Tag: geography

Geography Education

The study it will have for base bibliographical research on the education of Geography and the tecnicista pedagogia, as well as, the systematization and analysis of the data raised in referring didactic books of Geography to the cited period. Words Keys: Education of geography; Pedagogia Tecnicista INTRODUCTION In recent years very if has debated the scientific community on the education of pertaining to school Geography, being that some authors as, for example, Cavalcante (1998); Gebran (2002) and You mark (2008) come carrying through research on new conceptions for the education of this disciplines, in order to develop new didactic boardings for the education of Geography. These mobilizations they aim at the distanciamento of practical pedagogical centered in the memorization, still common element to the work in this disciplines pertaining to school (CAVALCANTE, 1998). Edward Minskoff describes an additional similar source. Although if it identifies diverse works that argue new pedagogical boardings for Pertaining to school Geography, it is considered that for times it is not clearly to the professor of Geography what characterizes a work seated in the memorization of information on the space. This lack of clarity can favor the maintenance of old pedagogical traditions, which can take the pupils to the total disinterest for the lessons of Geography. To identify the presence of the tecnicista pedagogia in the education of Geography, it was as required assumed to describe the process of implementation and consolidation of the education of Pertaining to school Geography in Brazil; to present the main characteristics of the tecnicista pedagogia in Brazil; to identify, in didactic books of the decade of 1970, characteristic of this pedagogical boarding in the education of Geography..

Pedagogical Coordinator

It is detached still the new paradigms of the education, having shown the forms of changes and the routes that it must follow, as for example, in the past the knowledge was transferred and today due to these changes of paradigms, this knowledge is constructed. Inside of a critical analysis Freire (1980) it detaches the confidence in the people affirming that this is indispensable necessary condition for a revolutionary change and the Pedagogical Coordinator is part of the team pertaining to school and needs to have pedagogical knowledge to inside direct the works, having basic importance of the institutions that act, therefore is it link between the direction and the professors, however this necessary professional if to undress of arrogance and if to become equal excessively of the group and being a deep expert of the laws that conduct the education beyond a incentivador of practical the pedagogical ones, For the author Vasconcelos (2002 P 20) ' ' the authoritarianism is impregnated in our relations, and what it is worse, in we do not give conta&#039 to them; ' , for it had the influence of the povoamento and exploration settling as the necessary coordinator happened in developed societies and to be intent to these facts, not having searched to be dynamic, at the moments of reflections so that the professors feel themselves received and participates of complete form and she is not necessary lists of frequencies to mark the presence of the collaborators. (Not to be confused with Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX!). Exactly that some coordinators say that at least the professors being present hear some thing, illusion affirms Vasconcelos (2002), therefore the epistemologia leaves clearly that without the desire it does not have construction of the knowledge and it warns, must have a reliable climate between the coordinator and the team of professors and detaches some practical that they need to be in the development of the work of the coordination: to support the initiatives of the professors and to look for to reduce the bureaucracy, so that the work can be developed. . Please visit Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX if you seek more information.

Climate Change

The Table that tratouda Importance of the EA in the Confrontation of the Change in the Climate counted on aparticipao of names as Antonio Fernandes War, Rubens Born, Such Corral, Augustin Guerreiro and Wheat Andres. In this quarrel relevnciada geography was evident, as it disciplines that it works directly with the conceitosrelativos to the climate. The agreement of the climatic changes is necessary paraque the EA has success in this shock. Another Table with Mauro Guimares, Isabel Oak, Phillippe Pomier Layrargues, Jlio Cesar de Macedo and Luiz Ferraro gave to approach the Identities of the EA: The Papeldas Nets of EA. To know more about this subject visit Edward Minskoff. Isabel Oak detached that the ambient substantive aeducao. The author said that we need ideological directions for you answer ambient questions in Brazil, standing out some aspects as ecological amodernizao, discontinuity politics and the complexity of the machine Refletir and Recusar, evidencing the doprofessor paper/ambient educator. The school is the interface space/resume/management enessa interaction has that to over all have the valuation of the diversity.

