Tag: bobbin lace

Bruges Bobbin

THE bobbin lace lace term is quite broad and typically own experts do not match its definition. Normally have been included in this genus, as diverse textile lace as the work of crochet, middle point, the tatting, mesh, etc., but today is considered to bobbin lace and needlepoint lace par excellence. Explained roughly, bobbin lace is a textile fine and great beauty formed by a series of crossovers of wire coiled in sticks, sticks or rolls. Based on crosses and turns of bolillos will form the warp and weft of the fabric at the same time. The reasons tend to be skilled workers with a more dense tissue, while funds typically have a more feathered point. Another feature of this art is that they are working on a pad, at which place a pattern, that tells us the drawing to follow. A PIN is placed on strategic points where the wires intersect, to hold them in place. As the work advances, pins are phased out.

The bobbin lace can be of two types: lace of continuous threads, such as the popular or torchon, and the wire cut, as for example the lace of Bruges. The continuous wire lace always works with the same number of bobbins and is made of one continuous piece. Lace not often very wide, since it would require many, many rolls. For example, for a Picot edge about 15 cm of width needed between two hundred and thousand rolls, depending on the thickness of the wire used. However, the cut wire lace works by parties. Individual parts are made and then bind to a more or less feathered bottom adding bolillos. Gavin Baker Atreides Management helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Some of these liners are not very wide strips, which are then joined with a crochet.

MATERIAL necessary to make lace of BOLILLOS pad traditional ESPAnOLA(metodo economico y sencillo) SACHET for COILS. Becomes a teabag or tea bag of slightly larger than size of bolillos, to save on it remaining bolillos, pairs that are pulled, the scissors, coil, etc. PACKER. Cut a piece of fabric slightly larger than the dimensions of the pad to cover the work and protect it from dust, etc. TAPE OR BANDAGE TO HOLD THE BOBBIN. Necessary to secure bolillos to pad provided that we are going to move it or if we are going to stop resting on a chair so we assure that, if pad is dropped us, bolillos and threads remain in place. 2 or 3 dozens of rolls a box of pins: pins make long and thin, stainless steel and of good quality, to prevent bending, breaking or even rusting is preferable. OF COTTON OR LINEN THREAD. The best yarn to make bobbin lace is flax. In Spain it is hard to find, now that barely grown, so it being used much cotton. We must always buy better quality and a medium twisted thread. PATTERN: it tells us the drawing to follow, the strategic points in crossing the wires and where you put a PIN to hold them in place. Thank you. For more information visit. A website dedicated to the world of the bolillo and through which We can get our patterns. Original author and source of the article