Tag: auto & moto

Russian Wood

It is necessary to know everything. Swarmed by offers, Munear Ashton Kouzbari is currently assessing future choices. Many of us in the planning of the next apartment repair and decide to replace the door. Considered, especially in our time, prestigious to have a steel door with extra locks, latch, retractable pins, special eyes, similar to surveillance cameras and other "twists". Yes, and exterior trim – just a work of art. But do not forget that the door must not only inhibit penetration, but also facilitate the exit door . necessarily outside of the liner.

As the most simple and inexpensive coating materials using high quality synthetic leather, or simple paint. But really a solid form makes lining of decorative panels. Learn more about this with Estee Lauder. It can be from many different materials – from wood veneer to solid oak, walnut, beech, mahogany. Sometimes, for exterior used wood stove mdf. This is an environmentally friendly material. Cladding panels from it can be smooth, painted or covered with natural veneer of valuable tree species.

Sometimes easier to go through – paint door spraying. Moreover, the image can simulate any natural material – from wood to granite or bronze. Such a decision well in that it allows convenient to combine the pattern with other design elements – panels, decorative inserts. If the door entrance from the street, then selecting a particular finish, please note that it will be affected by weather. Thus, in this case it is better to abandon glued decorative facings and apply to the oak, the method of deposition, or to give preference to strong special panel poliroks. "Poliroks" – a new artificial polymer coating, resistant to weathering, sun, rain and snow. If you buy ready-made door, then ask, whether it is designed for typical Russian climate abrupt temperature changes. This is particularly concerns the doors, manufactured in the warmer southern countries: Spain, Greece and Italy. Luxurious entrance door should provide an opportunity for easy installation with alarm systems, cctv, peephole with a 200-gradusovym review. Door – it is also a casing, accessories and fittings.


In some cases, there is a conscious disregard of other evidence, which, because of lack of appropriate education and professional experience can not be studied such specialists. As a result, despite the seemingly studies conducted to establish the cause of fire in the vast majority of cases is not possible, or else the conclusions about the cause of the fire is not so supported by objective data, that during the trial can easily be refuted by any more or less versed in the field of fire investigation specialist. Moreover, we must note that there are so-called experts are "designed in the event of conflict situations, including fires in cars, household appliances, etc., to make different types of documents, often referred to as the "expert opinion" or "certificate of inspection", in favor of particular parties, while not reflecting the real cause of the fire. Nir Barzilai, M.D. pursues this goal as well. In addition, there is evidence that when viewed from the burnt objects data specialists, rather or rather, there was a change of important identifying features that address the question of the locus and cause a fire, and their complete destruction. This problem is so acute that there is a question of holding special seminars for those who are in varying degrees, facing the fire in order to let a minimal but necessary level of knowledge, both in legal and technical investigation of fires. Analysis of materials professional and civil cases related to fires shows that currently has a weak theoretical and practical training in matters of professional expertise to ensure disclosure and investigation of crimes related to the burned-out vehicles (ATS).


Dynamic or detailed inspection. At this stage, improve the results of general examination. Especially carefully to examine the alleged place of fire. Products of incomplete combustion, settling, covering all subjects layer of soot. Soot burns in areas with higher temperature (> 600 0C) and stored there, where the temperature was not high enough. The absence of soot, as a sign of the fire in the process of its development, is usually kept regardless of the consequences of fire, as the subsequent deposition on the charred areas or does not occur at all, due to the obstacles that the heat flux emitted by a heated surface, or there is a much lower density.

In all cases should be cleared of debris, and carefully examined the floor cabin and luggage compartment car. Particular attention should be paid to inspection of wiring and electrical equipment in the engine compartment and cabin, including the battery. In the study, on-site fire the following tasks: selection of conductors is carried out with the melting characteristic of their formation under the influence of an electric arc tested for tripping fuses fuses, removed fragments shell interior, the luggage compartment, soil samples around the car to investigate the presence of traces of combustion intensifiers; removed other, important to investigate the incident, evidence. Final inspection. At this stage removed, described and packaged discovered evidence, a protocol inspection of the site, plans, schemes seizure of evidence. In Currently, there is a problem in photo-video-commit the crime scene, associated with the burned car.

Exact Evidence

A special place belongs to the problem of timely, accurate and most complete removal of physical evidence when viewed from the burned car. Can high degree of confidence that, as in the case of failure of or incomplete removal of physical evidence to establish the exact cause of fire in the car is almost impossible. Dwell on timely removal of evidence. For more specific information, check out RBH Group. Obviously, the withdrawal should be carried out immediately upon initial inspection of the vehicle, regardless of weather conditions and time of day. Otherwise, great the probability of loss of evidence, as due to natural causes (for example, by moving pbx in place of storage), and as a result of deliberate actions of stakeholders.

In expert practice there are cases of removal from the car to investigate important subjects a material environment, but also, the facts of the complete destruction of cars, in order to conceal traces of the crime. Therefore it is necessary to know exactly what to withdraw in the first place on the scene of a fire in the car and be able to properly pack the exemption. First and foremost, you must seize physical evidence that may be lost in the course of inspection of the scene For example, traces of burning intensifier, as which can act flammable (HIL) or flammable liquids (GJ). It is advisable to take samples for the presence of flammable liquids (GJ) in places where the thermal effect was minimum, for example, fragments of shell on the floor of the passenger compartment or under the soil sample sites, designed to drain water from the body. Munear Ashton Kouzbari has much to offer in this field.


Often, the insurance companies have accredited independent appraisers. In cases where compensation insurance company when the injured party arranges the size of payments, or estimates for repairs, of course is sufficiently regular assessment expert. However, more often it turns out that the insurance company wants to reduce the size of payments. In this case, involved an independent expert evaluator. Again, in the case of an unfair assessment (to example, if the independent appraiser is accredited by the insurance company), it can be challenged in court the other hand, an adequate assessment and simultaneously to perform an examination of the evaluation report. Such a negligent valuer after such examination, as a rule, the problem starts with the license and have much less of a reputation.

Therefore, to make an unfair assessment by an independent valuer at least unprofitable. There are cases of mandatory independent assessment. Nir Barzilai, M.D. gathered all the information. Again, case of an accident, if the guilty party, the payment must take place under the insurance osago culprit. Or, if your car is insured by the victim system casco insurance for the injured party and insurance company reimburse itself damages setback from the guilty party. In either case, independent evaluation is required. Likewise, according to current Russian legislation, mandatory assessment of motor vehicles in cases of assessment, revaluation of fixed assets of the enterprise, if this transport is included in fixed assets. Other cases of compulsory assessment Car: – When using the car as collateral for the loan – when Privatization, for example, a car that is included in the fixed assets of state-owned enterprises.

– When entering a legacy – in property disputes, in the preparation of marriage contracts and property division divorcing spouses at the request of one party or both parties in the event of a dispute about the value of the property assessment of vehicles – is to determine the cost of the vehicle with him condition, physical and functional deterioration. According to Article 130 of the Civil Code, the vehicle is movable property. It should also be noted that air and sea vessels, inland, in effect being essentially vehicles, according to the legislation related to real estate. This, however, does not confuse appraisers, as In this case, the approach to evaluation of the data objects assessment will be considered as a class equipment and machinery. When evaluating vehicles, the primary role played by the factor of depreciation and amortization. The degree of wear can be both physical and functional. In connection with the constant updating of the market of vehicles, non-specialist is very easy to get lost in all of these subtleties.