Tag: role

A History Of My Childhood

What happened: when attending elementary school 4. A Professor of social sciences us train for weeks so that in a flag raising, we saliesemos dresses of vegetables and Greens. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Edward J. Minskoff Equities. Teaching that never forget, by the warmth of his being and his devoted consecration to teaching. The fact is that until that moment I was the best exhibitor. Since the small part of my speech already had more than learned, i.e.: memorized and trained. All my friends cheered me, which genre in me a without number of emotions and more when they possessed strength leakage of childhood.

The hoisting of flag day we place our costumes, some dresses of tomatoes, beans, cabbages, and of course of cucumbers since I was one of them. Out of our classroom which stood just in front of the official platform of the College for their constant celebrations. Note a number of students that formed in my mind the image of a squadron of ants who stunningly placed his eyes on me. The teacher came out and introduced us. Us we are located in row. The teacher I take the microphone and give it the girl dressed in tomato, which I immediately duplico level your vos and said: I am a tomato and serve for many things, including casseroles, salads, etc.

Then the beans, cabbage and of course the cucumber than artistically harm them eternal submission. Since when I was given the microphone take it in my hands and grip against my chest and watching the crowd trying to talk and failed more than humming and muletear. Which produced laughter from the more than 400 students of the institution, and blame them for us. Because if I had seen a boy with frightened mouse face, tal ves me would have died laughing. Quickly the angelic and innocent girl tomato, face appeared on the scene and I rapo me the microphone.