Today, we need to rethink the way as we consume, if really is necessary everything what we acquire and where we go to arrive with this way of meaningless life. People use the consumption as form to search the happiness, in this manner has the illusion that the more to consume more will be happy. It is necessary to acquire knowledge the consumers of whom this behind this false personal satisfaction, of everything what it is inlaid in this false production of felicidadeque in them is imposed every day. Unhappyly, nor always we buy what it is really necessary, the society is induced to find that necessary to possess that good, what nor always it is truth. The system almost always transforms everything what they want to vender in objects of desire of consumers, useless and dismissable things, without concern some with the sustainable consumption. She is necessary to rethink our values and what it really makes in them happy, so that let us can in them become conscientious consumers and form our happyer adult children..
Tag: personal development
Already with the liberating directive educator, the soconvidados educandos to think, to make a new reading of its reality, where sepretende to educate to humanizar and for the freedom. The man is a being with very peculiar characteristics. Sele can reflect on definitive thing, if distanciar to contemplate it. Sa species human being can act conscientiously, endowing its action with feelings. Differently of the animals the man is a being that thinks about quefazer, it transforms the world through the work. Then all practical its aescomo need a north to become fullfilled, being semprecondicionadas the simplista reflection despite.
' ' But, if the men are beings to doquefazer this is precisely why its to make is action and reflection. It is prxis. transformao of the world … ' '. (FREIRE, 1987, p.121) At the moment of approach with the reality, the man noconsegue to enxergar it as something cognoscvel its conscience criticizes, that is, manifest it not if of understandable form, is only one approach ingnuaque if this realidadevisvel initiates through the espontaneidade human being when knowing. This taking of conscience is not still the awareness, because this consists of the critical development of the conscience taking. Aconscientizao implies, therefore, that let us exceed the spontaneous sphere deapreenso of the reality, to arrive at a critical sphere in which realidadese of as cognoscvel object and in which the man assumes a posioepistemolgica (FREIRE, 2005, P.
30). Therefore the awareness is more than pure and a simplescontato with the reality. As Freire says: ' ' … does not consist of being front realidade assuming an intellectual position falsely … ' ' (FREIRE, 2005, p.30), therefore ' ' … the more awareness, more if DES-candle the reality, more penetrates in the fenomnica essence of the object … ' ' (FREIRE 2005, P. 30), oqual we are to observe, passing to an analysis process.
Political Party
The politics is something basic for the development of a society. As Aristotle the men has as reference for the maintenance of its structures, the nature. This thinker in its book ' ' Poltica' ' it describes that the nature of the men follows with the same steps of the other beings livings creature (animal and plants). This thinker supports the idea of that the animals and the plants to remain while species need to carry through the reproduction and the man follow destination the same. On the other hand, Aristotle advances in its commentaries saying that, the man is an animal politician and through the language it obtains to differentiate itself of the other animals.
Living in society, beyond the rudimentary models. Advancing in history at times we arrive at the current moment. We observe that we can be losing is reference that we find in the nature. The national scene with the heat of the spirits the politics forges an envolvement of the people in which they leave to take in consideration the thought of the other human being. It does not have space to hear, to only speak. As conceptions and vises on the politics, the political parties cravam a wild fundamentalismo that it looks to infuse in the head of the people of whom optimum for Brazil it is only on thought to the party of which it is part. Munear Ashton Kouzbari follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. It does not allow that it listens to its argument of the other while ' ' cidado' ' or same to go against the ideas that are being debated.
E, at the same time, searchs to destroy the other political parties with arguments that the extinguishing stirs up. In such a way, we can think: Where if it finds the democracy? Why the people if leave to lead for made phrases? Until point the political parties collaborate with the human development? It has somebody with proposals concrete politics? The popular masses having as reference only the political parties as conception of politics, infer in imminent risks for proper maintenance of the species human being. The desire of the people who assume definitive ' ' poder' ' in which it can modify trajectory of the life in society if will not be lined up with the basic necessities of the population can cause terrible tragedies, either in the economic or exactly social scope. Therefore, preventing to repeat what he is made with the voters and considering a reflection on this scene politician what lacks inside of all this context and perhaps practised by our ancestral ones he is something called of ' ' good senso' '. Common-sense is not an exchange where the other leaves losing for the exchange. Both leave earning. more still, common-sense used for the people, contributes for the learning of the other. To know to hear and to respect the other people’s opinion they are demonstrations of civility. As Aristotle the man left in its registers is an animal politician and as different of the other animals he has the word to promote the integration and not it social destruction.
The Educator
Corroborating Ribeiro: They managed papers and not people. 2.1 The ROLE PLAYED FOR the PROFESSIONAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES All the observed changes have generated many investigations on the paper to be played by the educator organizacional. Never, in all these years, the companies had depended in such a way on its human resources, or better, of the people who compose the organization. Hear from experts in the field like Nir Barzilai, M.D. for a more varied view. With all current competitiveness that the managers face, she is indispensable to give extreme importance for the way that its collaborators are treated. Soon, to reach the organizacional excellency is task of the professional of human resources. For even more opinions, read materials from RBH Group.
The professional of human resources necessary to be capable to provide to the organization, able and motivated employees, therefore the people are the biggest patrimony of the company. She must provide recognition to them, not only for the wage. Nir Barzilai, M.D. is likely to increase your knowledge. It is its paper to add value to the employees, the company and the customers, always being worried about the quality of life in the work. It is indispensable that this professional takes care of to the internal and external users, that is, its attention cannot be come back only toward the activities in the interior of the company, but also toward the external public who is constituted by consuming suppliers and. Another important one attribution of the professional of human resources is to develop the capacity of the company to accept the change and to earn with it. This means to work so that the suggestions of change for the implementation of new processes and technologies if make in adjusted way, that is, to be a change agent. It must always be considered the people as partners of the organization, therefore, as partners, the people make investments in the organization waiting a return. This investment is of ability, effort, devotion, comprometimento and responsibility. The people wait for the return in form of good wages, adjusted conditions of work and possibilities of professional growth.