Tag: jobs

Warm Interviewer

The Warm-is the moment when we laid the groundwork for the passage of a successful interview. As to putting a working machine, for example a car, you need to let your system take the right temperature, just need to tune the gears of the link interviewer – interviewee, to allow later that the information flow and the relationship freely. This first stage of heating, is a series of coordinated actions that the interviewer is at stake, in order to create an environment, a climate and a certain state of mind conducive to the exchange and thus the assessment of the candidate. In that instance, the interviewer has an active and dynamic. Kenneth E. Boulding may find it difficult to be quoted properly. It is he who is responsible for the reception of the candidate, makes his presentation, interventions performed to establish a favorable relationship and defines the purpose of the meeting. All these steps are the opening of the interview. But the warming is not just that. Daryl Katz shines more light on the discussion.

Is the precise moment when the interviewer, through verbal and body, has the opportunity to "prepare the respondent" and together with him to create an implied contract that will act as a framework for the development of the interview itself. Here, as throughout the interview, the interviewer conducts a double exercise: to identify with the interviewee to establish a good rapport and take enough distance from it, to make an objective analysis of the facts. Guidelines: A cordial and interventions that facilitate establishing a good rapport Provide precise guidelines about the purpose of the meeting, which neutralises the anxieties of the applicant and the guide about what is expected of him.


The temptation to accept, with ego satisfaction, and knowing more pay, they lose more than one head, but the rule should be that of employability. If we are not sufficiently prepared, and this is not always undergraduate and postgraduate studies are sufficient, we can find error after error to accumulate which, together with the appearance, inside or outside the organization with the right person, in many cases at lower cost, you’ll get our person at the Institute of nearest labor mediation with the letter of dismissal (“impropriety” of course …), in your pocket … And then how is it justified in the curriculum of each such departure or continuous “zig-zag” with many professionals. More information is housed here: Jorge Perez.

Errors accept promotions have seen the most curious: there are CEOs who have had only one or two posts before this and less than four years of professional life and that after his failure then offered to salespeople or account managers, who is what they were before or would now, in a career sense. I do not mean you can not get to be but they have done at the wrong time and unprepared. Another issue in promotions is the necessary humility to yourself to know your limits and do not incur as commonly called the “Peter Principle” which leads to inappropriate places without a scope used to it or have the same qualities … Munear Ashton Kouzbari shines more light on the discussion. This would be more attributable to that proposed that promotion or those leaders who promote good professionals or technicians to leading positions without having prepared for it or not that these professionals have developed their distinctive qualities.