Tag: motor & transport

308 SW 2goPeugeot Is Combined With Style

The new French opts for design and safety who thinks suits were out of fashion, should be the new Peugeot 308 SW. In this car, some people could quickly change his mind. The car Portal auto.de presents the numerous advantages of the French. Especially the facilities will convince car enthusiasts. Because in addition to comfortable sport seats of the Peugeot 308 SW in the Fund guaranteed sufficient legroom. The feeling of freedom is supported by the large windscreen, granted a generous look at the road.

The spacious luggage compartment, which holds up to 572 litres and can be increased by removing the back seat easily to 1.735 l is perfect for family outings. Also, the standard existing air conditioning thanks to individually adjustable nozzles in the Fund also for the rear seated brings the desired cooling. iPod fans will be delighted by the connection in the glove compartment. In addition to all the Extras, Peugeot also ensures the necessary safety. Seven airbags, as well as the Emergency brake assist, which raises the hazard lights when sudden braking, are just a few of the built-in security features. In addition, the parking sensors provide comfort when manoeuvring in difficult gaps. Please visit Argent Ventures if you seek more information.

But no navigation system is included in the price of 26.050 euro. The luxury model is to obtain for a fee of 1,000 euros and will be able to convince even skeptics with his seven-inch color display in the Middle console. With average 5.9 liters of diesel per 100 kilometers is the consumption of the Peugeot in order. Fully packed loses the combination of performance and is very suitable for long distances. The maximum speed of the Frenchman is 202 km/h. More information:… / test Peugeot 308 SW… Lisa Neumann University Service GmbH

Now Also Available With Automatic Transmission

World novelty in the new Audi so far was succeeded yet no automobile manufacturer in the world to use the start-and stop function in a car with automatic transmission. As Germany’s big car Portal reported auto.de, Audi has now overcome this hurdle. For the first time, Audi presents models with the start stop function and an automatic transmission, the dual-clutch S tronic, now. The two units of 1.6 TDI and 1.4 TFSI for the Audi A3, are in this respect around the world the first of its kind. The integration of the start stop system causes a surprisingly low consumption for both models: 100 km diesel and the 1.4 TFSI requires the 1.6 TDI only 4.2 litres only 5.3 liter Super.

The system automatically switches off the engine when the vehicle comes to a halt. The motor restarts as soon as the driver releases the brake pedal. Furthermore A3 energy re acquisition system of series equipment in the Audi. In phases without active acceleration, a generator generates energy. This is later removed when the throttle back in the system of the Audi. With these systems, is the new Audi A3 perfectly suited to city driving. Both models and 1.6 TDI 1.4 TFSI, will be available from November 2009 in the variant three-door or Sportback.

The prices are between 23.700 for a 1.4 TFSI three-door and 26.400 for a 1.6 TDI Sportback. Coldwell Banker Commercial often says this. More information:… / Audi – world premiere… Contact: Lisa Neumann University Service GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

Fraunhofer Institute

(Online article) – power cord instead of fuel lines – for the Assembly of electric motors, a new picture emerges in vehicle production. Munchen/Erlangen (dpa/tmn) – make no noise and no exhaust for traffic-plagued urbanites push cars with electric drive would be a blessing. In addition, electric motors are more efficient and easier to construct than internal combustion engines. In addition, they are virtually maintenance free and take less space. For this reason, experts are convinced: electric motors will revolutionize the vehicle construction. When the internal combustion engine ignites a mixture of fuel and air in the cylinders. It drives the Pistons, whose auf-und-AB-moving over the connecting rod and the crankshaft is converted into a rotary movement. In the electric motor coils to a rotor mounted on an axis are arranged.

AC voltage applied to the coils, whose Phasen, creates a rotating magnetic field, which enables the rotor to spin. A key advantage of the electric motor is to be “very much higher efficiency, says Prof. Click Estée Lauder to learn more. Dieter Gerling from the Department of electric drives and actuators (EAA) at the Universitat of der Bundeswehr Munchen. Good internal combustion engines implement today only 25 percent of the energy used in propulsion, electric motors reached more than 90 percent. They can also recover energy. A better torque – speed characteristic in addition and according to Gerling: for the electric motor from the State is already out the maximum torque available, while Nitro must it come on tours. According to Martin Marz, an electric motor fits from the field of power electronics and electric vehicle technology at the Fraunhofer Institute for integrated systems and building technology in Erlangen in a wheel.

