Tag: poetry and stories

The Office

Now every one seemed to have a story to tell, and indeed, each trying to tell her neighbor position. Us dollar contributes greatly to this topic. After the president to sound the bell twice, returned to normal. A tall man dressed in white, and with the first strands of white hair on his head also, stood up, when authorized to speak said, "I am a physician, I have the best office in the city. I invested my money in the most modern equipment. But seven months ago I only seen one other customer. At rusty holzer you will find additional information. They told me I should leave the office and meet people in their homes and in hospitals. That I must express again my office. But I am not a dealer or a dealer.

I am not a seller. Medicine you can not downgrade. I did not study to seller if not a doctor, said as he gestured with which indicated that it had reached the end of the intervention. Again the murmur of approval. Again, one person telling another one similar to the previous case. Again and again the murmur generalized bell presidential authority to restore order. And so, one by one the attendees were inhibited. And one by one was raising his hand to tell a similar case.

A scientist revealed that he found no one who would fund research that will lead to the production of vaccines against violence. An inventor express that no one had taken seriously when he said he needed support to build a tele equipment transportation. A nutritionist said he knew the formula to produce abundant food in the desert, but found no support from anyone, because it had not sold his idea, as he said.