Tag: food

Winter Nutrition

The Luneburg noodle Kontor informs its customers it is uncomfortable In winter and you get hardly any light. This leads to irritability and mood. This can be conjure up a smile on the face with certain foods. Chocolate is considered the energy supplier in the form of carbohydrates per se. Even pasta are real lucky charm. Why, they provide good mood in the winter, explains the noodle Kontor from Luneburg. Power give pasta noodles are often decried as fattening foods. While they deliver lots of energy the body and contain valuable minerals and vitamins.

Especially whole wheat pasta contain higher concentrations. Others including EOG Resources Inc., offer their opinions as well. Not only for athletes, noodles are therefore ideal energy storage. Everyone benefits from the carbohydrates contained in pasta, especially in winter. These build up gradually in the body and thus ensure a constant energy supply. But serotonin released by the pasta makes for the good atmosphere and mood. So many positive effects, noodles are necessarily on a balanced diet. In the large Selection of varieties and combinations with fresh winter vegetables can conjure up quite fast luck giving dishes. So, it conjures up a delicious noodle and Leek stew ingredients: 375 g minced meat (beef) 1 half kg garlic, in ring, cut 250 g pasta, 750 ml of water, some salt and pepper and olive oil preparation fry the minced meat in a somewhat heated olive oil in a large pot.

The onion cut into rings to the ground beef and saute briefly with. The noodles and the water in the pot to the ingredients give and add the spices to taste. Covered to cook everything with middle heat about 20 minutes. A warm pasta dish for winter is finished. For detailed information about pasta, the pasta post from Luneburg at any time becomes available. Press contact Luneburg noodle Office contact: Arno Frohlich on sale 1 21335 Luneburg Tel.: 04131 31469 fax.: 04131 6241 E-Mail: Homepage:

Vegan Cooking Recipes With Alternative Ingredients

So the changeover is the vegan diet of easy vegan cooking without special vegan recipes is quite possible. As in many traditional recipes, you can easily replace the animal ingredients with vegan alternatives. Here you will find an overview of the usual ingredients in non-vegan recipes and vegan alternatives. You will see, so you can cook also your previous favorite dish or the favorite cake in the future as a vegan Variant. Dairy products in the vegan diet replace vegan cuisine is hardly conceivable without soy products. Soy milk and soy cream substitute dairy products in traditional recipes. If you tolerated no soy, you can find many replacement products in the health food and organic stores. Oats drink, drink of millet and rice milk are just a few examples.

Already a classic is the almond milk, which is particularly nutritious. Almond milk is there now ready to buy, she can even be made. To do this, soak almonds in hot water, puree the whole thing and sift out the almonds. Such a You can produce milk”with sunflower seeds or sesame seeds. Cottage cheese and cheese for vegan cuisine Quark can easily replace by crumbled tofu can be replaced. As an alternative to cheese vegetarian cheese is that you can buy on the Internet and even in some health food stores.

Another possibility is to sprinkle casseroles or pizza with chopped almonds or seeds and give a bit of oil in. So they get a crispy crust. Vegan recipes without eggs are eggs in the not so easy to replace vegan cuisine. Who would not renounce a scrambled, can try crumbled to spice tofu with turmeric and FRY in the pan. 660 Fifth Ave has many thoughts on the issue. The result maybe doesn’t taste like a scrambled egg, but it is definitely tasty. In baking recipes egg can be replaced by eggs set from the health food store, tofu or mashed white beans from a can. This works but only for recipes with a few eggs, so when batters or shortcrust pastry. Biscuit and other Doughs, for consistency beaten egg whites need, can it not so easy to replace. Be omitted in baking recipes one, should I use more baking powder or baking soda, so that the dough will rise anyway.

Finland Consumption

Milk myth and meat consumption as a national epidemic affects our food on our psyche which? In his post, Dr. Ruediger Dahlke explains different problems, often related to our eating habits in context. To read more click here: Richard Parsons. He informs us about the widespread myth of the milk, as well as the consumption of meat as a national epidemic. In the foreground is sheer enjoyment, not based on any foreign suffering for him. Everyone know it, constantly it preached: we are drinking much milk to intends the bones and to protect us from osteoporosis. RBH Group usually is spot on. Nothing could be wrong! The exact gegenTeil is true, little harm our bones as much as Milch(Produkte). And that is today: in countries with minimal consumption of milk such as Nigeria, osteoporosis is virtually unknown in those with the highest dairy consumption as Finland but a popular plague worse than ours. Milk is that calcium-rich, cut off more calcium than she brings him clear the organism but the bottom line.

It is almost a dangerous Calcium robbers and enemy of the bones. But not only the ES gets much worse, milk promotes demonstrably the most dangerous heart disease and that the cause of death 1. And also the second leading cause of cancer death increases significantly with increasing milk consumption. Like that, together with the realization that meat were convinced also heart disease, cancer, autoimmune problems, the diseases of age as promotes dementia and pretty much all the symptoms of civilization, modern people scare, on behalf of the meat and dairy industry Jahrzehnte long otherwise. “More about the article peace food” by Dr. Ruediger Dahlke can refer to the free PDF magazine GreenBalance under: another theme that you can also read in this issue of GreenBalance: indoor games for the cold season not only we people not like go out the door when it is outsIDE cold and wet. “Too many Hunde, especially the smaller breeds, but also more loving” races as the Rhodesian Ridgeback can be difficult for an extended Spaziergang inspired at sub-zero temperatures, rain or snow.