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Raiza Ramirez

Gestalt is knowing that we are more than mind and body, we are a complete human being. It is to recognize us in each of our senses, of our bodies. Know that it is not that we have a heart, but that we are also this heart that beats in our chest. It is knowing that lots of information is hosting in our physical body and that our body, which is also ours, tells us every moment. Gestalt is be consistent with one. It is stay in touch with our feelings and act in line with them. If we are sad we express our sadness; without feel anger assume it and not evade it.

It is to know that there is no good or bad aspects and both what we accept one, as those aspects which we reject, are ours, belong to us and have something to bring to our lives. Gestalt is cut with crystallized attitudes and responses. Break with usual answers that tend to generate the same situations. Let us place labels before the I am this or that, knowing that I can be this and also that; and that the selection will be made according to the moment that we live, the circumstances and feeling and sentiment of the instant. It is to ask ourselves how we can do different this time and take a chance to do so.

Gestalt is know us a person in growth, know us a why not incomplete and unfinished. Gestalt is learning something from one every day and at the same time learn from others, not forgetting me one. For therapy, Gestalt does not exist nothing more than the now. Our life, as human beings, is centered at the present time, in the second we are living, because we cannot change the past and we do not know yet how the future will be. If we are a person who lives in the past, probably occupy our thoughts with memories of what we consider were better times. Maybe our mind goes to some bad memories that still disturbs us. We discover, look, how much time spend talking about the past, how much energy we deliver to these moments that already passed and that you can not edit. If we live in the future, probably spend the day making plans of what we are going to do projects that we are going to begin. Possibly let us dream with our life of tomorrow or we wrote these fantastic mental scripts that will help us to get the perfect job, the perfect man, the perfect woman or life that both hope. Meanwhile, what happens with the present? If we live in the past, the future or a mixture of both, what is happening with the now? Perhaps, having our mind and our heart in another place, we are wasting details, signals, events that Yes are happening now. Living in the present means being in the here and the now, knowing that this is the only time that we have and the only one that really we can modify. Now is when we mobilize ourselves and do what we want to achieve our goals. Now is when we can call that friend that we both Miss to tell him that we value it. Now is when we can look around and enjoy a sunset with all our senses. Now is when we can, if we choose, not worrying about the past or fret us for the future, but deal with the present. (Raiza Ramirez) gestaltvenezuela.blogspot.com. Original author and source of the article.


At the fair of dentistry and technical dental largest in the world, the IDS or international Dental exhibition, the Endodontists have chance to leave Adviser by the specialists of the exhibiting emprsas about the technical aspects and economicios of dental products, namely systems and modern materials for Endodontics. Thus, the dental industry has developed many ideasde experts in Endodontics. Today, for example, can diagnosed and much better treat injuries of the root canal, or employ modern techniques of ultrasonic images to exactly locate the root canal and measure up to the apex. Both for dentists who wish to engage in Endodontics as specialists in dental conservation, this international Dental exhibition is an excellent opportunity to learn about everything related to this specialty. Endodontics for dentists represents a wide field of specialization, since nowadays increasingly more patients want to keep their teeth in the long term and are willing to invest their money in This is. Fascinating scientific and technological progress in the field of Endodontics has greatly improved the ability to retain long-term parts and makes this specialty is an important component of dental prophylaxis-oriented. The reconstruction of endodonciados defects of coronal structure with teeth, whether extensive pacialeso, is part of our daily practice. Restorative techniques have changed a lot, both at the expense of knowledge and new materials, so it is necessary to establish a guideline for action so that the clinician knows what to do in every moment and how to restore in each case. News commented on by original author and source of the article.

Contest Of English For Students

Get ready for THE BIG CHALLENGE! (Madrid / Hamburg, 18/12/2007) The Big Challenge, the first contest of English to students from all over Europe, in close cooperation with the bab.la language portal. From now on, students can prepare under the language portal for The Big Challenge. For this, and under mutual collaboration, questions from previous contests from The Big Challenge tests have been included in the portal of bab.la. Bab.la have found the ideal partner to reach more students and students and create enthusiasm to participate in our contest, declares Dr. Stefanie Hohn, Director of the competition. In the last contest participated more than 8,000 pupils and students from Spain, and we hope to overcome this issue throughout Europe for the new contest on May 6, 2008.

Teachers can register their students under the official contest page () and students may use tests to prepare. Andreas Schroeter Bab.la dictionary adds: The Big contest Challenge is the only one with more than 450,000 participants in Europe. We welcome if this figure exceeds 500,000 students from our cooperation. As for The Big Challenge, fun is also in the foreground on bab.la. Along with an extensive online dictionary, the user also finds numerous linguistic testing, covering different topics and levels from beginner to professional. Currently rank among the most popular tests: economic terms in English, flirt in English, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; Although not remain much longer as the Favorites in line.