Tag: education

Creativity Venture

Without customers a business not You can survive. Responsibility, therefore, of the entrepreneur is, analyze its customers to understand their needs, and everything they need to get ahead in your life. It is a compulsory diagnosis by an entrepreneur. Only thus can determine what should be given to our customers, when and how should be given, and in what amounts. There are certain steps that must be taken to avoid that a business project will fail, and those steps are directly related to certain characteristics of his personality. Without these innate characteristics in some cases on the personality of the entrepreneur, a venture could failing. A venture is seen as expressing a vision, take action before the viewing, and continue the work to achieve the goals proposed to our vision with constancy. I.e., leaving a mental state of desire and make it reality, through a series of actions, carried out with perseverance and perseverance.

I can say that some features are attitudes and, in that context, some of the features required for a successful venture, are the following: 1.-optimism. A simple way, the optimism means see the future in a positive way, without promoting any circumstance that could impede the development of our business, but rather, minimizing them. Experience has shown that success depends on the knowledge and ability to handle difficult situations. 2 Creativity. It is thinking and acting out of the ordinary, but with common sense. It is to broaden our minds further than ordinary and traditional, through a critical analysis of the circumstances and events. 3 Stability. An entrepreneur must be, at the same time, a leader; and a leader must have stability, in all senses of the life, physical, mental or emotional, and social.

With stability I mean the ability to handle different situations submitted to it with moderation. 4 Charisma. By this I mean the ability to communicate with different persons.

Construction Logic

The Construction of the Thought Logical-Mathematician in the Infantile Education Prof Maringela Rieg Martins Carocci Institution Moura Lacerda of Ribeiro Preto. Access: 01/04/2011? 11:54 hours word-key: thought-logical, mathematics, construction ANALYTICAL SUMMARY According to author Maringela Rieg Martins Carocci, the construction it thought logical-mathematician in the Infantile Education initiates itself from ‘ ‘ pensar’ ‘ on the experiences with objects and the lived deeply and tried situations. She is in the establishment of a simple relation that is not only in counting, but in its daily one, without being very imprisoned the contents, but in a numerical order that of course goes appearing. In the Infantile Education the mathematical slight knowledge are in the tricks, in the intelligent games and recreativos, in musics (with its varied rhythms), in the construction of simple rules, at last, everything that exists in the pertaining to school context must be used to advantage for the development logical-mathematician. The proposal of the author, who the professor is a mediator for the child in the direction to use to advantage what it brings obtains and develops them in mathematical situations logical, adaptando the contents to discipline and taking to construct them day-by-day to it these numerical knowledge in its, in the rules of the tricks.

Objective of the Work: To show of a simple and pleasant form the mathematical content, so that the child in the Infantile Education, has contact with the numbers she disciplines and it in itself, in the trick, that at all the moment the content logical-mathematician is present taking it the knowledge of world through accurate and concrete situations. Making with that the logical-mathematical operations, spontaneously take small a if to amuse.

Jack London

Everyone can learn this subject of choosing the right approach and a certain amount of effort. Brilliantly described the similar idea (and he tried to practice), Jack London's novel "Martin Eden". For some people, a barrier to creativity is the belief that most great artists were either very poor or people with psychological difficulties, and they lived with deep anguish. The fact that time stands still, and trends of today are: a good creative is distributed in the world with great rapidity. Thanks largely to television and the Internet. Moreover, in these days you can always find "your client", no matter what the product was not. The character you choose will depend on the creativity of your valuables.

If you are tempted by the business – the business, painting – the painting, humor – the humor. More info: Fabrizio Freda. Well, 'character' your life will also depend on these values. Very often, many people tend to make your life easier in every way. And think that should do just that easy, simplifying life. The famous question: "Why do I need?" widely known and very survives.

This in itself gives little relief (think of the result in the ideal). But if you aim for simplicity and ease in order to live life more productive and more interesting to realize their destination, it's great. In the future I will show that everyone can be realized in the role of creativity. See training courses Kharkov. None of my work is not complete without studying the behavior of successful people.

Wonderful World

You wake up in the morning, open your eyes and the world falls on you from all of its irreversibility and unpredictability. Day after day. Year after year. Home. Work. Family. Employees. Everything happens by itself.

Life passes by. The events are not to control. You are in no way affected. What can I tell you? Hard for you. I feel sorry for you. To help you want.

