Tag: materials

Construction Materials

Forest and timber, currently used for construction, have a wide range and variety. The main material of construction lumber, applicable to today's construction sites and not only is wood. Wood, as is known, has a number of advantages. First, wood lumber very easily processed timber strong enough, and inter alia, the tree has a low thermal conductivity. Wood, which is used for the manufacture of construction lumber, it is mainly conifers and deciduous trees.

Softwood lumber made from such woods as pine, spruce, fir, larch and cedar. Due to the possession of certain advantages that can not boast of hardwood, softwood lumber are much greater demand than lumber from hardwood trees. These benefits include, for example, better quality timber, straight trunk. Particularly important place in the market today take lumber softwood lumber from spruce, because the spruce is strong enough, but nevertheless easily recyclable timber. The main advantage of lumber from spruce, such as edging board, beam, in comparison with deciduous timber, lies in the fact that they are less hydrophilic. Edged board, widely used in currently in construction is mainly made of wood softwoods such as spruce and pine. Why is it of fir and pine, you wonder? And all because, as spruce and pine – a soft wood, then edged board will have better technical properties, and, accordingly, long service life. The main drawback of softwood lumber is a self-ignition, which may be due to the fact that coniferous trees contain resinous substance which, when elevated temperatures are beginning to speak out.

Sawn hardwood sawed, mainly from the following wood species: aspen, linden, birch and oak. Sawn timber produced from hardwood trees, divided on the board edging and edging, timber edging and edging. For the purposes of construction and manufacturing are now in great demand edged lumber than any uncut timber. One can not noted advantages of hardwood lumber, for example, birch timber have greater density and almost 35 percent stronger than softwood lumber produced from spruce and pine. In comparison with softwood lumber, hardwood lumber slightly inferior to them strength and density. Sawn hardwoods possess disadvantages, for example, the rapid decay of wood in order to eliminate rapid decay, hardwood must be carefully dried, and then another, and carefully treated with antiseptics. Used lumber hardwood for filing ceiling linings partitions and walls for interior architectural details. Softwood lumber have been successfully used in construction and in the manufacture of dreveiny. Lumber sold in our country, compulsorily undergo quality control and meet all necessary standards.


As wallpaper glue? – Useful tips for repairing the walls. Most people think that pokleit wallpaper on the wall and just that easily can do it yourself. But the result on the wall, appear jagged seams, bubbles, spots after wiping glue, disconnect the figure, etc. The reason for this is often the most inexperienced worker or quality wallpaper, but it happens rarely. If you do decide to wallpaper glue alone, and whatever your labor is not in vain – You need to follow some rules. Contact information is here: Jorge Perez. Preparation of the base – one of the most important stages in Wallpapering when renovating an apartment. On how you prepare the ground, determine the quality of Wallcovering. What should I do for this? You must completely remove the old wallpaper and the remnants of old glue.

If the surface of the walls otshpaklevana, it must be primed with acrylic primer and ready to pokleyke wallpaper. If the old wallpaper pasted on plaster, which is very often the cost new buildings, it is necessary to produce the filler walls. Further details can be found at Munear Ashton Kouzbari, an internet resource. After the training walls should wait until the walls dry out and then they are 100% will be ready for Wallcovering. Of great importance to quality, pokleyke wallpaper novice, is a type of wallpaper. The simplest material – wallpaper by painting all the obstacles that may prevent an experienced worker can be corrected by subsequent layers of paint. Need to know that if fine texture wallpaper, then paint the wallpaper to nothing more than a 2-layer and, necessarily, latex paint.