Tag: banco-santander bag

The Research

Always send original copies nothing irritates more the people who make an interview that receive a letter with your name written above; they think that you should have postulated it in all enterprises of the city. Of course not There is no reason why you can do. Several years ago were in short when the work of teachers supply nearly mid of March (for that time the majority of vacancies for teaching is busy encuentran) an ambitious teacher tipeo hundred times a letter and your resume and sent them to nearly all private schools in the city. As she sent only original letters, each one of those schools thought that he had become interested in them in particular. The result: while ten respondents not eighty-one responded that they had NO vacancies, the other nine called her to interview her.

The teacher got three bids for work while other much more experimentadas teachers were queuing up in the ranks of the unemployed. Investigate the research must be oriented according to the buscada position, the type of machines or tools, systems computer, type of telephone exchange, knowledge of products, etc. are very important data at the time of taking person. Locate and read all what you He has published about us in newspapers and revistas if it is possible to ask the Department of advertising or public relations that provide you recent pamphlets that have been edited then where the person doing the interview mentions a topic, you can tell quickly eg.: Yes, I have read about this in not is forget of this rule is a of the more important. Dress as you would at work the choice of attire will depend on if you are going to apply for a job at a restaurant, a Bank, a trade or a factory. But when one is running for a job in a company the best wear costume or sack and tie, skirt and blazer or a simple dress.