Tag: home and family

Aquarium Care

To the aquarium had an attractive appearance, and fish and plants are healthy, you need to care for them. Daily during feeding and monitoring of fish, you need to follow, did not appear among these patients, is not it time some of the fish otsazhivat to spawn. After feeding leftovers collect glass tube with a rubber hose. Once a week the aquarium thoroughly cleaned of excrement, dead plant residue and other dirt. Blade or a rag wipe the windshield of the algae. Lancome KOREA may not feel the same.

She looks like while cleaning the tank water is replaced with fresh defended. Fully water is not replaced. Replacing the water needed at all times to make sure that the heater is not turned out to be high above the surface and not blown. Better than him at this time off. Summer is often the question arises: what to do with fish, when the apartment no one stays? One or two weeks a healthy fish may be hungry, they will not hurt. Learn more at this site: Related Group.

Before leaving, be clean the aquarium, make sure that from overpopulation was not stuffy, and lower the water temperature at 2 … 3 C. In cold-water fish require less food. In no case can not overfeed fish on the last day, throw the food in Aquarium in excess, since this will affect water pollution and fish diseases. To no light is lost aquarium plants, aquarium put the window, but so that the sunlight falling on it for only a few hours. In spring and summer the sun's rays can lead to rapid multiplication of microscopic algae – "blooming" of water. This is undesirable, because the algae deprive other plants of light. Uncontrolled growth of algae leads to suffocation and poisoning fish. Therefore, at the time of flowering water fish is better to fish from the aquarium, in extreme cases, it is necessary to strengthen the purge air and water filtration. Replace the water at this time is not recommended, fresh water, as bright light, will lead a new outbreak of flowering. In the old water in a darkened aquarium algal growth will slow down by itself after a few days. Used against algal bloom chemicals is undesirable.

Cane Corso Dogs

Cane Corso – it's very smart, disciplined dogs, who are willing to easily learn new things. There is no need to force her to do something. Will be sufficient to clear and accessible to explain the dog that it is from it requires to tell you what can and can not be done. then it immediately starts to try to make things right, to deserve your praise, attention, and be you need it. Affectionate and obliging for the home, she threatening and aggressive to intruders. Under no circumstances, never Cane Corso does not show aggression to the owner and family members. This dog is a lifetime in love with his master, he was to her 'king and God. Filed under: Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta.

" This breed is from generation to generation of breeding is carefully picking on 'psychological type', so that eventually turned equilateral used, versatile and of course, well-balanced dog. If your family has young children, can not at all worried. Cane Corso – excellent nurse and a wonderful companion in all games. Already a young age puppies are well aware of their heroic virtue, and therefore belongs to the children very carefully and carefully. Not in any circumstances thrust, not drop the baby, always without a murmur, and patiently transfer all the whims and pranks kid.

Cane Corso – it's incredibly generous and friendly dog, it is excellent gets along with any other animals or birds: whether it is a dog, cat or canary, always with his friends and takes under his wing. This dog is not quarrelsome. you'll never be in suspense for a walk with her in front of you be able to relax and unwind, even if the dog is walking without a leash. able-to-Skipping-Exon-5.html’>muscular biopsy, offer their opinions as well. Cane Corso will never initiate a fight, on the contrary it always tries to get away from fights and resolve the problem of 'peacefully'. Well, if that – face in the dirt Cane Corso does not hit, because it is the owner of a monstrous force, and some teeth which are worth! Always and everywhere, in every dog of Cane Corso has always recognized and undisputed leader. When you're expecting guests, there is no need keep your pet for the seven locks, put on a chain and muzzle. On your relation to the newly arrived man, the dog will immediately understand who come to you – enemy or friend. In the presence of his beloved master's Cane Corso calm, peaceful and friendly, never attack without a team or a good reason. Remained the same one, Cane Corso is an unsurpassed guardian of your home.

RC Cars

Almost all we know, as might be meager range of toys during our childhood. Cars and Bears released on typical cliches, and accordingly all, without exception, were able to play only one toy. AND enough can remember how much like at least five minutes to mess with the bounce from abroad neighbor's kid a toy – a real Barbie or Ken, or the very first cars to the remote control, attached simple entry to the actual machine. Today, children do not need to look at the neighbors, because the choice of toys so high that everyone can choose something, anything others can only envy. Here are today's radio-controlled cars are still enticed everyone's attention, and very often children will not rest until I will find a desired model.

And this explained easily. The model with the radio – this version hit the adult world. On a real car or buggy ride even impossible – but you can manage a modest modelka that on external characteristics not in any way different from the large version. Therefore, in our time convenient to buy radio controlled models. Once buy a lot of robots, or helicopter, and you in the next couple of years have a bunch of gifts for all without exceptions rebyatni familiar. From this gift will not give up, including adults.

