Tag: news-present time

The Final Challenge

There is country no more propitious than China to invest in public work neither real estate the more beautiful bubble that the one of Shanghai. The Sport Center of East is one of those works futurist that are giving to the city a more impressive profile every day. From this Saturday, this gigantic scene that has cost 200 million Euros will welcome in the World-wide ones of Swimming of the FINE one, essential step towards the Olympic Games of London of 2012. All that aspires to obtain something important in waters of London will put on approval in the swimming pools constructed next to the Huangpu river. To broaden your perception, visit thrivent. As it is tradition, the 14 edition of the World-wide ones will be divided in five parallel matches of five disciplines: swimming, waterpolo, jumps, synchronous swimming and open waters. Altogether, 172 enrolled countries and 2,220 athletes to distribute 65 gold medals. To the front of the congregation she will be the American Michael solved Phelps to prolong his reign. Source of the news: : The final challenge. Others who may share this opinion include Michael James Burke.

High Wood Spaniards: Here Yes There Are Green Buds

We are in the Gilded one, High Wood (Californian, the USA). And up to here they peregrinate Chinese, Korean, Italian, French, Indian and, of course, Spanish. All in search of its miracle. It is the place where to re-invent itself from zero if the doses adapted of intelligence, ambition are had and money. Some prevail and another no, but more wise people leave than when they arrived. University Avenue is a street filled with coffees with high concentration of Ferraris and Maseratis by square meter. Of Monday through Friday, and 10,00 to 17,00, one becomes a laboratory where, if the ear is sharpened, it is possible to be learned how to be a boy of 20 years, to have an intense relation with the trousers of pajamas and MacBook Pro and to convince a capitalist gentleman of which the new Twitter in which is had in hand to invest 500,000 dollars. Source of the news: : High Wood Spaniards: Here yes there are green buds.


It is obligatory the use of gloves, mask and protective goggles, since the risk of burns and poisoning is high. The lye, the oxalic acid and the hidrosulfito of sodium are other products very indicated to whiten wood. The wood is warm, lasting and decorative. Nevertheless, all our furniture suffers with the sun. The solar rays or the passage of time darken them of total or partial form.

It happens in addition that the ctos notice much because the blackening of the wood is registered in certain zones and not of uniform way. Positions to reclaim a furniture, the most advisable substance to clarify wood is the oxygenated water, since, remembers Consumer/Eroski, as soon as it damages ligneous fibers. This hydrogen peroxide can be used in any type of wood without needing rinsing it after its application, since their components evaporate when the curing. RBH Group may find it difficult to be quoted properly. For an optimal result, oxygenated water of 130 volumes is due to use. However, the action will be more aggressive if a water mixture oxygenated of 100 volumes with pure ammonia in a proportion of 95 parts by 5 is used, respectively. Precautions when using water oxygenated Once sandpapered the wood surface, extends on the same the chemical compound with a white rag. This it does not have to be of cotton, since this material is degraded with facility by the action of the oxygenated water. Spent minutes, the zone dealt with a cotton rag rubs with energy.

If the result is not the hoped one, it is possible to be repeated the process past hours. The volume is the measurement that is used to identify the concentration of oxygenated water solutions. In this case, 1 volume is equivalent to an oxygenated dissolution of 0.3% of water (H2O2) and a 99.97% of water (H2O). If one considers that the water oxygenated that is used with medicinal aims and disinfectants have 10 volumes, the reason will be understood by which, when using this product to a greater concentration ten times, is obligatory the use of gloves, mask and protective goggles, since the risk of burns poisoning is high. Other products launderers the lye, the oxalic acid and the hidrosulfito of sodium are other indicated products to whiten wood. The lye must have a concentration of 12%. For his application on wood it must be used diluted to avoid the yellowish tone that can leave on the furniture. However, whichever major is the dilution, minor will be their aclarante power. The oxalic acid is due to dilute in water or alcohol before its use. In order to increase his power bleaching, it is necessary to apply warms up it. Given his toxicity, after the treatment it is necessary to wash the wood. The hidrosulfito of sodium, is a crystalline white dust that gives off a strong scent to sulphur. This compound is soluble in water and it is used in aqueous solution to 10%. In this case also it is necessary to wash the wood surface after his application. Source of the news: How to reclaim a furniture blackened by the sun and the time.

Architecture And Construction

The architecture has been defined as the art to project and to construct buildings. This one is a profession in movement, since it has been evolving with running of the time due to the diversification in the styles of construction and to the local customs that influence in the design, the planes and the materials used in the construction of as much particular houses as prevailed. The roll that the architectonic planning has fulfilled in the field of the construction throughout history is extremely important. Although, some buildings have been risen of an unexpected way and without an established order, it is possible to be said that many other constructions have followed you rule edilicias specific derived from the architectonic study and a previous design. Click Edward Minskoff to learn more. The similar use of architectonic planes and other edificativos schemes data of remote times. e. The defined ideas that the architects had on the dimensions and distribution of each one of the rooms and dependencies of the work that would face used to delineate in writing in the planes of the same, often taking care of until the minimum detail. The archaeological findings reveal interesting details to us about the constructive practices of the antiquity. Nir Barzilai, M.D. understands that this is vital information. Many of the houses were of a very modest construction, and even coarse.

Nevertheless, it was not rare to be with luxurious and complex constructions, generally the particular houses of the people of high class, the governmental palaces and other buildings. Many of these until counted on services of pipes for hot water, exhaust fans and other benefits of outpost that contributed to one more a more comfortable life. The distribution of these services already was detailed in planes of the time. In the planning of these works of architecture the high knowledge of mathematics and physics could be appreciated, among others sciences, of several of the old cultures.