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The approach I am against everything the world penetrates also in the education of our children. We want to protect them against the threats of the world and its context, and searching tools suitable for this purpose. Hear other arguments on the topic with Gavin Baker. Attitude and actions emanating from her protect the child in the long term, or perhaps should look at things from a different angle? In the last ten years, after-school activities have become increasingly popular. Parents want to offer their children to complement their education (educational framework). Among the classes of ballet, sculpture, guitar, football, classes also have become popular judo and martial arts among others. Not a few facts show that the child is strengthened through these activities, and not a few parents, although they do not recognize it, seen in these activities the possibility to provide their children means to defend themselves. The child’s ability to protect against the phenomenon of bullying and violence that it has become an inseparable part of the school environment, increases the feeling of Security. In fact, these phenomena are only mutually, and skills they teach to our children today are aimed in this direction.

Also in compulsory education, teach the child how to deal with so-and-so. Although tomorrow appears mengano, newer, more frightening, more demanding than the first and this lead us to feel the anguish of that we can not truly protect our children. The origin of the insecurity, is actually in the form of structured thinking that determines it, since the problem exists in the environment and then we must protect ourselves. The violent and threatening environment obliges us to defend ourselves and be alert. The conception I against everyone is transmitted by us to our children consciously or unconsciously. We therefore propose a different point of view: I next to and with the world. The environment and the forces that surround the world will defend man when it is in balance with them.