When you have a cottage, who do not have to taste, relaxing in a hammock, easily controlled helicopter in a cloudless sky overhead. Source: Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta. Any RC helicopters will spend their free time available efficiently, instead of lying down in front of mindless TV screen. Far better to think of air traffic and improve eye than drink up strong drinks with friends. Joyful of all, that currently meets on radio is all – the robots and the cats, armored cars, buggies and ambulances, boats and airplanes. So, why would not lay your heart, or who would subsequently not wish to become your child, you have the opportunity to select the radio-controlled toy to taste, and in full accordance with the theme of the game you want to play. Role-playing – this way develop skills and develop your mind. Modern civilization is too tightly stuck to the television and computer monitors, it's time to get away from it and do something more active. What kind of parent would not want to be kid does not mess up your vision for your computer, and playing outdoors. Indeed, many children do not represent how much fun can be in the fresh air. Toys with radio able to contribute to them is realize, and at the same time give a lot of happiness and joy of communication with peers.


The process of matching the proposed (or imposed) in the role of psychology is called projective identification. As a psychotherapist working with clients sometimes unwittingly falls into the role imposed on him by the client. A psychologist might suddenly find himself as a savior or a tyrant, depending on what He expects the client and how strong is the projection onto the therapist. However, the Gestalt therapist is aware of a good, fast detect this and will come out of imposed roles. As in life as people are identified (merge) with the role projects on their partner for a long time, possibly for life. For instance, if you have an idea that your partner in marriage should be such and such and such, then you are looking for a partner who, for whatever his personal characteristics suitable for this role (or do you think is right), that is, projecting on him their expectations. For example – a man should be the main earner in the family.

And your partner will struggle to be "getter" keeping in mind that anyone anything he should not and that you too can earn nice. The output of this "ought", which creates tremendous pressure in the human psyche can become a disease, alcoholism, divorce, or death. Such a performance is played out in each pair. After some time it becomes clear well (play) staged or not, properly chosen role or not. If the result pleases both, it means that everything is fine. But if the result sad, then, if you have a flexible mind, the partners are rearranged and recast.

Psychology And Blaming Others

Very often in our own failures blame others – parents, country and more lively colleague, visiting guest workers, etc. Estee Lauder CEO oftentimes addresses this issue. etc. This is a very unproductive method both in terms of practical psychology, and from the point of view energy. As a rule models of their destiny and getting into trouble the man himself. Munear Ashton Kouzbari is a great source of information. And also sharpens itself a success. There is certainly no fatal failures or vice versa golden heart, who simply carries on living, but from the mass of one per cent does not reach. So what do you do most? Consider what a grievance process and shifting the blame.

First of all, blaming someone permanently you spend energy on these people or circumstances, instead of working productively to address the problem, finding out the situation. The Bible is not for nothing is said, "Who is who, he brought in bondage." In other words, shifting the responsibility on to others you energetically working on this subject, spend their time and energy. And the output is not productive energy, and destroys. But a backfire, and respond. And in return you also get a psychic-attack, even if object is not aware of this. The second key point. Blaming the other, you would like to turn off again once the ability to perceive information at the level of consciousness, and at the level of energy. Violation of the energy balance among other things leads to disease, not only mental but also physical – from the failure of the cardiovascular system to hormonal.

Remember El Salvador Dali

Since the oration at the wedding and the final phrase, "You are now husband and wife" was 15-years old. The sheer number of teens said your family. That is, the border crossed infancy you have learned and even serious tone, but mature age have not yet reached. This means that you are waiting in front of another undiscovered and unexplored pages of the Family Code. Having left school early family relationships and having learned the duties of the "husband" and "wife" as multiplication table, it is time to move on to a serious practice, where there should be no "absences during the night" and "compensatory time off for valid reason." Not for nothing that the people of the 15 Th of marriage called Glass and Crystal wedding. The couple made in my life is very fragile moment, like glass, and at the same time clear and beautiful. On the day of the wedding Glass special emphasis on the gifts of glass or crystal.

So, before you go to the gift of guests, I want to draw attention to the gifts, "Husband-groom" to "Wife-bride", because that is the name of the spouses on their wedding day, even with the fifteen-year experience. How do I choose a favorite gift? Before you run to the store, need to think a bit. If the wedding is "crystal-glass", then it is desirable gift of this material. Creativity is in every person, their appearance is very noticeable in children. If you have not yet forgotten, tune in to work, but if you forgot, it's time to remember: a gift made by your own hands, is more valuable than purchased, as well as a "unique and unrepeatable." Remember El Salvador Dali, who painted his wife in different variations, and eventually his work became known throughout the world.