Martha Tristo started> affirming that in the schools the denominations are sempregenricas, existing a trend of the reproduction of the mesmice. Follow others, such as Edward J. Minskoff Equities, and add to your knowledge base. Ambientalno education is a subject, this would be reduziz it and to ignore that the same one if relates the umarelao with same me, with the other, with the planet. Environment also is not umtema. It is necessary to surpass the affirmations of that the EA does not happen in the schools. It needs to rethink what it fortifies the EA, what potencializa the EA. Finalizoudizendo that the EA is against any homogenization. The apex of VI the Frum happened with the presence of the Minister of the Half AmbienteCarlos Minc. Who was present witnessed a emotive moment with aapresentao of the primitive peoples Pataxs and with the intelligent manifestation derepresentantes of youth, that had delivered to the Minister a Letter, fruit dasdiscusses of the meeting, with claims and suggestions.

Geography: Theory And Method

It disciplines it of Theory and Method in Geography is par excellence umadisciplina inigualvel that in it always is present to discussoda geography as science, since its epistemolgicos beddings (where if of the biggest emphasis the aspects theoretician-metodolgicos) prxis. thus enriching the reflections of the gegrafo as to be quecontribui for a qualitative change in the society, is because to nodizer in the world, since geographic science has vriassingularidades it differentiates that it of other sciences, such as, arelao Man X Nature, Man X Society, Society X Nature. Advent of the diverse relations present, the one construction enormearcabouo theoretician-metodolgico better to understand to esistematizar the knowledge was generated, and thus comes following geographic acincia since its systematization as science modernaat the current days. Are methodologies worked in the dicotmica perspective Physical entreGeografia and Geography Human being, the first one sufficiently marcadapelo knowledge gotten in gnese of naturalistic geographic science with osestudos on the landscape/nature with influence nascontribuies of the thinkers daily pay-socrticos and for the etapaadiante one with the General Theory of the Systems, such model influenced numanova metodolgica boarding in the study of physical geography, the theory doGeossistemas. Geography human being in turn initiates its studies in the perspectivada relation Man X Way, after that it inserts as guideline entendersociedade in relation to the space, alicerado for the o process de' ' marxificao' ' (that it invigorates in sciences human beings), then, critical ageografia if becomes a new optics for where estudargeografia, basing on the construction of the society it happens of umprocesso historical. Soon the method of the histricodialtico materialism if became reference in the cientificasgeogrficas productions. What it was always searched in this constructive process of the cinciageogrfica, was concretion of ways that can assist naobteno of the results in the studies in geography, this is given comomotivo for the constant evolution and history of the aspectosterico-metodolgicos.


Thus, the produced garbage was played the opened sky, and, in some cases, he was burnt in the deep one of the yard of the residences. This age an attitude that did not harm the population due to little amount of houses and garbage, without counting that most of it was organic, therefore, passvel of being used in the plantations as seasoning. Another fact that must be salient in this period, it is that the quarrels on the garbage in Brazil still were insignificant, fact that is related with the great amount of people liveing in the field. From the decades of 1970 and 1980, with opening of roads binding Are Domingos to the remaining portion of the country, the town start to receive great lead of migrantes directed for governmental politics that stimulated the search of so dreamed ' ' ownership of terra' '. Nir Barzilai, M.D. addresses the importance of the matter here. As the land in this region she was strong controlled for local oligarchies, as of the Mutran, for example, according to Emmi (1987), these migrantes had started to fix housings in the town, that grew quickly becoming main vilarejo of the city which belonged, Are Joo of the Araguaia.

