Tag: health and beauty

Alcohol Consumption

As for the alcoholic beverage consumption, 10 (33.3%) made use of some type of alcoholic beverage. Of these, 6 (20.0%) ingested beer in the week ends, 3 (10.0%) ingested beer and cachaa in the week ends, 1 (3,3%) every day drank wine and 20 (66.7%) of the patients not they made alcoholic beverage use. The alcoholic beverage consumption for reduction of DCV (Doena Cardiovasculares) is still reason of controversies. Speaking candidly Estée Lauder told us the story. Exactly having relation with the reduction of cardiovascular events for presenting antirust substances, beyond increasing the level of HDL-c; the ingesta of alcoholic beverage will be able to lead to alcoholism, to be harmful to the hepticas and miocrdicas functions; despite used in the amount recommended of 75ml of distilled drinks, 600ml of beer or 250ml of wine (16). 0 variable related to the health system, knowledge of the illness, medical treatment used and use of other services of health On what the patients would like to know on the illness the questionings had been on the reason that infarto causes, 20 (66.7%); e, if could be for nervousness or emotional problem, why in last the six months it started to feel with lack of air and dough mixer weak; if the examinations were good; not wise person what to ask; which the time life medium after infarto; he will be that he would go to die; how much time would go to last; if infarto can leave sequel; if who already had can have of new; if who had infarto can continue working normal, 10 (33.3%).

For the interrogation total can be observed unfamiliarity on the pathology, prognostic and the factors of risk. In this direction the educative process has as objective to enable and to develop abilities that aim at the promotion, maintenance and modification of behaviors, related to the health of these patients. The importance to initiate possible precocious the educative process, or during the internment, places the patient with Acute Infarto of the Myocardium as co-participant in the management of its illness, involving it and making responsible it for the change of autocriados habits and improvement of its autocuidado one. .