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Construction Companies

EP ACS, Acciona, FCC, Ferrovial, Sacyr and OHL already work more on the outside. Its portfolio of works in Spain falls 18% compared to March 2010. The strategy of internationalization of all of them match the cuts in investment in public works in Spain. Six large construction companies listed (ACS, Acciona, FCC, Ferrovial, Sacyr and OHL) already have abroad more than half (57%) of the total of their pending implementation works contracts. According to the close of the first quarter of the companies, the portfolio of international projects of the greats of the sector reached also the dimension of the 30,000 million euros at the end of this period. This amount also exceeds by 20% on the same date of 2010.

On the other hand, the portfolio of works in Spain of six companies stood at 22.207 million in the first quarter, amount that also yields a decrease of 18% compared to March 2010. The growth in international markets thus allowed six groups offset the decline the home and keep the overall amount of the total portfolio of projects in the 52,700 million, similar to the year before, according to the companies data compiled by. For more information see Nir Barzilai, M.D.. Projects increased in six large builders abroad is the result of the strategy of internationalization that all of them have been developing in recent years and the important contraros made outside Spain. Fall portfolio of works executed in Spain coincides with the historic cut investment in public works announced by the Government in the framework of the measures taken to comply with the public deficit target. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Gavin Baker. Thus, the start of 2011 was a continuation of good businesses that six large builders are doing overseas in recent years.

Of Canada to Abu Dhabi among major international projects figure which constitutes major work accomplished by OHL in its history, the construction of a hospital in Canada by 1,478 million. In this same country, the company controlled and presided over by Juan Miguel Villar Mir and FCC they achieved also in consortium enlargement of the Toronto subway by 304 million. In addition to entering Canada, the Group controlled by Esther Koplowitz did also in Abu Dhabi, with a 82 million contract, and was reinforced in Panama and Algeria. In the latter country, he managed a railway macrocontrato of 1.23 billion. ACS was chosen to build an a Seattle highway tunnel by 1,089 million and along with its subsidiary Hochtief, raise a bridge in Scotland by other 1.116 million. For its part, Sacyr Vallehermoso achieved in Chile at the beginning of year milestone of awarding two motorways in 48 hours, while Acciona and Ferrovial continued strengthening its presence in Eastern Europe, to award works by 130 to 133 million euros, respectively. The company chaired by Rafael de el Pino became addition with a road in Ireland. Source of the news: the big construction companies already have more than half of its portfolio of works outside