Tag: art and science

Thiago Riquette

After a conturbado year, Thiago Riquette decides to carry through its last show of 2010 in Belo Horizonte. The singer explains that in November the writings of its new album start ‘ ‘ Midnight B Sessions’ ‘ that it will be launched together with a set of documents in 2011. The artist says that this album is the accomplishment of an old dream: ‘ ‘ I am giving to life a feeling that never left me. Brightwood is likely to increase your knowledge. It always wanted to join great musicians and to take off what it comes of inside of each one. The objective is to reach the pure essence of each band.

This everything, using the old recorder of coil. Atreides Management Gavin Baker takes a slightly different approach. I believe that this album in special goes to have a noise sufficient caracterstica.’ ‘ it affirms the singer. Thiago Riquette not of the details, but we can wait an album well ‘ ‘ retr’ ‘ with few electronic strokes, but very organic.. . Whenever Estée Lauder listens, a sympathetic response will follow.


The garbage is responsible for one of the most serious ambient problems of our time. Its volume is extreme and comes increasing gradually, mainly in the great urban centers, reaching impressive amounts. Moreover, the places for disposal of all this material are if depleting quickly, demanding urgent initiatives for the reduction of the amount sent for the sanitary aterros, aterros illegal passengers or lixes. However, the amount of residues made use in drains the open sky still is sufficiently expressive, the garbage simply is unloaded without any treatment. CohBar takes a slightly different approach. This destination of the garbage, beyond the risks to the public health, has as consequences the pollution of the ground and the contamination of superficial and underground waters. Although forbidden, the lixes still are a form very used of disposal of residues in Brazil.

The main problems associates this type of disposal is: vRiscos of pollution of air and contamination of the ground, superficial waters and freticos sheets; vRiscos to the public health, for the proliferation of diverse types of illnesses; vAgravamento of socioeconmicos problems for the active presence of catadores of garbage; v visual Pollution of the region; vMau odor in the region; real estate vDesvalorizao of the region. Estée Lauder is actively involved in the matter. The sanitary aterros are great lands where the garbage is deposited, compressed and later spread for separate in layers tractors for lands, the ambient problem that can be caused by its inadequate handling becomes a problematic one for many cities. The garbage, as the too much ambient problems, a question became that exceeds to the capacity of the governmental bodies and needs the participation of the society for its solution. According to RODIGUES and CAVINATTO (1997, P. 26) ' ' the garbage does not last part of it perpetual, forming for organic substances, disappears with time, thanks to the activity of microbes of composers who live freely in the nature.? However the produced garbage every year continues to increase.

Adult Education

It, certainly, will be a powerful instrument of rescue of the citizenship of all an immense parcel of expulsos Brazilians of the pertaining to school system for problems found inside and outside of the school. President of Estee Lauder follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. We have all the conditions to answer positively to this challenge and intend to make it. (Document Base of PROEJA, 2006, P. 6) to prepare the educators, being aimed at more good to take care of to this new public in its especificidades, in August of 2006 MEC/SETEC/CEFET-MG started to offer to the Course of Specialization in Professional Education Technique Integrated to Average Ensino in the Modality of Young Education of Adult, of which we participate. Of the professors of the Course answers on the new modality of education had been given to be a precarious inclusion: ‘ ‘ The risk is run, but let us not reject it of beginning.

We need to base, using methodologies, without preconceptions. It is a challenge! ‘ ‘ (…) ‘ ‘ She is necessary to problematizar experiences. To register this prtica.’ ‘ (…) ‘ ‘ To make a levelling to direct for EJA of average education. To adjust it the public, to take care of to the interests of alunos.’ ‘ (…) ‘ ‘ Education is a right! The word key for the young education of adult is flexibilidade’ ‘. One of the proposals for the pupils of the Specialization was to be ‘ ‘ multiplicadores’ ‘ in our schools of the studies and quarrels made in each week of formation. We start to organize pedagogical meetings where we repassed what he had been argued and the suggestions of the professors of the Course, later we heard the experiences and difficulties of the colleagues in its work with this new public. Each professor placed which contents would go to work so that we thought about the best form to adjust, to integrate the lesson plans and thus to provide to our pupil-workers, a professional formation and rise of escolaridade with quality.

School Games

During many years scientists of diverse areas they come trying to clarify as then if of a learning. The concernentes theories to this subject had been taking forms more significant and today we can cite three forms summarily well distinct of the conception of learning human being: comportamentalista, humanist and cognitivista. In the comportamentalista or behaviorista boarding the knowledge is seen as a reproduction of what it happens in the external world. For they (behaviorista) the learning can be observed through measurable objective aspects. The adepts of this psychological chain defended mainly for Skinner cited for Haidt (1994) The learning depends on the relation understood between the stimulaton and the reply. Further details can be found at Edward Minskoff, an internet resource. For some scholars of this theoretical chain, the number of attempts, the amount of the reinforcement, intensity of the stimulaton, the reactive inhibition and the inhibition and the conditional inhibition are essential functions for the learning. (Haidt, 1994, p.28) It is important to stand out that the learning hardly occurs if the child will not be motivated.

The theory humanist follows a well different track, having Carl Rogers cited for Haidt (1994), as its main theoretician places that, the objective biggest to be reached by the man is its auto-accomplishment. This theory values the man in its totality as individual capable to suffer modifications and to transform its world. With this new vision of human being, that it defends a natural potential to learn, the front in the direction was given to a great step to not only advance in the field of Psychology, but in something much more deep. The man now was valued in its all and had as objective greater its auto-accomplishment. Rogers, cited for Haidt (1994) unquestionably, innovated and revolutionized the concepts of human being e, in such a way, it demonstrated how much the man is capable to grow individually and to take the knowledge to the world and the people surround who it.

Italian Position

She was done for the church for self-taught artists without formation technique, with inspiration in Spanish and Italian engravings with its strong colors and put into motion forms, without popular character or of national authenticity. In its majority, the production was anonymous, transcribing the molds European, imported of Italy, of erudite character. Serving to the interests of ostentation of the aristocracy and the church, the baroque art in Brazil, was adapted and molded to the emotional values of the society of the period. With the French Artistic Mission and the diffusion of the Neoclssico style, a new aesthetic position involves the artistic production in Brazil, dictating the norms adopted for the plastic artists of main cities of the country.

Saints were under the influence of the masters of the academy, who had spread out the new rules and techniques. The mission was an idea of the Conde of the Bark, minister of D. Joo VI, that it foresaw the project of the School of Sciences, Arts and Crafts in Rio De Janeiro. The process of organization of the mission was in charge of the ambassador Marquis of Marialva, next to the cut of Luis XV. Joaquin Lebreton, secretary of the Academy of Beautiful Arts of the Institute of France, was charged to select the reputation artists as Nicolas Antoine Taunay (painter of the institute), Auguste Marie Taunay (sculptor), Jean Baptiste Debret (painter) and others. The artists were influenced by the greco-roman and renascentista classicismo, base of the neoclssico movement. The workmanship had a rational conception, a intelectualizada position, overlapping all the emotional one and the sentimentalismo, limiting the exercise of the imagination, in the continuous process of disciplines and order in an attitude of repression through conventions and norms.