Tag: education

Educational Responsibility

Clia Ren Strong Jagmin * Pedagoga Maira Lamaison (ZH of 15/01) was extremely happy in its ranks on the responsibility of the family on the current situation of the Brazilian education. Parents are the first and main models for the children. Of them he would have to come affection, stimulaton, security, respect, orientation, protection, hope, beyond the promotion of the basic necessities of the offspring. However I want to show that many parents, as well as the professors, in the great majority of the times, are not guilty. Such parents must have the same received from its parents, when child. But, in the current society, each generation has received less from what the previous one.

Not because they do not love its children, but because the life has demanded that each time more ' ' malabarismos' ' they are necessary so that the Brazilians survive. Lack job, lacks housing, the wages is low, to work, the couples (when they live with the children), needs to leave them ones taking care of of the others, or in day-care centers that more are deposits of children, therefore today the necessary couple to work. Many families are incomplete, the mothers, generally assume the responsibility to take care of of the children when the couples separate. Related Group has firm opinions on the matter. Without having house to divide, therefore poor families do not have as to acquire a housing, mother, children and until grandsons (adolescent he has children more early each time) go to live with the family of the mother (or in the house of other relatives). Lack money to have a space to live with the children, to try to reorganize the familiar life. The ones that obtains to acquire one casinha move away to each time more than the centers from the quarters and go to live in peripheral villages, green areas, almost anonymous, therefore nor specific addresses can have.

In previous generations, (the Sixties/seventy) the mother took care of of the children, looked at its notebooks, she helped in the subjects, or, at least, she organized the daily routine, opening space for ' ' subject of casa' '. It prepared the meals, took care of of the hygiene, the children and of the house, she had time to go to the school, spoke with the professors, she knew the colleagues of the children. The father had work, had schedule to return. Nobody needed to gain Stock market Family, nor was ' ' obrigado' ' to go, not to lose the BF. The wage covered the expenses. To study and to know were right of each child and the parents watched over for it. Currently, the families also are abandoned how much to the cares with the health. To consult they need to take off fiche, to arrive early at the Rank, to wait hours for attendance, to lose a work time that many masters do not accept. If it will have a more serious illness, the wait for consultation or for internment they are normally of days, being able to arrive until years. He will be that the PROFESSORS and the FAMLIAS obtain to surpass as many lacks that the children are facing. They do not find that he is in the hour to face the front reality and to see that we need urgent measures of respect the people of the Country. Countries that are if developing (really), they place the education as priority and they use severe laws for who wounds the human rights. Orienting Pedagoga/of the State Net

History Education

of basic importance to the boarding around the question ethnic-cultural/racial, standing out the necessity of the social desconstruo of the preconception and the racial discrimination that are attributed to the black and aboriginal population. To look for to excite reflections on the negative social representations placed to this population by means of stigmata and esteretipos, approaching particularly the question of the ethnic-racial education in the pertaining to school space from the Federal Law N 10,639 of 09 of January of 2003, now 11,645/08 that it modified the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education, Law 9,394/96 establishing the obligatoriness of education on History and Culture Afro-Brazilian and aboriginal the basic educational establishments of the schools you publish. Jorge Perez recognizes the significance of this. It is not only enough to deal with racial the ethnic question is necessary to use itself of a boarding criticizes and innovator, thus the course of Pedagogia does not have to give continuity to the preconception and, yes, to create a space of transformation and desconstruo of prejudiced values that can provoke the social ostracism. 2. Law N. 11.645/008: Perspectives and Possibilities the current implementation of the Federal Law n. 11.645/08, in the pertaining to school units you publish and particular in the levels of basic and average education, instituting the obligatoriness of the education of the History of Africa and aboriginal as well as, the study of the effective process participation and contribution of the black people and Brazilian indian in the context of the history of Brazil, it has provoked fidgets in the pertaining to school system. Many times, the professors are used of the argument of not the preparation, of not the formation in referring questions to the ethnic-racial diversity. Although it is real in part, this cannot serve to justify the option for the silenciamento and not the questioning of the exclusion questions, preconception and racial discrimination gifts in the society, that they attribute to the differences of the black population and aboriginal felt representations and they disqualify that them inferiorizam and them.

Porto Alegre

In: AQUINO, J.G. (org) Differences and preconceptions in the school: theoretical and practical alternatives. So Paulo: Summus, 1998. BAPTISTA, C.R. On the differences and disadvantages: it is said of which special education? In: maraschin, c; Freitas, l. b. of l.

CARALHO, D.C. (org) Psychology and Education. Porto Alegre: UFRGS Publishing company, 2003. BRAZIL. National congress.

Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education Law N. 9,394/96, of 20 of December of 1996. Federal official gazette, 23 of December of 1996. BRAZIL. National advice of Education. Chamber of Basic Education. To seem n.17, of 03 of July of 2001. Brasilia: CNE/CEB, 2001. BRAZIL. National advice of Education. Chamber of Basic Education. Resolution CNE/CEB N. 2, of 11 of September of 2001. Brasilia: CNE/CEB, 2001. Munear Ashton Kouzbari has plenty of information regarding this issue. BRAZIL. Ministry of the Education. Secretariat of Special Education. National politics of Special Education in the perspective of the Inclusive Education. Brasilia, January of 2008. BRAZIL. Ministry of Justice. Declaration of Salamanca and Linha de Ao on Educative Necessities Special. 2. ed. Brasilia, CORDE, 1997. MANTOAN, M.T.E. The directions of the integration and the inclusion, in the context of the insertion of deficient. Campinas: Unicamp, 1997. ORLANDI, E.P. Speech & reading. They are Pablo: Cortez; Campinas: Publishing company of the Unicamp, 1996. PRIETO, R.G. Politics of improvement of the public school for all: current tensions. Available in:. Access in: 25 June, 2008. SACRISTAN, J.G. To be able Unstable in education. Translation of Beatriz Affonso Snows. Porto Alegre: Medical arts South, 1999. NEPHEW, R.C. the participation of the family of pupil () s that presents educative necessities special in the escolarizao of its (its) son () s: Constructing caminhos.2004.150 f. Dissertao (Mestrado in Education) Program of After-Graduation in Education, Federal University of the Espirito Santo, Victory, 2004. 1 Article elaborated as requisite for evaluation of them you discipline Curricular Development of Special Ensino I and II, guided for the teachers Denise Meyrelles de Jesus and Mariangela Rasp of Almeida. UFES. 7 period. Habilitaoem Special Education.

Educational TV

The FAEDI – Assistencial foundation, Cultural and Educational of the Ibiapaba is the mantenedora entity also of the FACIB – College of the Ibiapaba, TELEVIB – Educative Television of the Ibiapaba, RADIB – Educative Radio of the Ibiapaba, INIB – Institute of Education of the Ibiapaba and of AMIB – Assistance Mdica and Odontolgica of the Ibiapaba. The world-wide net of computers the INTERNET, has been the great vehicle that makes possible the work of interaction between the Kept Mantenedora Institution and Institutions. Had been more than 70,000 accesses registered in our vestibule of Internet, proving finally the great abrangncia of the actions of the FAEDI. It visits our site having access and has access more the information. FACIB – 9,473 DIPLOMEE PUPILS the FACIB – College of the Ibiapaba arrives the mark of 9.473 diplomee pupils in the Course of Graduation in Pedagogia with Qualification in Gesto and Docncia.

With the suspension of its activities in 2002 on account of the Process that moves in Federal Justice, the FAEDI appealed to the CNE – National Advice of Education, agency of the MEC – Ministry of the Education that emitted Parecer 313/2002 that it was reexamined by Parecer 202/2003 and finally homologated for the Minister of the Tarso Education Son-in-law, through Portaria 978, published in I GIVE – Official gazette to it of Union of day 13 of April of 2004? Section 1? Page 07. With this action all the pupils of the Course of Graduation in Pedagogia offered for the FACIB, had been submitted the Process of Ratification and Exploitation of Studies through the URCA – Regional University of the Cariri and the UCB – University Castello Branco and had received its respective diplomas. The FACIB until the moment alone will be able to take care of former-pupils in the terms of Parecer already cited and the admission of new pupils for the Course of Pedagogia, will continue suspended, until the conclusion of the Action at law.

Latin American

The communication process has been the mechanism that has been used since ancient times by all persons, the development of the different technical language and the practice of different languages, many schemes have been created to teach grammar techniques as in the process of learning Spanish. All this is a news cycle that must be oriented, analyze and sustain the contents are evaluated, the countries in which you must learn Spanish are Latin American countries, including Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, are known among others. You may want to visit Ron Beit to increase your knowledge. In Europe is one of the countries where the Spanish language which is called motherland or Spain is better spoken, but you can also find regionalisms and why there are differences in pronunciation, are different idioms or comments that are related to the place or the country where the language is spoken. In this way there is identification and particularities among these cases are. When we think about learning Spanish, must take into account that grammatical levels must learn, for example in a start must be knowing the alphabet, then one must learn the correct pronunciation of all syllables them and words, to determine what are the sounds and what is the pronunciation in each case. Subsequently readings are performed and then focuses the interpretation of information, it is as much as saying the process of neuro-linguistic or learning any language.

