Tag: last-report

Early School Years

Lic. Irma Liliana de el Prado which conceptions about the game in general hold entry-level teachers? Compare the conceptions with new bibliographical contributions that not only address the game as a child’s need, but try to see it as a school instance. In this new conception it serves both the child and the teaching intervention and its educational intentionality. The game at the initial level is approached from many dimensions. That more force has had is that comes from the psychological dimension.

From pedagogy influenced froebelianas conceptions, the contributions of the new school (Maria Montessori, o. Decroly and others) so almost everybody would be willing to accept that the game in school environment is one. purely human expression. .forma of releasing energy. .manera socialize. .

preparation for life. . catharsis. .forma of appropriating reality. All the theories that underlie those definitions were not prepared for, or from school contexts, however almost all were extrapolated to the classroom. The game in the school context requires conceptualizations or singular explanations. This game involves simultaneously attend a: * strategies that the child puts in evidence (look that comes from psychology) * modes of intervention teacher (from look of pedagogy) than many pedagogical theories, transformed the game into an didactic strategy of teaching. ** The school context. ** Social, school, courtly and institutional context in which school activities. Having clear that both games, the spontaneous and the school have common variables and other specific, sometimes can complement and have similar but not identical aspects. Overcome the dichotomy is to affirm that the traits of pleasure, interest, motivation, creation and activity, may be present at the games where the figure of the teacher is not only a facilitative presence of the game, but that purchase committed prominence, because they assume a mediation that can: conflict, coordinating, guiding, collaborate, arbitrate, promote, participate, inform or simply unavailable for what for? * So that the game is not transformed into a simple routine or a mere manipulation. * So that valuable possibilities of reaching educational intentions are not lost in the game, the teacher must extend the play spaces creating situations that allow children to walk the path towards new and richer knowledge. Source: Pastorino, Elvira (1994) teaching and game. Curriculum document. The transformation of the teacher training program. Buenos Aires Argentina Lazaro, Alfonso (1995).X-ray of the game in the school framework.