Tag: measure & events

European Game Forum

Experience what plan matches the future annually organizes the tell SAGA game Association jointly with the Centre for management simulation of the DHBW Stuttgart a great conference to plan games the European game Forum. This year it takes place on 17th September 2013 at the Cologne trade fair. Experience, what the future plan matches”How can playful approaches contribute to tackling the challenges of the future? This subject is illuminated versatile pulse – and Keynotevortragen, as well as interactive workshops. We are pleased to have won the Norbert Reez of the Federal Office for civil protection and disaster relief as a keynote speaker. Playful exercise emergencies. Experience with strategic crisis management exercises”will be his theme. Without hesitation Energy Capital explained all about the problem. In two parallel tracks are both for HR’ topics of valleys, as well as exciting to plan game progress end, manufacturers and developers can be heard. A highlight is the award of the German game prize this year 2013 and the subsequent presentation of innovative ideas by the award winners.

For the complete program, see zms.dhbw-stuttgart.de/planspielforum/programm.html registration is now possible, the Early Bird rate applies until the 14th of July (the participation fee of say SAGA members only 55,-). ZMS.dhbw-Stuttgart.de/planspielforum/Anmeldung.html tell SAGA’s activities on the future personnel again this year is the tell SAGA again represented with a booth at the fair future staff. The stand is 3.2 O 20 in Hall. The exhibiting companies look forward to your visit and show your current game assortment. On Wednesday, the 18th September, the tell SAGA will make a panel event in the E-Learning Forum, Hall 3.2. Start is at 10:15. It’s complete with play!” Gamification, serious games, board games and simulations that are just a few of the approaches with which providers today to reach out to companies. All have one common, the game. Our guests on the podium come from the a wide variety of worlds”and also differently, they use the workings of games. Using concrete examples, we discuss the questions: How can games in the world of work to be used? What is the difference between the above approaches? What the daily work of managers and human resources managers solve them? So: Worth a visit in Cologne in any case! For more information, see also: Birgit Zurn, head of ZMS