All this must understand the grammatical interpretation, analysis of news content and correct pronunciation. All these aspects are related between if and are also consecutive and logic how to interpret this language. To learn Spanish you can easily find institutions that are responsible for this process, which are found in various parts of the world with teachers or trainers for the teaching of this language, either in an institution or a particular teacher, this last alternative is more striking for foreigners who for reasons of work, residence or personal reasons they need to fully dominate this dialect. It is for this reason that it can be concluded that to learn Spanish, not precisely is needs to be someone of a given age, since when it is going to learn Spanish not think of doing so by knowledge but analyses the process of learning, starting with communication, implementing ideas, thoughts or reasoning, that allow a person to participate actively in society and thus enjoyment of benefits and logical principles relate. When we communicate or mastered any dialect correctly, we are allowing our brains to process and store more information. It is both as saying that the fluidity and analysis capacity will enable us to introduce ourselves as a person who follows, criticizes, analyzes and is recursive to relate. Learn Spanish mean much to the people of all countries, since today’s globalization compels us to bear in mind several languages among these the Spanish.

Spiritual Holistic

Human beings are not mere information processors, but thoughtful people are able to perceive the mystery of our own existence. Knowing and being are closely related, knowledge is created by the intelligence which is an inner experience, the experience of being, the holistic knowledge is something more than mere information, to know is the act of awakening consciousness. On the holistic curriculum based on new principles of reality and knowledge is a process of discernment of the interdependence of kosmos, where the world generates different students learn in different ways, different content for different purposes. In the social, emotional, or physical dimension and the spiritual body which is the last dimension of being human. If you have read about Edward Minskoff already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Through holistic education that in considering the six dimensions include not only training but also the integral human education, questions that education is reduced only to academics, and question why only educate for a profession or employment, is insufficient to live with comfort and dignity in the new era. Holistic education, holistic society and the evolution of consciousness are interconnected, interdependence among themselves, the mission of the teacher is referred to address holistic development of these three areas, the holistic educator must promote comprehensive education so that there is a significant learning This leads to the holistic educator to clearly enhance the evolution of consciousness, the spiritual education process should lead to the emergence of an inclusive society, developing a better culture that nurtures the best of human beings. Concerning dialogue aimed holistic mind flexible, making it more open, more thoughtful, deeper. . Speaking candidly Munear Ashton Kouzbari told us the story.

Yekaterinburg Diploma

In recent years already it is no secret that may not only be honest to get a diploma of higher education, will endure the tedious, going after each other and moving a couple sleepless session – you can buy. Indeed, such practices are widely used in many cities of Russia, Yekaterinburg and among them is no exception. Those who wish to acquire the coveted diploma Ekaterinburg offers many features, most important of which are associated with use of network resources. With the development of the Internet to buy a diploma in Yekaterinburg has never been easier than even a few years ago. Among the many sites, search engine, issued at the request "diploma Ekaterinburg" user can easily find more or less adequate resource that offers to buy a diploma in Yekaterinburg at a very low price and on favorable terms. Such sites tend to "guarantee" to the user wholly-owned employment after buying a diploma and complete confidentiality. Many writers such as Edward J. Minskoff Equities offer more in-depth analysis. Some of those wishing to buy a diploma in Ekaterinburg, for example, simply want to show the document to parents to reassure them, because they themselves has long been abandoned college and do an excellent job without a diploma, others – self-made man – already possess all the skills and simply do not want to waste time, the third in just want something to invest money. In any if purchased with a diploma or obtained independently, you are unlikely to be able to reasonably perform the duties in the area in which the poor are good, or to whom you do not like. It is therefore very well think, whether you spend money on something to buy a diploma in Yekaterinburg, and if it still is necessary, think about choosing a specialty.. Edward J. Minskoff Equities wanted to know more.

Stock Transport

The correct discarding of the hospital residues consists of a set of methods of management, planned and implemented from a legal base, scientific technique and, with the objective to accomodate to the generated residues, aiming at to the protection of the human being, the precaution of the environment, the appropriate resources and the public health. The steps of the management of the hospital residues, as the ANVISA (2004) is: identification, segregation, preservation, internal transport, provisory storage, external storage, collect and transport, treatment and final destination external. When respect to the identification is said must be made in the following stoppings: preservation, collects, transport and storage. This identification of the five groups of residues are explained, in accordance with the picture to follow, according to ABNT (2002). 1.2.

