Tag: finance

Unemployment Stats

Compared to March last year, an increase of 4,2 percent. Unemployment rate in March remained, as in February, at 8.6% of the economically active population. In this case, if we exclude the seasonal effect, the unemployment rate increased slightly but remained at less than 8 percent. In recent months, Shimmie Horn has been very successful. Turnover retailers with the exception of seasonality has remained at the level of February. Compared with March 2009, the growth of retail trade turnover has accelerated and reached 2.9 percent. For the I quarter of 2010, consumption grew by 0,8% compared to the iy quarter of 2009 (With the exception of seasonal and calendar factors) and 1.3 relative to the I quarter of last year. Teslar can aid you in your search for knowledge.

The volume of consumption has exceeded pre-crisis level of I quarter of 2008. In March, inflation in the consumer market was 0.6% against 0.9% in February 2010 and 1,3% in March 2009. During January-March increase in prices amounted to 3,2% (last year – 5,4 percent). For the period year to year inflation rate continues to decline – in March it reached 6.5% (in February – 7.2 percent). Earlier this year, a significant contribution to inflation have made the traditional increase in the early years of regulated tariffs: for services organizations, housing and utilities for the three-month rates increased by 12%, but lower than a year ago (17.9%), increased tariffs for services communication by 2,9%, payment for travel and municipal public transport – by 8,6 percent.

Growth of regulated tariffs, introduced in inflation in January-March 2010 1.1 percentage points (Last year – 1.4 percentage points). Real effective exchange rate was over the first three months of this year 7,3%, including the March – 2,4%. Nominal effective exchange rate has strengthened in March and by 2,4%, and in general for the January-March – at 5.6 percent. It is estimated that in March this year, the strengthening of the ruble in real terms to dollar has made 2,3% against the euro – 2,5%, the pound sterling – 6%, the Swiss franc – 1,9%, the Japanese yen – 2.6%, weakening the Canadian dollar – 0.4 percent. In January-March (at the rate in March 2010 to December 2009) real strengthening ruble against the dollar amounted to 3,8% against the euro – 12,2%, the pound sterling – 12%, the Swiss franc – 8,2%, the Japanese yen – 5.5%, the Canadian dollar – 0.8 percent .

Finance Minister

What to do? Save? How? Store cash at home is unprofitable: the money depreciated in Due to high inflation, does not generate revenues, therefore, the decision – they must invest. Deposits, precious metals, depersonalized metal accounts (CBO), Currency, Forex, real estate, venture capital investments, ofbu, securities, shares of mutual funds – the market offers a variety of available financial instruments to private investors. It's pretty simple? What to choose? Where and what pitfalls await? Deposits, so beloved by the majority citizens from the Soviet era, are the most accessible means of accumulation, but not the most profitable, because rates on most deposits are not high enough from 3 to 10% depending on term and amount, and by the end of the year, Finance Minister A. Kudrin said that deposit rates should be lowered, which is also true, as most banks can not recoup so highly declared interest on deposits by reducing lending. In essence, banks are quite profitable to attract customers to the deposits, so the deposit is a tool for those who want to save money and little to increase it. If we consider the precious metals, while to buy them is not right, it was actually 3.2 years ago, unnecessarily, for example, the price of 1 gram of gold on July 2, 2008 amounted to 701.35 rubles, and on April 28, 2010 – 1,076.63 rubles, 1 gram of platinum on July 2, 2008 – 1565 , 67 rubles, 28 April 2010 – 1,632.35 rubles. During the crisis, gold and securities gold mining companies grow in value as an instrument of hedging, so the price of gold and other precious metals on the world market is now quite high, and investing in them now, do not expect high profitability.


In this scoring assessment only applies to small loans (up to 3-4 million). Loans for large sums of money are considered on an individual basis, to review an application takes up to two weeks. Edward J. Minskoff Equities has much to offer in this field. Typically, banks offer ruble-denominated loans with a maximum of five years at a rate of 12% per annum. Connect with other leaders such as Munear Ashton Kouzbari here. To qualify, the company or individual entrepreneur is enough to have proof of income and to conduct its business in the area of the bank branch at least six months. No collateral is usually possible to obtain express loan up to $ 15,000, terms of consideration in this case do not exceed three days.

Requirements for the borrower, standard, and approach the lender to borrowers – individual: when deciding whether to credit is estimated invested their own capital, business transparency, the quality of accounting and reporting, sources of repayment, it security and business prospects in general. According to the results of this analysis the company refers to one or another category of risk. And the risk is generally quite high. Most bankers who deal with small businesses, complain about the complexities involved in evaluating them (small businesses) credit, which is due to non-transparent reporting of most enterprises and low-quality collateral. Banks, despite the Advertising declaration of "quick loans" and "scoring systems" try as detailed as possible "enlighten" is not very transparent borrowers, choosing among them the most reliable. A scoring system used usually only when granting consumer credits. The employees of credit institutions argue that the majority of borrowers, estimated by the scoring system, fall into the so-called "gray zone" – not to be uniquely neither positive nor a negative decision.