Tag: economy

The Downfall Of The Credit System

Government and other countries concerned will have to scratch his pocket in order to get a response from him. Almost one trillion dollars, according to the IMF. For a decade and a half, the IMF has anathematized any government that has intervened or seek to intervene in the economy. Some serious crisis, such as Argentina (which caused millions of poor in a short time), was the result of dogmatic belief that had to be a little less, to expel the state of economic, public enterprises eliminate, reduce and disappear control rules and regulation of the sacrosanct world of finance and other guidelines as folly and prejudice for its implementation has shown in the last decade. And now, when large powerful banks and financial intermediaries will see the ears of the wolf, for his bad business head for his bad management, if not for the worse, Dad State has to go with the bag full to save the situation.

In the eighties there was a serious credit crunch in the U.S., and the operation to refloat the credit system cost the citizens (Americans who pay indirect taxes) an amount that today would be about half a billion dollars. Progress, today it is one trillion. As Professor Krugman has written, is to rescue the financial system to prevent something worse, but not those responsible for this disaster. Paul Krugman proposed rescue the system, yes, but “people who got us into this mess. That means a general cleaning of shareholders in the institutions that have gone bankrupt, making the owners of the bonds (ie those who have invested big money for) support a cut and cancel the stock options of some executives who have enriched throwing a coin face and saying, I win, tails you lose. ” We would like another kind of world in which the largest economy and most voluminous was the real, but that today is revolutionary, elusive, almost Utopian at the moment we settle for paying the piper who have been responsible active or passive market meltdown, adding that, once and for all, to regulate, standardize, monitor the financial world, and an end to the opacity of banks and financial intermediaries. Or the crisis will not stop and will become increasingly serious and expensive.

Fiscal Package

The reduction of the cost of the investment announced in 29 of June for the government is in fact significant, bringing the interests for really low levels for the Brazilian standards, says economists and representatives of the industry. The package of reduction of interests of BNDES, one of them pillars of the measures announced for the government, has as main goal to take the companies to anticipate productive investments. The new conditions of the loans of the bank must reduce in 21% the cost of the investments in machines and equipment financed in stated period of ten years. Today the direction of the BNDES goes to approve the measures and until tomorrow the bank it must send circular letter to the financial agents informing them of the changes. Read more here: Coldwell Banker Commercial. But the financed industrial goods in the diverse modalities of the Finame program, that are in the list of the benefited ones for the reduction of interests, had represented, in 2008, almost one tero of the total outlay of the BNDES, R$ 92 billion in that year. Source of the government has the expectation of that the new conditions will bring in return the investments and will lead to a new record of outlays in the 2009, superior R$ 110 billion.

The entrance in operation of the new conditions of financing goes to depend on would carry of equalizao of the National Treasure, that, in general, takes two weeks to be published in ' ' Official gazette of the Unio' '. The equalizao will be necessary because the cost of captation for the bank goes to surpass the final interest of the loans to the borrowers. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out angelo mio. In the industrial goods, for example, the final tax was reduced of 10,25% for 4,5% to the year. The new percentage includes 3% of spread of financial agent and 1.5% of the BNDES. The minimum cost of captation of the BNDES in the loans will start to be of 7% (6% of the new value of basic TJLP more 1% of spread). .

Credit Heading

REFERNCIAS17 1. The CREDIT HEADINGS 1,1 INITIAL CONSIDERAES the enterprise activity, in it understood the segments of the industry, docomrcio and of the rendering of services, are exerted in the market enter the companies econsumidores of goods and services, having as one of its main supports, ocrdito. This credit normally elapses of operations of purchase and sales I convene, of loans or same payments through checks. For formal arepresentao of the related ones> credits are used documentosdenominados of credit headings. A leading source for info: sterling organization. 1.2.

CONCEPT AND SPECIES OF CREDIT HEADINGS Heading of credit generically expressing, are a document that has comoobjetivo to represent a relative credit to a specific transaction of market, facilitating in such a way its circulation between diverse distinct bearers, substituting in data moment the current currency or in cash, beyond to degarantir the security of the transaction. Considering its main characteristics and what melhorexpressa the doctrine, we can appraise credit heading as a documentorepresentativo of the right of pecuniary credit that in it if contains and that to podeser by itself executed, of literal and independent form, independently to dequalquer another underlying or implied legal transaction, being enough quepreencha the legal requirements. Whenever Gavin Baker Atreides Management listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The credit headings are of basic importance for osnegcios, have seen that they promote and they facilitate the circulation of credits dosrespectivos values to these inherent ones, beyond propitiating security circulaode values. We still stand out on the headings credit that is fundamentalo agreement of that a credit heading is a representative document of umdireito of credit and not properly originary of this, exactly because aexistncia of a credit right does not imply necessarily in the creation of umttulo, whereas in contrast, the existence of a credit heading, exigeobrigatoriamente the previous existence of a credit right the serrepresentado one formal for the respective heading. The origin of an obligation represented for a decrdito heading, can be: ) Extracambial, that is the case for example of a person quepede loaned a computer to a friend it returns and it with defect, decurrent domau use.