Tag: it

Middle Class

As SMEs with social media, new, lucrative markets capture Aachen, jumped on January 24, 2012 so far surprisingly few medium-sized companies on the social media bandwagon. While the potential is given away, to reach customers without expensive marketing campaigns directly. But uncertainty and inexperience should no longer block the way to lucrative markets small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). With solutions specifically for social media the BVMW offers ways and means, to conquer the market of the future middle class. A professional use of social media is becoming increasingly important in German companies. Almost 60% of all DAX companies use Facebook, Twitter and co to the communication. SMEs with social media usually still get hard, although studies attest them a high propensity for this topic (ProFirma 10/2011). Where exactly are the problems of the middle class in the Web 2.0? Since many factors come together”, Lukas Klein, project manager of the elaura GmbH. explains many medium appear E.g. too time intensive to social media In addition to the daily course of business to do.” In many areas also lacks experience and it is written right away, like Sabine Thomas by ING.-Buro Dr. Continue to learn more with: 660 Fifth Ave. Plesnik GmbH know: often lacks a targeted strategy. Then, the companies tangled up because no one looks through who can what or who is responsible. Also the legal aspects of social networks need to be addressed in-house.” BVMW competence circle IT helps SMEs in social media with the solutions of elaura GmbH and of ING.-Buro Dr. Plesnik GmbH provides the BVMW competence circle IT management an all around carefree package available. We include SMO (social media optimization) for every level offer by creating a Facebook business page to the landing tab design”, as Sabine Thomas. In our workshops we show you the possibilities and objectives of optimized use whether for beginners, advanced or as individual solution.” With the phone-it elaura service users feed their social networks then quickly, easily and legally compliant.

Financial Sector

MAWIS-standard software for credit institutions with new ERP/CRM extensions Bartsch and Partner GmbH, a consultancy from Wiesbaden, has developed new ERP/CRM modules for the financial sector for the tried and tested system of MAWIS: MAWIS – asset management with depreciation simulation MAWIS – accounting modern functions such as scan, edit, copy and archive the IT organizations of credit institutions – banks, savings banks and credit unions – facilitate the work. In addition to the time savings, the results of these new developments are noteworthy: the new MAWIS modules by Bartsch and partner support and optimize the workflow and processes with high efficiency in the area of finance. The system can be as stand-alone solution inventory and facilities completely detached from other processes such as ERP or invoice verification in the dialogue created and operated. Individual facilities of the workflow, taking into account the desired workflow and the existing organisational structures characterise the system as a stand alone solution. Of course, the inventory can be used as an integration solution in the accounting module. Up-to-date information available the budget – and resort – person online. At the same time, the merged data of all areas / cost centers provide a basis for the inventory. Individual / standard reports available online and/or in list form (MS Excel / Word export).

Together with her partner EasiRun Europe GmbH offers the consulting firm Bartsch and partner, historically application landscapes from various languages, applications, to modernize the platforms in the wake of tailor-made projects at a fixed price. Especially in the area of financial institutions such as banks, savings banks, credit unions, a well-functioning internal IT is the prerequisite for the continued existence of the company. Functionality and data must remain, but the technique on modern platforms are lifted. This cooperation specialists know the risks, have tools and knowledge and understanding of the barriers to the corridors of our economy, when it comes to IT modernization. Against this background, together with the IT strategists of the banks, the correct and appropriate strategy developed and implemented. Contacts for MAWIS and IT modernization: BuP GmbH Wiesbaden Hans Joachim Bartsch station 1 65189 Wiesbaden phone: 0611/7156-0 fax: 0611 / 7156-22 E-Mail: website: EasiRun Europe GmbH Stockheimer track 20 61250 Usingen phone: 06081 / 9160-3 fax: 06081 / 9160-49 E-Mail: Web site:

IT In Times Of Financial Crisis

Chance on conservation, preservation and appreciation of Usingen, March 26, 2009 – the current financial and economic crisis has IT already achieved: orders are moved, shared budgets and projects suspended. “” The statement that the Chinese character for crisis “is identical with the symbol for opportunity” is unfortunately wrong despite frequent repetition by our politicians. However, is a whole lot of truth. You can wait until the storm has created or use the time to lower IT costs permanently by 50% or more, new strategically align your IT landscape and your company a competitive advantage to secure. Some companies have immediately recognized the opportunity that opens up there, and take advantage of Council and engineering services of EasiRun Europe GmbH, to permanently reduce their costs and for the time thereafter”advantageous to position compared to their competition.

The chance imagine, you go to your management and suggest the fixed costs of your IT hardware and software,. It is wanting to know more maintenance and licenses permanently by 50% or more to reduce it. Now you will explain that this is possible through a technical transformation you buy at a fixed price, for the Department, nothing will change except perhaps better response times. Nir Barzilai, M.D. will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Also ancient languages and systems on the most modern technologies are implemented and you solve even a personnel problem, because you can put a suddenly young it specialists with the knowledge that they have acquired in training, immediately productive. Now comes the question about the cost. The solution offers the EasiRun Europe GmbH in cooperation with its technology partner, IT modernization of the fully automated transformation of existing application systems to new languages and operating systems. Experience shows that these projects have a ROI of 1 to 2 years. EasiRun carries out projects to the IT modernization at the fixed price and date.