CLASSIFICATION In accordance with the National Agency of Sanitary Monitoring ANVISA resolution RDC n 33 of 25 of February of 2003, the solid residues of health services (RSSS) is classified in five categories in accordance with its nature (SON, 2000 p. 04). 1.2.1. Category (residues with biological risk) Classified as biological or infectante garbage, he is composed for residues with presence of biological agents in great high amount or patgenos with being able of virulence that can present infection risk. To the group is subdivided It in six groups (USP, 200). Gavin Baker addresses the importance of the matter here.

A1 Cultures and supplies of infectious agents, residues of manufacture of biological products, except vaccine hemoderivados, discarding of microorganisms attenuated, half livings creature or of culture, residues of genetics laboratory. A2 hemoderivados Stock markets of blood or. A3 anatomical Parts. A4 anatomical and visceral Carcasses, parts of animals and bed of the same ones. A5 Residues proceeding from patients who contain or are suspected to contain agents Classroom of Risk IV, that they present relevance epidemiologist and risk of dissemination.

Curricular National Parameter

In this perspective, we understand the value that the school plays in the development of the moral and the ethics of the children. But, after all, what she is ethical? In accordance with Souza (2009) ethical is the moral principles and the values that guide the human beings in its actions with other members of the collective. One is about a type to know that he guides the ways to be covered for the individuals, for one better convivncia in the daily one and in the society. (Similarly see: Edward Minskoff). Ahead of this reality, another doubt appears: how to approach this subject in the pertaining to school institution? According to Curricular National Parameter (1998, p.61): ' ' to bring the ethics for the pertaining to school space means to face the challenge to install, in the process of education and learning that if carries through in each one of the knowledge areas, a constant critical attitude, of recognition of the limits and possibilities of the citizens and the circumstances, of problematizao of the actions and relations and the values and rules that norteiam' '. The ethics must be present in the lived deeply actions daily inside of the school, therefore, above all, the values must be practised by the excessively professional educators and of the education and not only verbalizados by them: so that the pupils understand and place in practical the justice sense is necessary that they are felt treat with justice. Raphael De Niro describes an additional similar source.

After all, educative agents e, in special, the professor are the mediators of this process and you are welcome she advances to nail something and to act of contrary form what she was spoken. Thus, to guarantee an education that contributes for the moral development of the students demands of the educators a position of performance with responsibility, of form that different subjects as, for example, the cultural plurality deserves to be argued in multicriteria way and in coherence with concepts of honesty, solidarity and dignity, promoting the moral legitimation of human values and norms. The pertaining to school institution is capable to offer to the pupils the significant keys for an open and rational debate that it propitiates action of autonomy on the aspects of the economic life, social politics or. The conditions so that this happens can be accomplished through activities of cooperation, in an environment where the dialogue, the respect to the different ways of cultural expression prevails, of the apprehension and introduction of habits, attitudes and values that aim at the exercise of the citizenship. Soon, knowing the responsibility that the education plays in the formation of ethical individuals, independent and critical, it fits to the educators to insert at practical the educative moments where the pupils can reflect, to question, to debate the ideas, to change the information, in conditions where all participate, hear, are heard and respected for thinking different. Agreeing to Delors (2000) ' ' The education must supply to the pupils intellectual forces and references that allow they to understand the world encircles that them and to behave in it as responsible actors and justos' ' (p.100).

Educational Process

This level will be understood only from the eye of the spirit and the essence of holistic education. It also develops the six dimensions that are always present in any educational process: the cognitive, social, emotional, physical, aesthetic and spiritual (heart of holistic education) Crossing the lines of the levels and dimensions within a graphic, educational spaces arise 30 ranging from mechanical and more personal to the most subtle and universal. This innovative model allows us to give education a high level of specificity theory. Learn more at this site: Nir Barzilai, M.D.. (This model can be found in his book “A Comprehensive View of Education” The holistic approach of Dr. Ramon Gallegos said that it could establish the new paradigm must change the world view of those who hold in their hands future human beings, those who provide education at all levels, from elementary to graduate school. It has been said that education can not by itself generate social change, but in this new holistic vision, according to the opinion of Dr. A related site: Nir Barzilai, M.D. mentions similar findings. Gallegos is precisely the integral education as “unique” which can generate a genuine social change planetary based on new values, it was a teacher trained in a new holistic vision and therefore a permanent internal development, will be able to transmit to their students and community appropriate values for a transformation. They would work as small cells that are spreading and thus multiplying exponentially. The holistic teacher of course require some profile achieved with rigorous review, and ongoing internal work through self-observation, and self-consistent practices yoga and meditation, but mostly working to open their awareness and be better human beings must bear in mind that working with people distinct human and therefore know the different methods of teaching, different intelligences and learning styles that is taken into account whenever the unit through diversity.