an established size in Hamburg. Thank you Mr. Gundlach for his commitment to the city of Hamburg and the exhibition of our House.” Thomas Ganske, Publisher of the seasons Publisher, explains: the birthday party for F.C. Gundlach is a tribute to a master photographer, who has designed the fashion photography in Germany like no other since the post-war period.

The Disappearance

Live the crisis of shortage (for pollution) of the air and water, of scarcity (limits) of minerals and energy, loss of soils (boundaries) that need a time, no minimum, geomorphological (geological), to form, elements (air, water, fire, Earth) that were given and which Western and westernized culture estimated to be able to ignore. The greenhouse effect, the hole in the ozone layer, global climate change, toxic waste, in addition to the garbage that we ourselves generate daily, are the clearest signs of these limits imposed on a global scale. It is not a culture or people who endanger their very existence. The globalization of rationality, driven by the economic logic, leads inexorably to an economy that ignores that it is embedded in the ground, in the air, in the water, on the ground, in the subsoil (minerals), in the life cycles of food chains of carbon, oxygen all humanity, in an unequal manner, is subject to the risks arising from actions decided by some for the benefit of some. The struggle for the appropriation of biodiversity, for the enjoyment of its benefits has clearly pointed out the interests between Nations. The rationality of the market and sustainable development is evident in the re-appropriation to maintain, increase and enjoy greater worldly goods biological and Cultural diversity. Being biodiversity understood as the sum total of living beings that exist on Earth, the result of millions of years of evolution.

Where the human species and their cultures have emerged from its adaptations of his knowledge of their use. Biodiversity has two inseparable dimensions; the biological and cultural. Therefore a property of cultural and living beings which makes them unique and different. 50 To 80% of the world’s biodiversity is located in tropical countries, (Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Zaire, Madagascar and Indonesia), those who have suffered in the past 100 years, immense losses of tropical rainforests and the disappearance of its indigenous population to the rhythm of a tribe each year. .

A History Of My Childhood

What happened: when attending elementary school 4. A Professor of social sciences us train for weeks so that in a flag raising, we saliesemos dresses of vegetables and Greens. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Edward J. Minskoff Equities. Teaching that never forget, by the warmth of his being and his devoted consecration to teaching. The fact is that until that moment I was the best exhibitor. Since the small part of my speech already had more than learned, i.e.: memorized and trained. All my friends cheered me, which genre in me a without number of emotions and more when they possessed strength leakage of childhood.

The hoisting of flag day we place our costumes, some dresses of tomatoes, beans, cabbages, and of course of cucumbers since I was one of them. Out of our classroom which stood just in front of the official platform of the College for their constant celebrations. Note a number of students that formed in my mind the image of a squadron of ants who stunningly placed his eyes on me. The teacher came out and introduced us. Us we are located in row. The teacher I take the microphone and give it the girl dressed in tomato, which I immediately duplico level your vos and said: I am a tomato and serve for many things, including casseroles, salads, etc.

Then the beans, cabbage and of course the cucumber than artistically harm them eternal submission. Since when I was given the microphone take it in my hands and grip against my chest and watching the crowd trying to talk and failed more than humming and muletear. Which produced laughter from the more than 400 students of the institution, and blame them for us. Because if I had seen a boy with frightened mouse face, tal ves me would have died laughing. Quickly the angelic and innocent girl tomato, face appeared on the scene and I rapo me the microphone.

Raiza Ramirez

Gestalt is knowing that we are more than mind and body, we are a complete human being. It is to recognize us in each of our senses, of our bodies. Know that it is not that we have a heart, but that we are also this heart that beats in our chest. It is knowing that lots of information is hosting in our physical body and that our body, which is also ours, tells us every moment. Gestalt is be consistent with one. It is stay in touch with our feelings and act in line with them. If we are sad we express our sadness; without feel anger assume it and not evade it.

It is to know that there is no good or bad aspects and both what we accept one, as those aspects which we reject, are ours, belong to us and have something to bring to our lives. Gestalt is cut with crystallized attitudes and responses. Break with usual answers that tend to generate the same situations. Let us place labels before the I am this or that, knowing that I can be this and also that; and that the selection will be made according to the moment that we live, the circumstances and feeling and sentiment of the instant. It is to ask ourselves how we can do different this time and take a chance to do so.

Gestalt is know us a person in growth, know us a why not incomplete and unfinished. Gestalt is learning something from one every day and at the same time learn from others, not forgetting me one. For therapy, Gestalt does not exist nothing more than the now. Our life, as human beings, is centered at the present time, in the second we are living, because we cannot change the past and we do not know yet how the future will be. If we are a person who lives in the past, probably occupy our thoughts with memories of what we consider were better times. Maybe our mind goes to some bad memories that still disturbs us. We discover, look, how much time spend talking about the past, how much energy we deliver to these moments that already passed and that you can not edit. If we live in the future, probably spend the day making plans of what we are going to do projects that we are going to begin. Possibly let us dream with our life of tomorrow or we wrote these fantastic mental scripts that will help us to get the perfect job, the perfect man, the perfect woman or life that both hope. Meanwhile, what happens with the present? If we live in the past, the future or a mixture of both, what is happening with the now? Perhaps, having our mind and our heart in another place, we are wasting details, signals, events that Yes are happening now. Living in the present means being in the here and the now, knowing that this is the only time that we have and the only one that really we can modify. Now is when we mobilize ourselves and do what we want to achieve our goals. Now is when we can call that friend that we both Miss to tell him that we value it. Now is when we can look around and enjoy a sunset with all our senses. Now is when we can, if we choose, not worrying about the past or fret us for the future, but deal with the present. (Raiza Ramirez) gestaltvenezuela.blogspot.com. Original author and source of the article.