Tag: industry

Heating Boilers

Not one house or apartment can not do without heating and hot water in our climate zone. It is acceptable indoor climate to create a cozy atmosphere in the house and productive working environment in the office and in production. And a comfortable microclimate must be present in the room regardless of weather conditions and seasons. Ensure the best conditions for living and working to help universal device – the boiler heating system. We welcome you to our online store where you can always buy any equipment for heating, water supply and sanitation at the best prices. And, Of course, we have a large selection of heating equipment for any purpose.

A heating system, in turn, is built around the unit, which produces heat – that is, around the boiler. We offer our valued customers a wide choice of heating boilers, including boilers, electric boilers and solid fuel boilers. We sell heating boilers of all the most famous international and domestic manufacturers such as Ariston (Italy), Aton (Ukraine), Beretta (Italy), Baxi (Italy), BOSCH (Germany), Demrad (Turkey), ENA (Turkey), Ferroli (Italy), Grandini (Italy), Hermann (Italy), Immergas (Italy), Nobel (China), Nova Florida (Italy), Protherm, Saunier Duval, Solly (China), Sime (Italy), Vaillant (Germany), Viessmann (Germany), Westen (Italy) Unical AG (Italy) and others. Let's look at – what characteristics are important for heating boilers and how they differ from each other. The boiler heating system – a powerful stationary heater that runs on a particular type of fuel, and converts the fuel into heat, which heats the coolant in the heating system.

Construction Equipment

Trucks – it's modern high-performance machines designed for digging, loading and processing of different materials: different types of soils and rocks, coal, sand, gravel, metal shavings, wood chips, stones, etc., as well as agricultural products. In addition, the loader can independently process the ground (to make dumping mounds of earth, trees), to work in bulldozer mode: to produce the layout of sites and passage shallow pits. Loader can transport goods in the ladle or in grips, tow trailers or any other equipment at short distance. Gavin Baker, New York City is likely to agree. Loaders, having much smaller dimensions and weight than the excavators could raise a much larger mass of the goods; for maneuver do not need a large area. It is these qualities and define their scope. Accordingly, transformed and working parts – buckets. Standard buckets (with a straight cutting edge without teeth) are used for transhipment of sand, gravel and clay soils. These buckets can also be equipped with a removable double-sided cutting edge (full segment) made of hardened wear-resistant steel with high hardness.

Jaw Buckets increase the height of the landing on dozens of inches and allow the loader has additional features (pushing and leveling the soil, backfill, planning, capture bulk and general cargo). To assess the effectiveness of two important truck characteristics – the width of the bucket mouth and throwing back his corner. Rack back to the ground strongly influences the degree of its filling. The range of variation of the angle throwing back at the different models front loader quite wide (from 34 at the models of firm O & K to 53 at the Caterpillar) and determined by the size and type of cylinders Swing bucket.

Russian Maritime Register

Today, the choice thruster – an important task, in deciding which should take into account many factors, the operating conditions of the vessel, its size, nature and power sources of energy available on board, size, intensity, and operation of the ship lock, which should create a PE. – For example, on a private yacht that went into the sea several times a season, set thrusters device, designed for a smaller share than in commercial or fishing vessels for the northern latitudes of the storm, though their rated power may be the same in this case. This was sometimes forgotten craft owners that privvodit to failure of the incorrectly selected PU. Depending on these factors are applied, hydraulic, mechanical and electrical thrusters. Despite the fairly widespread view hydraulic launchers, even if you want to install the entire system from scratch, can cost less electric thrusters, as Mounting the past often required: Set the charger power batteries, consider the thickness of the section and the length of the wiring – under a constant current, stand-alone unit to run CP, transformers – with alternating current. In addition, electrical PU – depend on the board mains, and it can greatly overloaded, while the hydraulic system when you install a hydraulic pump for diesel – generator, – self-contained and can be used even when you stop the main engine. Well, of course, important detail, – the manufacturer of the selected device. According to RBH Group, who has experience with these questions. In the Russian market represented by marine equipment from many countries, from a wide range of businesses, but most of them do not predostavlyut service, have malorazvetvlennuyu dealer network, and has no domestic or / few / we recognized foreign certificates, which is a serious problem for shipowners.

By the way, the Russian Maritime Register recognizes and equipment manufacturers surveyed DNV, LLoyd and some others, but the river as far as I know, until recently, not priznval no. So it is better to give preference to proven podrulkam brands, such as Side Power, or Vetus. – Producers who do not have sounded the above drawbacks with the dealers and service, and have all the necessary certificates and certificates (well, almost all: Vetus was certification of production – the most important and difficult stage. And while much of the product has not yet individualnh quality certificates, they can simply get in this case, by inspection of PU after installation on board). On the market and thrusters would particularly like to highlight a device firms Side Power, which manufactures hydraulic and electric (DC) VS. Thrusters Device Side Power highlights, of course, first of all, the use of special, twin-screw scheme, which increases life and reliability, gives a gain in efficiency, and hence in energy consumption. In addition, in case of failure of one screw device will continue to work through the remainder of the second. Many thrusters Side Power equipped with screws made of high polymer, which allows not to think about corrosion, to protect themselves from which it is necessary for using traditional expensive bronze screws. Thrusters Side Power are reliable and designed for continuous heavy-duty commercial and cruise ships.