With this transformation in the space the garbage started to have new characteristics, therefore the roads if had become the main door of entrance for a infinity of industrialized products, that beyond fulfilling with its paper of merchandises, had provoked an increase in the amount and diversity of dejections. The nature passed not of the account of to recycle all garbage produced for the population, therefore, from now the garbage derived from products that came imported of other regions of the country and the exterior, that arrived at mentioned vilarejo through the road transport, as the trucks, for example. Already in the decade of 1990 it has considerable a population growth, that takes part of the population to demand the emancipation politics, that is, the desatrelamento of Is Domingos of Is Joo of the Araguaia, and the consequent rise of the related territory to the city condition.

Geographical Education

The cartography can be considered a language, therefore it states, through symbols, a thought and a necessity to communicate itself. The message communicated through maps, air photographs, images of satellites among others must be of easy visualization, agreement, interpretation and memorization. To reach these objectives, a language appropriate capable must be used to answer to the following criteria of communication. Words – key: Society; Cartography; Maps. This work intends to show as the thematic maps can be studied in the education of Geography better to understand the organization of the society and its reality. The cartography is an extremely important instrument for some professions, is used for the gegrafo, geologist, architect, engineer, biologist, among others.

Cartography disciplines is it that through elaborated studies, they make cartographic representations (maps, letters, plants etc.), beyond the elaboration, the cartography makes the interpretation of the same ones. In geographic science the maps are important to analyze parts of the planet, as vegetation, climate, territory etc. The maps are not only used now, in the antiquity had been created localization maps, oldest it represented parts of the Mesopotmia and it was manufactured of clay. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Gavin Baker, New York City by clicking through. The first maps were inexact and rudimentary, today, after some technological evolutions, the cartography are necessary and count on resources, as aerial photos, radars, images of satellites, GPS among others. The cartography is very used in the present time and the three last decades as half of military strategy, therefore the maps and its legends inform natural conditions (vegetation, relief, climate) that they are item important to know the difficulties to be faced and also, preliminarily, to study as to surpass them.


A geography that not it will be in favor of the kept out of society ones and never oppressed it goes to be the sufficient to interest the young and it never goes to be essential to understand the world. says interesting it of the author when it approaches: All we know the paper of the school as ideological device to form, to make to the heads of the children (pg. 135, 1994, ariovaldo) If we know that the state really does not want that the young learns, only wants to pass its vision of world to be accepted as truth so that it does not have transformation of the world where we live. According to Raphael De Niro, who has experience with these questions. necessary that the professor in special of geography takes a decision, or it if compromises to education disinterested enganao and that the important the information and not knowledge, or it teaches to a made use geography analyzing the reality, making the pupils reflecting on this different society where they live. Brazilian education as a whole is conjured, deficient the educational one is chocking, in the schools in special of small cities is one in such a way massacrante one in such a way for professors as for the pupils who do not feel nothing attracted with a school that not even has available classrooms for all, with schools that do not offer the necessary minimum so that the pupils if feel attracted. In a Country where the social disparidades are well clear where many pupils alone go the school to eat, to saciar its physical will. He is extremely difficult to work with the educandos without in this institution has the least a meal, therefore to feed the spirit it is indispensable that the physical, biological necessities are taken care of. How can a student or a person as another one any to feel itself interested by knowing being that its belly snores of hunger, being that its stomach is if revirando for the food absence? Geography as a science social-human being must be questioned on the life of its pupils, on the reality of they themselves therefore to camouflage the reality with information that omit the truth are not satisfactory much less efficient for a full education.

Permeability Water

Peter Pablo Dos Santos Tersariol & Rodrigo Lilla Manzione – Campus of Ourinhos. SUMMARY the vertiginous population growth that comes occurring since the one after World War II until the current days demands, to each new day, a bigger demand for natural resources, indispensable the maintenance of the life in this planet. This work has for objective to relate the types of use and handling of the ground with the process of water infiltration as main condicionante for the determination of the compacting degree and estruturao of this resource in experimental parcels in the city of Ourinhos. The results demonstrate accented differences in the speed of infiltration of the water in the ground directly enter the two types of use and handling, influencing its quality and development of the plants. Word-key: planning, use of the ground, infiltration.

