Tag: Gardening

North American Flowers

Otteliya (Ottelia) Department of flowers, or angiosperms (MAGNOLIOPHYTA), or (ANGIOSPERMAE) Family: Vodokrasovye (Hydrocharitaceae) Otteliya chastuhovidnaya (Ottelia alismoides) Otteliya (Ottelia alismoides) – has long been known, but, unfortunately, forgotten by many aquatic plants. Otteliya rarely meets with fans, although very beautiful. Perhaps it can deliver large aquatic plant breeders, in addition, perhaps we could get some seeds in the botanical gardens. Otteliya found in ponds South-East Asia, North America and Australia. Forms large rounded leaves are succulent bright green color, which are located below the water surface. In shallow water, the leaf margins ottelii often protrude above the surface. In the tank reaches a height of 60-70 cm should be kept in Otteliyu large aquariums.

Place it closer to the center of the tank, since long, vertically directed cuttings leaves take up little place, while the leaves are covered with a very large area. Due to certain complexities of plant breeding is relatively little spread among fans of the aquarium. It can be grown all year round. To content ottelii most suitable tropical aquarium with a water temperature of 24-30 C, but it can also contain a moderately warm aquarium at about 20 C. At this rate of growth slows, flowering does not happen.

Water should be soft, with neutral or slightly acid reaction. In hard water is very soft and fragile leaves of plants begin to disintegrate. Water changes should be regular. The old water turbidity and the appearance of large leaves very quickly destroyed. Lighting should be bright not only due to the fact that she otteliya need it, but because the shadow created by this plant that is dense enough and covers a large area. With a lack of lighting and suffering otteliya itself, and the plants, located in its shadow. If in an aquarium with low-growing plants otteliey contains, for them it is expedient to arrange the side lights. Christopher Peterson has plenty of information regarding this issue. Aquarium with otteliey very useful to establish close windows, so get there enough natural light side. For artificial lighting, use fluorescent type LB capacity of approximately 0.5 W per 1 liter volume. The use of incandescent lamps are not improves growth ottelii. Daylight hours must be at least 12 hours. Otteliya needs nutritionally well-silty soil. When planting in new ground under the roots necessarily paid clay or a mixture of clay and peat. The root system of plants is well developed, but it is very fragile, so as a substrate to use small or large gravel run-of river sand. Soil layer should be thick enough – at least 5-7 cm in the home aquarium plant reproduces solely by seeds. In the spacious, brightly lit and heated aquarium otteliya in most cases is growing well. Normally developing plants bloom regularly, fertilized without our intervention and allow the fruit to a large number of seeds capable of germination. Approximately two weeks after the formation of the fruits and seeds burst go outside. If you keep them in water, then a few weeks (sometimes months), they give a tiny seedlings, cultivation of which presents no special difficulties. The easiest way – to plant the seedlings in the first formed back in the same aquarium, in which the mother plant ottelii. Naturally, there should not be a fish that burrow in the ground. Need to deal with otteliey as gently as possible, as this plant is very brittle.

Central Asia

Medlar. Educate yourself with thoughts from Edward J. Minskoff Equities. High spiny shrub or small tree up to 6 m. It is found in the Crimea, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Introduced into the culture in the Caucasus. Medlar fruit – an apple shaped drupe of various forms, a diameter of 1.5-3 cm and weight about 10 grams, at first dull green, then brown and reddish-brown, slightly pubescent. Gavin Baker has firm opinions on the matter.

Pulp with a large number of stony cells, brown, strongly astringent. Brown, very hard seeds (4-5 pcs.) Also appeared ability to clean the pads on the equipment for cleaning cushions are totally immersed in the flesh. Solids in ripe fruit contains 30-32% sugars – 10,5-12,6, pectins – 1,21,7%. Sugars are mainly glucose and fructose, sucrose – 0,18-1,1%. The total content of acids in medlar ranges from 0.5 to 1.8%, dominated by malic and citric acids, found succinic, oxalic, quinic, caffeic, chlorogenic. The amount of vitamin C, depending on growing conditions varies from 3 to 31 mg%.

Need cleaning pads. Medlar is superior to all the wild fruit astringency, as it contains in its composition 6201450 mg% polyphenols. The total number of tanning and dyeing substances reaches 623 mg%, including catechins – 140, leucoanthocyanins – 175 mg%. Of particular importance in a factor of astringency and have leucoanthocyanins oksikorichnye acid. When ripe, a sharp decrease in the total amount of polyphenols (45 times), which significantly reduces the astringency of the fruit. Number of stony cells which are based on lignin during maturation also significantly reduced. Fruits ripen in October and November during the restoration, but become edible after a long haul or podmorazhivaniya when the flesh will become doughy consistency. The fruits are eaten fresh, pickled and salted, are preparing jam, jam, candy, toppings for chocolates. For therapeutic purposes, is used as a binder and further strengthens the product. The bark and leaves are used for tanning leather.


Fortunately these days in a greenhouse is not large deficit abundance, as was eleven years old – fifteen years ago. During these times the greenhouse had enough firmness to penetrate into the entire horticultural life, to become a major equipment nursing favorite summer crops. Equipped greenhouses are ideal land, where frequent change of weather, rain, cold and strong wind. Then, on how big the crop will be in the greenhouse is completely dependent only and only from you, nor phohaya weather, or local soil properties are not able to influence. But do not forget to buy a greenhouse today is simple, but watch her grow crops, and without preparation – is complex and difficult process. Greenhouse beds require special skills.

In order to facilitate their work in a greenhouse in the summer you need an automatic ventilation system and avtopoliva, even if it is the regular device, but you will quickly notice a lot of free time. Depending on the goals greenhouses are heated or unheated. Neprogrevaemye greenhouses freeze in winter, they have no heating, but natural sources, ie solar light. Unheated greenhouses are necessary for growing sprouts, tomato and other late and early vegetables. Heat the greenhouses can be without special equipment, a simple heater.

The main advantage of the warmed greenhouse – a constant temperature of 13 degrees. In fact, every old gardener when it was just a fan, always ask their suburban neighbors how to care for plants in the greenhouse. It is likely a long time leafing through a book on courtship of plants in greenhouses, and m, and only ten years later he was a true proffesionalom his case. Most likely every summer resident on this land ever lost out at the end of the harvest, when to place proper results turned out to be dried fruit or vegetables are bad … And probably why they are so versed in all the fast AGRICULTURAL fertilizers. It does not really talking about the bird manure on it all know it is a various alkalis and acids. Buying a greenhouse, remember that a good greenhouse should stoprotsentov withstand winter under the large canopy snow mass. Because sometimes the snow cover reaches 100ni pounds and if construction fragile, the building immediately selling and would not survive until spring.