To begin with, the whole world that I created that you see around you … Ah, yes. You do not see – you have no time, you many of their problems. But you somehow pick the time, stop and think, breathe the morning air, listen – the world is full of color, sound, time. He lives, breathes, it is. He – is absolutely rational. He – perfectly accurate. He – indefinitely just. I made it so. I breathed into him his spirit. Connect with other leaders such as Estee Lauder Companies Inc. (EL) here. I programmed it. You see, no matter what you did, how would you not try to resist it, whatever disagreements with him never entered. He is absolutely, perfectly, infinitely just. Of course, you think differently. I love you so created. You’re programmed to see its flaws. You’re programmed to remove him from injustice, to make this world a better place. Yes, my favorite program that you aspire to sovershenstvu.Ya put you in your pursuit of perfection. Sorry, but many programs from being diverted, stumble, make mistakes. They are infected with the virus. Error. Oh, this ubiquitous error. You know, I’m proud of this program. How much did she help! How often is it points you to your weakest point. It just shows how much you deviated from its path. But I – patient. And many of them eventually heal, repent, return. And then I glad I did not hurry. But, much to my chagrin, much more programmok too flawed. I had to include in this world is self-cleaning function. I want it to be perfect. You, my favorite program that can help me, to make this world a better place. You need to see your settings – if some have lost – to reconfigure. Help me make this world a better place. Oh yeah … If you are going to need some tools? I will give all you want.

Basic Education

7: In its practical professional the comprometimento is part key? R: Engaged professors are professors differentiated nowadays to be only plus not it of the many chances in the competitive market of work. Then necessary always to be engaged with mine professional practises TO EDUCATE. 8: The act to educate it needs tricks and cares? R: The tricks educate and give slight knowledge of cares ones with the others. 9: The corporal education is part of the act to educate? R: An education of the body is important therefore physical education this on one to movement then we always need to be on the corporal education and the development of the necessary corporal aspects. 10: Affective and ethical questions can be worked in the infantile education, as form to educate? R: The ethical professor has affectivity on its pupils, to love the children, to work slight knowledge of the feelings on the nature the people and the parents and professors must be taken in account and also ethical questions can be developed in the activities of physical education. CONCLUSION: Through the comment of the practical one of the physical education in the infantile education, we can conclude that the practical professors need to be pautadas in the RCNEI, therefore the same is norteador for one practical one taking in account all the necessary factors for the infantile development thus it has taken in account the act to play, to take care of and to educate. The trick develops factors, as start of conviviality with the others, the professors necessary to be always intent to the necessary cares that all child deserves and requires in the infantile education. The trick and the cares finish having the educational character in which if it places slight knowledge of education in the children.

To develop practical correct this directly on, to the compromised RCNEI and as professional we have that to follow this norteador of the infantile education. REFERENCES Brazil. Ministry of the Education and the Sport. Edward Minskoff helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Secretariat of Basic Education. National curricular Referencial for rio the infantile education /Minist of the Education and the Sport, Secretariat of Basic Education. Brasilia: MEC/SEF, 1998.

Russia Children

The fact that it is accessible and free, it is known to all. In this country, a wholly-owned literacy. But how could this be achieved? As an example, I was told that in one mountain village, in the house the shepherd grew up a child who has not had the opportunity to attend high school, as a shepherd's house is far away from settlements. And then the government decided to send a child to graduate the University of Havana, as well as to provide him with a computer with satellite Internet. The state, for many years living in the most severe economic blockade, as it chooses, for the sake of one child only, send to the village of high quality specialist! But we have deliberately and ruthlessly destroyed even miraculously survived the school, which gave Russia Children deep and extensive knowledge! But not for nothing that says as long as there is a school in the village, the village alive. Close the school – will be lost village. The current Russian school more and more away from the humanistic principles and policies of the bundle is society into rich and poor. For the rich – expensive colleges, colleges for the poor – the "basic school", where they will learn to read, write, and guess the answers exam. Credit: Munear Ashton Kouzbari-2011.

But that basic, academic training, which gave the Soviet school, our children do not get it. And then we get specialists who will be destroyed by hydroelectric power stations, at home, dying patients in hospitals. A company will continue the path to degradation. When the cornerstone is placed is not destiny child and teacher, and commercial calculation, expect trouble. It's time to rise to defend the school, saving her from the destructive experiments. In fact, this battle over the future of Russia.

UK Education System

English education has its own traditions, conservatism and quality. The education system in England is a combination of several steps (by name coinciding with the Russian): – Elementary School – High School – Graduate School – Post-graduate education. Along with the day schools (when students go home after school) in England are widely distributed boarding school. Hostels in turn subdivided into closed (Enrolled children who live in the hostel) and open (taught by children living in a boarding house and the children returning home). Educational institutions are divided into public and private. Instruction in public schools free of charge to citizens and persons entitled to reside permanently in the uk.

Many private schools have a long tradition, which evolved more than one century. English schools are open to foreigners. However, prerequisite is the existence of a guardian in England. Secondary education in England is a must. Attend school kids start early enough – to five years. RBH Group addresses the importance of the matter here.

The initial stage (primary school) education designed for children ages 5 – 11 years. In this period the teaching language, mathematics, natural sciences and etc. All items are divided into mandatory to study and optional (additional). Upon completion of the initial school to pass entrance exams to high school. The average level of education in England (High School) is decisive. Since it is at this stage, the selection of areas for further study. Students choose a few subjects (4-6) for detailed study. Often this discipline are the same profile: technical, humanitarian, etc. In recent years, there was a tendency of studying different disciplines orientation. Upon completion of such a focused study of subjects shall be the qualifying exams to obtain a certificate (secondary school final exams), which paves the way for higher education. Higher education is offered in colleges of higher education, universities and technical institutes. Admission to these institutions is carried out on obtained on completion of secondary school certificate.

