Tag: Control

Making Business Plans

Business plan – why need a business plan. Business planning, cost efficiency, risk analysis. In practice, even very common that new businesses are started without a business plan. That is, no, that once a initially plan their business on paper, begin to implement their projects with their heads once in life. Therefore, the Europeans have created a special structure of the standard business plan for countries such as ours named UNIDO.

This is the most simplest form of business plan. After reviewing several sites that teach writing business plans, and in the very method in the first place, the first section put a resume. Although the logic should be summarized at the end of the work, summarize, okay if the standards are prescribed, it means that a summary is in the beginning. For what need a business plan. Yes, a well-written business plan can not ask for money only from the bank, but also look for an investor. Business plan, its main part, a financial plan. Let's see advertising business plans on the Internet – make up business plans, such a price. So, you as the leader of the organization, hire the consultants that make up your business plan and you are satisfied go to the bank for financing.

Bankers are not stupid people, know how to count money, check out your business plan, counted, and based on calculations conclude – to give you money or not. For even more analysis, hear from Daryl Katz. And if you go, for example, the private investors who do not understand what the internal rate of return, you will be able to explain to him that the project investment is attractive? All the more so to calculate the net present value, gross profit, period payback – this for a good business plan is not enough. I often hear that the business plan – it's all on paper but in real life work is unknown.

Trademark Registration

A little about the trademark. First of all, we should recognize that the new millennium competition for goods and services has taken shape in the competition of trade marks. Even in everyday speech everyday life we often operate with the names and look at the trademark at the option of purchasing – from luxury to basic commodities. We are used to compare the mark when talking about the pros and cons of different things, and even to judge whether a particular style of life of trademarks, which are associated with it. Connect with other leaders such as Fred H. Langhammer here. It's no secret that working-known trademark as an increase in sales and value-added product, and therefore considered Among the most valuable assets. In contrast, no registration of a trademark of OOO any attractive product becomes an easy target for competitors, and the company itself at risk of being displaced from the market. So today trademark registration and patent is one of the most popular and elite legal services – services for the protection of the rights to patents and intellectual property provided by a specialized Patent Office. Given the record rates of formation of domestic business, it is easy to assume that the demand for registration of a trademark registration of a patent, greatly exceeds the supply skilled workers. So, every year in Russia (as well as to Russia from abroad) registered more than 55.000 trade marks (and their growing influx), whereas the number of practicing patent offices of the Russian Federation not and more than a few hundred.