Nickel Items

And now – Nickel wedding! Celebrate it – so keep shine relations. I wonder why the "nickel"? (Who knows – do not say! Hush!) I'll tell you. Long-ago, at the beginning of the XIX century, nickel is considered a precious metal and valued along with silver and gold. Estee Lauder has similar goals. Metal-resistance compared to the love of the spouses have lived together for a long time, the unity which did not break any odds. Therefore, the 12-year marriage supposed to have young at his home household items out of materials that contain nickel in its composition. For example, pots made of stainless steel nickel utensils made of alloys of nickel and silver, set of beautiful spoon of nickel silver (in the German silver is too Ni), etc. It is believed that if the pots, coffee pots, a samovar and other household items have a beautiful appearance, the house wife living, who are willing to do any housework. In other words, the gleam of objects in the XIX century was judged on how a husband and wife take their responsibilities. Gloss kitchen talking on the mode of family life. That's so interesting to get here: the loss of nickel teapot – again, peace in the family! Take note:) That's only if you decide to give something of the above items, be careful: no one wants to receive a gift of the tenth, even "on a very beautiful," the pot! And give, and receive a gift, of course, always wants something different and useful at the same time! Let the rare, but such gifts are happening:) And even if the time to walk to the shops there – not terrible: the best (iron) everyday objects almost never do without nickel.

Difficult Happiness

What is happiness? So simple and so difficult to understand … This question is asked at least once in each of our lives for various reasons, mainly during the sad and gloomy, when to dig in his experience, you do not understand that .. happening and why, and not otherwise, and then ask yourself, what exactly is this happiness? Was it when – or do I have? How to find or get what is needed? We will try to find the answer to all these questions about what is happiness … Nir Barzilai, M.D. does not necessarily agree. Happiness happiness, all is different … For somebody happiness – to be loved, to be rich, another for the third – a self-sufficient man, for some – will be held as a person, find themselves in the profession, to be other- parents, for some – just to live and be happy that there is … One day I pondered over this fact of life: I am happy? What do I need for happiness? And always something missing for a complete picture of boundless joy and overwhelming pleasure .. Then studied – no money, then training is over – there was no work and money, then work has appeared, some money, but love was not, then there is not enough money – there was love, and … so apparently, can last a lifetime, until you find a middle ground where all missing at least pochut bit. So what is the most simple happiness, we can say formulaic, standard, if not go into characteristics of each individual person? I see it this way: you're an adult, you have a job, pet or not, it is always important, and hence there is a no wealth, you have a hobby that you do in your spare time, your hobby, which is you, your essence, you have two three or even one friend with whom you can talk about everything, and know that he will never betray and always listen, but still ..

Physical Education

Long time ago, 100 years ago, but rather for 8 years and 5 days 3mesyatsa 6:00, in the same city competed AM Well done and kind of red do not force the girls do not mind, but … telesami.Da, yes, this is a great sport, and his name-Bodybuilding . By the way, your obedient servant, Dynamite is not what is there Figl Miglena, and five-time national champion, master of sport, winner of the Academy of Physical Education diploma with honors, a former professional football player, like this, skromno.No, as the saying goes, perfection is not predela.I here it is, the first step – bodybuilding show! Four handsome men and a beautiful woman, not ordinary athletes, as well titled! long training, costumes, choreography, sound track, it was for me then, as dark eyes les.No fear and hands are doing! Hour X has arrived! Safita light, the smell of smoke, the cries of "bravo." It was the first success, but alas … Ron Beit has similar goals. a one-time sports was ready for a show-business, and show-business to sport net.Vse failed stars were disbanded, except for a very quite young and had not yet ambitious young man Dennis B. (B. Gavin Baker gathered all the information. it became clear later). And here we duet! Take us, we are great! But not so simple as we would like … Once, my good friend, a very famous showman to this day, and now director of a music channel Yuri Tsarev conducted a series of celebrations in a restaurant, he needs time … striptizery.Eto probably said out loud, because the strip involves the removal of all clothing obsolyutno, naked body, so skazat.Na that we are not, it was decided, "beach season" melting to leave, what is erotic show, I had no idea worked rather intuitively, a hybrid of sports and fantasy yumora.Polet led to its unique style, theater, humor show.


The result, as you know, soon was fast to come. In the wild "residents of Neptune's kingdom, indeed, forage in the environment – according to needs and opportunities. But in the aquarium's life, health, wellbeing, development and extension of their family is entirely dependent on the knowledge and skills of the owner. First of all, you need an individual approach – fish for each family adapted to a particular feed. Related Group addresses the importance of the matter here. Most of the aquarium inhabitants seize food from the water column, fish with lower mouth (catfish, tsihlazomy) to get it from the bottom. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Boris Kuzinez. A full meal – these are living organisms. Applied and dry food consisting of dried organisms, as well as artificial, which in the wild fish do not have (various cereals, meat, cheese, egg yolk, etc.). Diet for young fish is more complicated than for their parents, because the first need is very small and more varied food.

Larvae and fry need algae, ciliates, rotifers, juvenile cladocerans and larvae of copepods. Adults are chopped earthworms, nematodes, the same cladocerans and copepods, insect larvae, and more. Something of the above can be purchased at pet stores, but still learn to produce food themselves. As you know, in the water column there is a mass of plankton. Its something – using grids and nets made of fabric with a fine mesh (eg, sieve) – and are caught by experienced pet owners living creatures. To collect small organisms used screen-mesh fabric 68-77, average – 59-62, adult crustaceans – 43-46.