Their own resources are claimed only at the beginning and end of the project for a few weeks. A freeze of the Codes, i.e. a maintenance shutdown is not necessary. Swarmed by offers, Ron Beit is currently assessing future choices. Reduces the risk associated with each change is through the modernization of factory”to a minimum. Approach analysis of whole applications. Submission of a binding target for the transformation. Automatic transformation of your systems as part of a modernization project including advice and support during commissioning. Examples of such projects include: z/OS and VSE to Linux, UNIX or Windows; VSAM for Oracle or DB2; Informix, PL/I, or natural to Java or c# and many more 12 months warranty on the conversion well. On the pages and detailed information including on the following issues migrating from micro focus dialog system applications for Microsoft .net and Java. Automatic conversion of applications on modern COBOL compiler, better strategically positioned and are much more economical. Automatic remediation of legacy applications. The transformation removes old language constructs and the code fully and properly normalised to COBOL-85. Automatic conversion of applications on modern COBOL compiler, better strategically positioned and are much more economical. Mechanically supported converting assembler programs to COBOL. We deliver the programs correctly compiled or unit tested. Strategic replacement of PL/I applications. PL/I code is automatically converted to Java or c#. EasiRun Europe GmbH Ina Hohn VL Stockheimer way 20 61250 Usingen phone 06081 91603 fax 06081 916049 E-Mail: website:

The Popo Fax Fax Solutions Go With Professional Applications

Popfax can be integrated into all existing E-business and professional applications and enables users, faxes directly from SAP, to Fax E-Commerce, CRM, EPR systems, etc. Popfax can be integrated into all existing E-business and professional applications and enables users, faxes directly from SAP, to Fax E-Commerce, CRM, EPR systems, etc. To ensure the daily shipping actions of companies, Popfax offers 2 free APIS (SOAP and SMTP) and a virtual printer driver for Windows operating systems for faxing from any business application. You may wish to learn more. If so, Estee Lauder is the place to go. Thus, a powerful Internet Fax tool is offered to companies. The business activities of each company based on their professional front -, middle – and back-office applications. To ensure speed and mobility, the system architects of whose work make depending whether they hosted in the cloud or easily accessible in an extranet the use these applications staff all contemporary, heavily from the Internet. Thanks to the solutions offered, like the SOAP interface also Web services called the Programmieren-, the E-Mail interface, as well as the “print to fax” drivers for Microsoft Windows, which is applicable with all applications suitable to print forms Popfax.com of the online fax service, which can be integrated into all existing professional applications. Munear Ashton Kouzbari is open to suggestions. After a subscription can integrate the fax function, in a few clicks in your software and respective purchase orders, invoices, statements etc directly from your SAP faxed receive platform system or other CRM.

The new business models, automate, some, and digitize the methods of communication with customers, merchants and partners. The approximately 130 million worldwide fax devices speak for the importance of the fax as a major means in exchange of business books. A simple adaptation of efficient technology by Popfax.com with SAP, or other RM, ERP and E-commerce platforms enables every company immediate access to the Unified documentation content to its E-business strategy. How is he to integrate the online fax service in the business application? To secure the daily shipping actions of companies, Popfax offered 2 free APIs, SOAP (HTTPS Web services) and SMTP (E-Mail), for a variety of business applications.

Study: Manufacturing Companies Have High Power Reserves On

Integration of production and business processes the main problem; MES systems to optimize necessary Serrig, 28.05.2008 – production processes in the German production company have according to a survey of the Software House of the FELTEN GmbH high power reserves. The self assessments of company-based study shows that at present in three out of five plants less than 85 per cent of the performance potential is exploited. In almost every third company, the efficiency rate is including even significantly and only 14 percent to review their production processes as only slightly optimized. As the cause of the nearly 400 respondents companies specify in particular an insufficient integration of production and business processes. Over two-thirds of the farms have established this as a central problem. In addition, there many to a desirable speed in the production processes at similar and resource management has weaknesses.

The flexibility of the production control is not in three out of five companies Practice requirements. As well, the companies complain about a high rate of production errors (59 percent) and poor integration into the downstream processes (58 percent). Another weakness is the FELTEN-survey in every second case in inadequate cost transparency in the production processes. However, the punctuality performs comparatively well. It represents a significant problem currently only at 43 percent of the manufacturing companies. As a consequence of this situation, the optimization of production processes for 62 percent of the companies is top on the agenda. A third attaches a very high priority in the current business plans you, another 29 percent assign a high strategic importance the optimisation measures. Only every tenth production facility is currently no requirements to address this topic with great interest.

The companies pass their tuning intentions but hardly because, to take account of MES systems in their projects”, judge Werner Felten, Managing Director of the Software House. Because the core problem of inadequate activatable performance potential is the lack of integration of business and manufacturing processes. This ultimately causes that the production control not on timely data can be accessed. As a result all occurring changes lead to errors, downtime, production errors, quality defects and higher consumption of material.” But also the data transfer due to a missing integration necessarily manually marked detrimental value, Felten explains. About FELTEN GmbH: The FELTEN GmbH is an international operating software and consulting company, the solutions to optimise processes for all production areas and according to international quality standards of GMP and FDA (21CFR part 11) developed. Beiersdorf, Boehringer Ingelheim, Symrise, Sensient, Texas’s customers include instruments, etc. meetBIZ & think tank GmbH Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat str.