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Creativity Venture

Without customers a business not You can survive. Responsibility, therefore, of the entrepreneur is, analyze its customers to understand their needs, and everything they need to get ahead in your life. It is a compulsory diagnosis by an entrepreneur. Only thus can determine what should be given to our customers, when and how should be given, and in what amounts. There are certain steps that must be taken to avoid that a business project will fail, and those steps are directly related to certain characteristics of his personality. Without these innate characteristics in some cases on the personality of the entrepreneur, a venture could failing. A venture is seen as expressing a vision, take action before the viewing, and continue the work to achieve the goals proposed to our vision with constancy. I.e., leaving a mental state of desire and make it reality, through a series of actions, carried out with perseverance and perseverance.

I can say that some features are attitudes and, in that context, some of the features required for a successful venture, are the following: 1.-optimism. A simple way, the optimism means see the future in a positive way, without promoting any circumstance that could impede the development of our business, but rather, minimizing them. Experience has shown that success depends on the knowledge and ability to handle difficult situations. 2 Creativity. It is thinking and acting out of the ordinary, but with common sense. It is to broaden our minds further than ordinary and traditional, through a critical analysis of the circumstances and events. 3 Stability. An entrepreneur must be, at the same time, a leader; and a leader must have stability, in all senses of the life, physical, mental or emotional, and social.

With stability I mean the ability to handle different situations submitted to it with moderation. 4 Charisma. By this I mean the ability to communicate with different persons.