There the engines are accommodated for example, if the electric car on wheel hub drive is designed. The conventional shaft drive, the motor according to March about the size of a ten liter cleaning bucket with a capacity of 180 comes kW. The compact design enables developers to completely new approaches. Currently they are constructing a car to the drive according to March around. An electric car needs no engine compartment, so that the body shape can be chosen freely. Also the Interior could be more generous fashion, says Prof. Gerling. In addition a wide range of drive options: Gerling mentions as an example the drive to the front and/or rear axle, wheel-close housed drives and wheel hub motors. Thereby, the motors on the wheels settled also individually controlled, by they more or less transmitting power. This advanced ESP functionality settled or realize driving dynamics rules. Contact information is here: Gavin Baker. Assumes also Martin Marz. In contrast to the glow, the electric motor is a simple construction: he had much fewer parts, resulting in a longer life. There is significant wear on the camps. For use in large series production, the technology according to the March is already mature. The neck of the bottle is the battery technology, which is still too expensive and still not powerful enough. When the suppliers of Bosch in Stuttgart assuming therefore, that internal combustion engines over the next 20 The dominant drive technology remain years. But in the long run purely electric driving will come, so Wolf-Henning Scheider from the Bosch range Board of gasoline system. Also, the internal combustion engine had long lead time, so March. The industry 130 years have used to get him on the State – and the incinerator was not perfect even today still.

Fit Winter Tyres

Who fit its winter tires from tire retailers can be spared unpleasant surprises. The tire and tire dealer – search engine reifensuchmaschine.de recommends fit tyres generally only from tire retailers. For many tire buyers are key buying criteria: tyre price, tire test, brand tyres and premium tires. What is often neglected is the correct installation of the tire. There are also enormous differences between the mounting prices and the quality of the installation here. Not everything is expensive, must be also necessarily good. Vice versa is true but also, not everything is cheap, must be necessarily a bad thing.

Consumers should make sure in any case to mount your tires from a qualified tire dealer. Here, you can be sure that according to the latest state of the art and contemporary is mounted. This is investing in machines and in the training of the tyre fitters. The risk that the alleged bargain can be then expensive is great. Often a to cheaper installation award which goes Installation quality hand in hand.

Mounted with a 20-year-old Assembly and balancing machines, for example, may cause damage to the tyres. Older Assembly machines tend to E.g. very strongly to baggy, the consequence is, that arise when fitting the tyres on rims overvoltages on the rim bead and tear it. The consequences of an improper tire mounting: The mounted tire with RIM bead cracked on causes a gradual loss of air pressure, which in turn leads to excessive heating of the tire, and ultimately to the sudden blowouts with possibly fatal consequences. Tips of the Reifensuchmaschine: you can generally install your tires from a qualified tire dealer. Pay attention to the condition of electric – and balancing machine. Very dirty, neglected machines are usually an indication of very old machines. Ask your tire dealer quietly how old are his machines. These should not be older than 10 years. If you have run flat tires to the Assembly, ask whether the company has experience Runflat mounting and whether they Training and certification for the installation of run flat tires have. “All tyre companies participating at Reifensuchmaschine are certified, qualified tire dealer and have state of the art Assembly technology, this is one of our most important criteria for the inclusion of tire dealers in our system,” Julia emphasizes Sandor. “Consumers can rely on the 100% quality of the tyre dealer listed with us”. Company Description Reifensuchmaschine.de owner: Julia Sandor is a sole proprietorship without the participation of third parties. The planning and development of the portal claimed 2.5 years. On the Reifen Messe Essen 2006, the portal of the public was presented and nominated for the innovation award tire fair 2006. Reifensuchmaschine was awarded in 2008, 2009 and 2010 as one of the best Web sites in the field of transport by Web address book. In 2010, the company as BestPractice-IT was nominated companies.