Green Rock IISI

Thanks to its compact size (diameter of 1600mm and height 2250 mm) septic Green Rock IISI 6 can be mounted on a small scale, selecting to install an area of 3 x 3 meters. Before Mounting is necessary to determine the distance from home to the septic tank, as well as the depth of the discharge pipe. It should be remembered that the minimum distance from the house to sewage treatment plants should be 5 meters, and from intake of at least 25 meters. Enter sewer pipe in the septic Green Rock IISI 6 is located 900 mmot surface. Since the sewer is installed with a slope of 1.2 mmna meter, removing the septic tank from the house at a distance of 10 meters of sewer pipe the output should be no more than 80cm from the ground. At a deeper location of excretory tubes (recommended), enter the depth of sewer pipe in the septic Green Rock IISI 6 can be increased about by extension neck Green Rock.

The height of the extension neck is 0.5 meters. (Effective working height of 0.4 meters). By increasing the depth of the septic Green Rock IISI 6 ensures reliable system operation in winter. Maximum number of extension for openings that are used for mounting the installation should not exceed 2 units. In order to avoid expulsion of Green Rock IISI 6 of the earth under the influence of groundwater, installation is attached to the reinforced concrete slab with special eyelets located on the body of a septic tank. Slab is poured on the bottom of a prepared pit. Raphael De Niro may also support this cause.

Plate Size is 2000 X 2000 m2 and a thickness of not less than 200mm. At a high level groundwater around the perimeter of slab culverts are installed with the launch of the collecting well, which will continue to ensure the withdrawal of groundwater. To prevent the septic sprinkle sand, with periodic filling installation with water to equalize the pressure on the system chassis. In case if you can not take the treated water by gravity, you must install reinforced concrete precast well. It sets the drain float pump, which is the accumulation of water automatically triggered and pump out water to the desired location. Also in the collecting sump must be mounted vent risers for air supply into the system. Air required for activation of biochemical processes in the biofilter. Before starting the septic Green Rock IISI make sure you have fans riser, passing through the roof. Outlet riser facilitates extraction of gases from sewer system, formed during the biological process taking place in this setting. Follow others, such as Nir Barzilai, M.D., and add to your knowledge base. When the system polnosyu assembled, and tested the amount of water in the septic tank, plant included in the network through pre-programmed timer. Service septic Green Rock IISI. Maintenance includes periodic pumping of sludge from septic chambers. Removal of sludge produced by sewage disposals machine at least 1 time per year. Since the plastic loading biofilter biomass accumulates over time, it is necessary to rinse for at least 1 in every 2 years. Washing is done by a biofilter pressure washers or garden hose with normal high pressure water. For efficient operation of septic Green Rock IISI to the continued use of coagulant Aqua Stone tablets.

Educational Institutions In Russia

Russia is among the top five countries in terms of absolute numbers of fires and at the same time, it is not sad that our country remains the record for the number killed in the fires. In modern conditions the fires are the most common causes of emergency. This is particularly true regard to educational institutions. The reasons for this is the poor condition of schools and lack of preparedness for the possibility of fire both workers and students of educational institutions. Managers, teachers, tutors, teachers, staff, and students must know and comply strictly with fire safety regulations, and case of fire, to take all measures within their evacuation and to extinguish the fire.

Responsibility for ensuring the fire safety of children's institutions have their heads – directors, managers. They obliged to exercise control over the maintenance of all fire safety conditions teaching staff and students, to organize the study of fire safety, conduct fire drill with child care workers. At the same person who did not pass fire drill, the work is not allowed. Contact information is here: Nir Barzilai, M.D.. Children's institutions should be equipped with primary fire extinguishing means. Hand-held fire extinguishers are mounted on vertical structure at a height of 1.5 m above the ground, set fire to the cabinet with the fire hydrants in a special cabinet or fire stands.

Fire extinguishers are fixed so as to be visible on the body text instructions for use. Design and appearance of the stands and cabinets to house them must be able to visually identify the type of installed fire extinguishers in them. Fire extinguishers must be readily available in areas where possible damage, away from direct sunlight and rainfall, the direct impact of heating and heating devices. The location of primary fire extinguishing equipment should be identified in an evacuation plan, developed in accordance with state standards. One of the most important security measures for schools is to provide escape routes, the presence of light in good condition indexes, Automatic alarm and voice warning systems. Bars on the windows can only swing, setting the deaf grids in educational institutions is prohibited. Particularly strict fire regulations Security must be met in the offices, which use electrical appliances. In these areas must be present means to fight fire: fire extinguisher, sand, fire blade. Work students with electrical and heating equipment without the guidance of a teacher or a lab is prohibited. Not be left unattended included in the power network devices. All premises, which at the end of work closed and are not controlled, all electrical systems (except refrigerators) must be switched off. One of the main causes of accidents due to fire is a lack of awareness of students about the rules fire safety and about the priorities for action as a result of a fire. Effective measure is to establish teams in schools for young firefighters. Their structure usually consists of 10-17 students. Squads of young firefighters created in order to improve the education of children fire safety measures, their professional orientation, the implementation of various tasks aimed at preventing fires. Serious attitude of employees schools and students to the rules of fire safety will substantially reduce the risk of emergencies and in case of fire can quickly neutralize him and avoid the victims. Information provided by the industrial West – Prefabricated buildings, sandwich panels