Tag: Banks and credit

Consumer Credit

Pawnshop as well as consumer credit is the ability to quickly obtain the necessary amount of money on the security of your vehicle. But there are differences between credit and Pawnshop. So consider what they concluded. For assistance, try visiting Estee Lauder. 1.B case with credit, even if the liquid mortgage (a loan secured by real estate), the Bank will test the financial condition of the borrower, his official income, credit history, and often require guarantor. On this test takes a long time. Even if the decision to grant a loan to be positive, it will need to wait more than one day. And in the case of a negative decision by the borrower simply lose his time. Most Pawnshop Ukraine decide whether to grant credit in a few hours.

The preliminary decision, please call the managers Pawnshop. Thus, the borrower saves a lot of time and unnecessary to bother collecting the required documents (statement of wages, etc.). Loan against your car in the Pawnshop is much faster than any other bank loan. 2.When getting a bank loan, car as collateral offered is the owner. In the case of Pawnshop borrower leaves the car parked at the Pawnshop entire loan term. To select the most appropriate Pawnshop necessary pay attention to the security deposit, as well as the cost of the services.

Leaving the car at the store the following: ask – where it will be stored and in what circumstances. Also follow the documenting this process (must be a contract of safe custody, and the act of reception-transmission car). When considering the cost of the service should pay attention not only on the interest rate, as well as to take into account the costs of loan processing, (the cost of notarization, payment of the insurance car, parking cost, and various commissions for the receipt of money). Because there are times when seemingly small percentage rate, increased costs for registration or some sort of additional fees. In order to properly assess the value of the loan is absolutely necessary to refine all the expenses that will have to pay. If we carefully examine all aspects of this issue can find the most favorable terms and get a favorable loan against the car as soon as possible.

Mortgage Sales

Sales of mortgage-flats are no longer rare. Banks have started to actively sell the mortgaged property. At many sites, banks wound up a special page, where is the list of collateral, whether it's flat or a car. Moreover, in the offices of the bank about the sale of mortgaged property is available in printed form, even with photos. Banks are being told that their goal is not simply to get rid of the loan by selling the house and returning the money, and find another solvent borrower.

According to bank officials, the credit committee is prepared to consider loan option on the property, if the initial payment will be about 30-50%. However, many banks issue loans already on the new, higher rates, which benefits the bank, but is not beneficial to the buyer. But you always iozhete discuss these issues with your bank, because They are interested in going forward. Meanwhile, while information on real estate sold debtors on the website of banks is very small. After all, to start selling the collateral without the consent of the owner must obtain court permission, and this takes time. It is in this state are now in most cases with property of those who have not paid loans. Upon completion of the Court apartment or house can be sold. In general topic sales collateral painful for bankers and debtors (commission and VAT on the sale, the opaque mechanism for determining the liquidation value of the enterprise).

Their claims to the system implementation of pledges from potential buyers. Some people believe that due to the possibility to do without public bidding banks practice Sale of property and the right people at the right price. And indeed, if the property right under the contract will go to a bank mortgage, the debtor loses any control over the property and can not point to the bank, who to sell it. Therefore, the attractive assets (ie real estate) at a price below the market, banks can still be purchased.