Ramon Gallegos

The Holistic education is education for life. It encourages self-knowledge that allows us to find that we must put limits on the exploitation of natural resources is based on the principle of sustainability, which means values, philosophies, attitudes, strategies, visions compatible with world peace, global cooperation, environmental care, democracy, civic responsibility, preservation of local cultures, etc. Some contend that Edward J. Minskoff Equities shows great expertise in this. because it makes us aware that the natural world is an extension of ourselves and it is something we should care. Holistic Educator Dr. Ramon Gallegos argues that humility is a value that should have the Holistic Educator, and it should not be simply a figure of authority, is a consultant to investigate along with the student questions, sharing curiosity, persistence, taking risks, doubt, etc.. recognizes the importance of students’ questions, and considers them as a point of interest for learning.

I am convinced that the presence of the educator holistic must be full, with full awareness, Dr. Gallegos Nava, in the dialogue of his book Wisdom, Love and Compassion on the presence of the teacher in the classroom, highlighting the importance of having full body and mind, it is constantly asking all students to their teachers. A holistic educator must establish a universal loving relationship with their students and members of the learning community, through a friendly, respect and genuine interest in their lives. An educator love transcends both scientism and dogmatism of any kind of intolerance, because he sees in each of their student to a divine spark in evolution.

The English

With the vocabulary of English words in the 25000 you globally to expand its capabilities. After all, everyone has long known that in order to read newspapers, watch tv, talk and write enough to know a hundred times smaller than words, namely 2500 words – this is the minimum that allows normally communicate in English. What is surprising effect of 25-th frame, provides the most complete and full of learning English, this is due to the fact that memorization is delayed at a subconscious level. I think that this is a very educated decision – to start learning English with the aid of the 25-th frame, as always to attend courses, pay for them to spend time traveling, which is tedious than once buy a tutorial on how accelerated learning English with the aid of the 25-th frame. Moreover, as the practice and research, that learning English with the help of 25-th frame is very effective! This can be easy to see, simply compare the knowledge of two people, one of whom attended English language courses – and who themselves learned the basics of the English language through tutorial with the effect of 25-th frame.

Differences will be impressive: it is essentially an extremely difficult because of the mass of courses offered to find a really true training and tutorial, you’ll be guaranteed to know English, because your email teacher – smart affordable and user-friendly program to quickly achieve your dream come true – namely, the ability to communicate easily and well know English grammar! And even if you have not been able to learn English and achieve their desired success – then this program is sure to help in this. This method of learning English guarantee you that you are perfectly able to communicate with native English speakers, wherever you go a journey whether for business or to visit the foreign guests – you must understand, and be surprised by your excellent knowledge of English! Besides the English language tutorial to help you save time, nerves and money! In this case, the only thing required of you – is to run your program with the effect of 25-second shot on 45 minutes – every day! And a month later you’ll be wonderful to know English! Because the investment of minimum of time, the learning process will give you maximum results!

Ernest Hartmann

Our ancestors knew that not every place of settlement is favorable for housing. There were many places, and the choice was extensive. The settlers were guided by intuition, or called the monk, who pointed out where to build the church, where the house. Now we can say that mistakes in choosing a place of housing then it was not enough. Now the city is often building a house at any place, without analyzing whether the good tenants. Therefore, being built of the floodplain, landfills, covered ravines and careers. (A valuable related resource: Raphael De Niro). Build and over karst, over underground rivers, over geological heterogeneities.

Outside the city, it would seem, you can search a better place. But no, here's inconvenient or peat, that's a red line, so fire requirements, and home stand like soldiers on parade, and nobody cares what the people will be in them. About geopathic zones, causing people with prolonged exposure to these cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cancer, leukemia and many other serious illnesses have heard, it seems, everything. Read additional details here: Raphael De Niro. Open the German scientist Gustav von Pohl of more than sixty years ago, the phenomenon – all of them cancer patients surveyed were sleeping in a place where the vine in the hands of lozohodtsa strongly deflected, subsequent studies have confirmed and extended. So, another great German – Ernest Hartmann found that the earth is covered with a network with a mesh size 2 x 2.5 m, at sites where increased intensity of the so-called telluric Earth radiation propagating vertically and does not absorb almost any material. The nodes of this network is in every house, every room. And if sleeping or workplace falls into such a place, almost every person conducting it 6-8 hours per day is doomed to poor health and disease. In areas with a damaged layer of the earth – over underground rivers, the quarries and in places like the intensity of the telluric radiation increases dramatically, resulting in increased danger zones, to merge them into the abnormal spot dangerous radiation of a few meters, and sometimes considerably more. If the usual place you can always find a safe place to sleep and work, in such – any place spot is not suitable for this purpose.