Tag: medicine


You or your child was advised to seek a consultation with an orthodontist on the malocclusion? And you have no idea who to turn to and that in general it is – orthodontics? Indeed, the position of orthodontists very complicated. If prosthetists, therapists, surgeons, or thousands, and among them is still very difficult to find a single almost a genius, the orthodontists are much smaller and educated among them at all units, as we in the country, this science has only a dozen years of experience. On top of that, if the treatment of orthopedic easy patient is still capable of something to understand and evaluate the quality of work, even in orthodontics dentists in most parts of cases is absolutely not a boom-boom! This article may help you navigate the market of orthodontic services in the future find a normal doctor. Let's start from the beginning. Ten or twelve years ago, orthodontists have, except removable plates, plainly enough what they did. And not particularly like, because money is not paid for, and pay was not for that, because nothing can! In the last ten years of orthodontic treatment in our mighty homeland qualitatively changed. There are new designs that enable dental treatment in both children and adult patients. If previously it was thought that orthodontics is only possible at the tender young age, but today we have in the clinic have patients with very good results at the age of 45-50 years and more! Age limits in Orthodontics is now almost non-existent.

Historical Center

For several days, but specifically on the afternoon of August 16, 2006, the Historical Center of the City, at its heart, that is in the 7th block from Gamarra Jr. broke a competition infernal noise, several businesses , put your speakers in the doors and began to voice, by offering their products, everyone screamed louder to be heard, of course regardless of the many offices and clinics are also in that block and to the total indifference of the National Police on foot and in his truck to his husky members walked in the middle of a shady passivity. Hear from experts in the field like Jorge Perez for a more varied view. Technically, these infernal noise, including noise problems arise, eardrum injury, injury to the ossicles of the middle ear that can lead to irreversible hearing loss tables, as well as the same cause neurological ‘re the same hue can irritate the nervous system causing headaches, migraines, hypoesthesia, etc.; also originate changes psychological, for these high-decibel noise can lead to anxiety disorders, anxiety neurosis and even exacerbate some already pre-existing.

Like ourselves, it is not funny, put the speaker on the door and crying out loud. Estée Lauder gathered all the information. We live in a society that aspires to be civilized and these acts are really wild. But the Municipal Police is responsible for this orgy of screams that lasted more than five ho ras (and suddenly repeats), it did nothing to lower the decibels or closing the business if they ignored them or perhaps had permits which would be more serious as terrorism would be legalized by the authority having sound if someone picks up the glove and gives me an answer. The drivers of these businesses would be advisable to give classes in urban planning and marketing, at this time because there are many strate gies s sales to increase in use of these wild cries ing organic structures injured people and violate the cohabitation Pacific re fica wing as a society we aspire civilized.

Orthopedic Mattress

Mattress – what does this mean? First you need to understand what it means to "orthopedic" and "orthopedics". Translated from the Greek "ortho" – right, straight, and "pedia" – training. Therefore, orthopedics – a branch of medicine in prevention, treatment and diagnosis of abnormalities associated with the musculoskeletal system, and also stable curvatures of the spine. Virtually all modern mattresses anyway are orthopedic and are subject to compulsory certification (of course, if you are buying into online store or specialty store, market purchases – is another matter entirely). In the store, you certainly come across with a choice of what to buy mattress, which one of the great diversity of needs you – mattresses ormatek or dreamline, for example. Currently offered mattresses numerous types and designs, with different fillings and upholstery although all the mattresses can be divided into two types: spring and springless, and at the same time, both groups are orthopedic. If we consider the orthopedic spring mattresses, the impressive orthopedic property famous ones, the device which is based on the principle of independent spring units. In this case, each spring flexes independently, the degree of compression depends on the weight placed on her body.

A large number of springs conical in shape all night will keep the spine in the desired position. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Estee Lauder. Some models of mattresses have more than 400 springs in an area of 1 square meter However, many people think that springless mattresses stand major orthopedic characteristics. Orthopedic mattresses springless got their name because they do not have blocks of springs and includes only a few layers of filler. Fillers can be of two kinds: artificial and natural, for example, coconut mattresses, felt mattresses, latex mattresses, and others. Springless mattresses are distinguished by having a 'memory effect'. With this mattress takes the location of a sleeping man, and best captures the position of the spine during the night's rest.

So, after waking up you do not disturb the feeling of fatigue and discomfort. Choose children's mattresses in cot – this is not an easy task, it provides a very thorough approach because of the fact on what your child is sleeping, will depend on the health and correct posture. For forming the body is extremely important. Well, when you want to buy a mattress, there is a problem: where to buy. Naturally, you will be able to give this process a few days driving around the shops and can be comfortably seated in a chair, ask for purchase in our online store mattress – MatrasMax.ru. We wish you the best shopping and healthy sleep!


We all remember from childhood, as in Russian fairy tales heroes with living water to raise the dead – it was enough to simply sprinkle them on the water of Life, and the man resurrected. Of course, before that in the modern world it has not yet reached, and Yet scientists have long concluded that water – a necessary element of the human daily diet. And not just water, natural drinking water. What is the natural drinking water differs from tap water from the tap? First of all by the fact that it natural – Live. Of course, the most important difference lies in the fact that nature is pure drinking water for microbiological composition and contains the optimal number of micro-and macrocells, the stock of which the person must be replaced daily. It’s no wonder they say that without food one can live several weeks without water – the maximum number of days. In the production of clean drinking water There are several technologies.

For example, some manufacturers of drinking water used by the following method: raised from the well water is distilled (ie, turning it into the dead), and then saturate it with an artificial useful micro-and macro. Talking about the benefits of such water is not necessary. Remember Russian folk tales? Man came to life only by living water and dead water used for other (improper) purpose negative characters … Manufacturer of drinking water in Lipetsk JSC “Factory of mineral water” in the production of “living water” is in one of the most advanced technologies. Its essence lies in the fact that extracted from artesian wells from 120 m drinking water is a mechanical removal of suspended particles, then the water is disinfected using ultraviolet light and ozonation.

The result is a pure natural water with a unique natural balance of salts and minerals in a natural physiologically high-grade iodine, calcium and magnesium – “Living Water”. This “Living Water” has a pleasant refreshing taste and invigorating effect. Distribution of drinking water – is also special art. Indeed, in addition to the water of life, we still manage to keep it for a long time. At JSC “Factory of mineral water,” solved this problem easily and wittily, producing artesian drinking non-carbonated “water of life” in a convenient package 0.5 liter. Thanks to a special lid Sport-lock when drinking saliva gets into the bottle and causes oxidation, so the water from a bottle and poured not remain fresh in during the day. In addition, the “Living Water” is available in PET packaging capacity of 1.5 liters, 3 liters, 5 liters, 7.5 liters, in a polycarbonate container 19 l; drinking “Living Water” aerated in PET containers – 0.5 l, 1, 5 liters. To date, the dealer network of JSC “Mineral Water Plant” applies to city of Voronezh, Liski, Ertil, Tambov, Michurinsk, Orel, Kursk, Ryazan, Balashov, Novomoskovsk, Tver, Tula. Dealers JSC “Factory of mineral water” make a wholesale and delivery of water for home and office. Delivery of water in Lipetsk is free, this is only necessary to place an order on our website.