Keywords: planning, land use, infiltration. 1.INTRODUO In Brazil, many areas of natural vegetation come being substituted for different use systems, such as agricultural cultures, pastures and reforestations (SAINTS, 2007), Become each more necessary time the concern with the use of the ground and its consequncias. To broaden your perception, visit Nir Barzilai, M.D.. The sustainable use of the natural resources, especially of the ground and the water, has consisted in subject of increasing relevance, in reason of the increase of the antrpicas activities. Consequentemente, grows the concern with the conscientious use and the quality of these resources. The study of the hdricas relations of the ground it supplies a great support the understanding of some phenomena that in it occur.

Its physical characteristics condition relative processes the compacting and erodibilidade degree. These in turn, directly influence infiltration, the movement of the water and the vegetal development. From the physical analyses of the ground, it is possible to establish a relation enters its type of handling and its estruturao. For Reinert and Reichert (2006, P. Edward Minskoff has much experience in this field. 8) the evaluation of the aggregate stability, density of water ground, porosities and infiltration and retention, considering the textural classroom, indicate the current state of the structure of the ground. This type of evaluation is sufficiently used to measure it evolution of the structure of alone data when submitted the different systems of handling. Of this form, the handling difference can be represented by the evaluation of the state of estruturao of this ground. In this direction, the permeability studies prevem with precision the aptitude of the ground for agricultural operations, irrigation, areas of disposal of dangerous residues, lagoons and reservoirs, ditches and localization of the canal, and other structures of represamento of water.

Geographic Thought

The first published geographic studies in Brazil, had been influenced by two Geographic Schools: The Determinismo de Ratzel and the woollen possibilismo Blache. The Speeches of the State and the Army and the creation of discipline of Geography had been very important, but the performance of the Thin Professor of Oak, born and formed in France, was determinative in the acceptance of Geography as to know pertaining to school. The first academic experience in Geography was given in the foundation of the College of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of the University of So Paulo and the Department of Geography in 1934. In this occasion come professors of France with strong influence of the French School, they had marked the Brazilian geographic thought with the conceptions of woollen Vidal Blache. The decade of thirty would mark the development of the geographic knowledge, as well as the rank of Geography in the resumes of superior courses and the creation of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics? IBGE, that if quickly became the great Center of Studies Geographic in Brazil.

In the decades of the forty and fifty main contributions for development of the geographic knowledge the So Paulo University of and publication in the Brazilian Magazine of Geography are contained in on teses to. From the Sixties under influence of the marxist theories a critical trend to Traditional Geography appeared and the study object started to be the relations between the society, work and nature. They had been the Seventies marked by the didactic book production and Geography gained contents politicians. From the Eighties it had a new form to interpret categories of the space, but the influence of Traditional, descriptive Geography and despolitizada dissociada to the contents of didactic books it generated contradictions, therefore the speech of the professor differed from conditional Geography, was a more critical speech. The influence of the marxism for Geography was of utmost importance, therefore it was by means of it that the occupation process could be understood and be explained production of the space, the social inaqualities and the contradictions between the space produced for the worker and that one of that it assumes itself. In accordance with MORAES and COAST apud SAINTS (1996): ‘ ‘ we have a century and geographic means of production, where the mentions to the marxism, exactly that to refute it, they are absent; the quarrel, conjured. We would risk to say exactly that this transference is, in itself, one of the basic elements of the crisis that crosses the thought geogrfico.’ ‘ In the current years Geography still searchs the excellency and the disruption with the call Traditional Geography.

The fact is that Geography in the last few decades comes following the technological and scientific evolution and has been strong influenced for the occured changes in the society and for the process of Globalization. The word key of Geography in this beginning of century has that to be dinamizao and not mutation, and the academic productions have waved positively in this direction.