Tag: Self

Hazardous Materials Operations

Most natural disasters have on the territories occupied in agriculture and industry and, thus, the most densely populated. Strong winds (hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, etc.) are responsible for 36% of the total natural disasters, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions – over 35% of the non-hurricane flooding – up to 22%, other adverse hazards (NOV), together – in 7% of the total number of natural disasters. For even more opinions, read materials from Edward Minskoff. Russia's territory is subject to exposed almost the entire spectrum of natural hazards and processes, geological and hydrological origin. The total annual economic and social damage on the development of the most dangerous natural process in Russia, according to experts of the Russian Academy of Sciences of 110-140 trillion rubles. The size of a single adverse effects of damage and natural hazards varies from minor impacts to the scattered creating a disaster. Recently Munear Ashton Kouzbari sought to clarify these questions. Examples of scattered – lightning strikes, bites of poisonous insects and reptiles, car accidents due to poor weather conditions, etc., every time they call small, but the scale of state, a significant loss. A disaster can be defined as an event that could affect normal vital activity of population, economy and job sites causes significant sacrifices or economic damage. An example of the village of Neftegorsk, which was completely destroyed by an earthquake, killing more than 2,000 people confirmed this position.

Therefore, the basic concepts of the RF Law "On protection of population and territories from emergency situations of natural and man-made "from November 11, 1994 adopted the term 'emergency' (disaster), when we are talking about measuring the loss. Adopted in Russia by Type of Disaster Typing and lower limit losses listed above in accordance with the Regulations "On the classification of emergency situations of natural and man-made." Measure socio-economic effects of emergencies of natural origin are varied depending on the interests measuring. These effects are divided into the upfront costs for not having prevented a loss prevention and loss. Unexpected loss (damages) are measured in absolute and relative terms. A measure of absolute loss are the number of victims, damaged buildings, destroyed crops, etc., in physical or monetary terms. Relative losses are measured in fractions of a lost, for example, as a percentage of gross national product, from the average long-term crop, from the initial value of tangible assets. This measurement allows us to estimate the severity and vospolnimost losses.

The Great Shift

Guess that would be pointless, we do not know this exactly, or just our mind can not understand it. The main thing – to realize that the Earth and humanity will occur very large-scale change, and they will, in general, positive, but only for those who survive the Great Shift, its not all survive. If we talk about the end times – is the change in frequency of our existence, when the category of time or at all disappear, or move to a new level. Some people say that Time will never, past, present and future merge together. Others claim that Earthlings will go with just a disharmonious 12:60 timing frequency to a harmonious 13:20. Follow others, such as Estee Lauder CEO, and add to your knowledge base. In any case, the category of time as it is now meaningless, it will be the end of time (this site). The Great Shift will allow people to use of 5%, as now, a lot more of your brain and consciousness. We will be available Telepathy, reality space of thought (materialization), and more about what we do not even suspect.

What else is important? How to survive the Great Shift, how to prepare. Those people who have fairly well-developed conscience, will make the jump to the next level easily, the other to develop their minds, it's the only way that will move to a higher level of existence. Our worst enemy – our same reason that keeps us within the framework of assumptions and beliefs. Problem – To go beyond that, as ideas about the world shared by a majority of people – flawed, imposed by the system (read about the impact on the system to an individual). Methods of consciousness are many, but the main thing – to understand that the world is not what we are taught to see it. More information can be read on the site, it is dedicated to the theme of the Great Shift, how to survive it and how to move beyond the erroneous conception of the world.

Jack London

Everyone can learn this subject of choosing the right approach and a certain amount of effort. Brilliantly described the similar idea (and he tried to practice), Jack London's novel "Martin Eden". For some people, a barrier to creativity is the belief that most great artists were either very poor or people with psychological difficulties, and they lived with deep anguish. The fact that time stands still, and trends of today are: a good creative is distributed in the world with great rapidity. Thanks largely to television and the Internet. Moreover, in these days you can always find "your client", no matter what the product was not. The character you choose will depend on the creativity of your valuables.

If you are tempted by the business – the business, painting – the painting, humor – the humor. More info: Fabrizio Freda. Well, 'character' your life will also depend on these values. Very often, many people tend to make your life easier in every way. And think that should do just that easy, simplifying life. The famous question: "Why do I need?" widely known and very survives.

This in itself gives little relief (think of the result in the ideal). But if you aim for simplicity and ease in order to live life more productive and more interesting to realize their destination, it's great. In the future I will show that everyone can be realized in the role of creativity. See training courses Kharkov. None of my work is not complete without studying the behavior of successful people.

Wonderful World

You wake up in the morning, open your eyes and the world falls on you from all of its irreversibility and unpredictability. Day after day. Year after year. Home. Work. Family. Employees. Everything happens by itself.

Life passes by. The events are not to control. You are in no way affected. What can I tell you? Hard for you. I feel sorry for you. To help you want.

To begin with, the whole world that I created that you see around you … Ah, yes. You do not see – you have no time, you many of their problems. But you somehow pick the time, stop and think, breathe the morning air, listen – the world is full of color, sound, time. He lives, breathes, it is. He – is absolutely rational. He – perfectly accurate. He – indefinitely just. I made it so. I breathed into him his spirit. Connect with other leaders such as Estee Lauder Companies Inc. (EL) here. I programmed it. You see, no matter what you did, how would you not try to resist it, whatever disagreements with him never entered. He is absolutely, perfectly, infinitely just. Of course, you think differently. I love you so created. You’re programmed to see its flaws. You’re programmed to remove him from injustice, to make this world a better place. Yes, my favorite program that you aspire to sovershenstvu.Ya put you in your pursuit of perfection. Sorry, but many programs from being diverted, stumble, make mistakes. They are infected with the virus. Error. Oh, this ubiquitous error. You know, I’m proud of this program. How much did she help! How often is it points you to your weakest point. It just shows how much you deviated from its path. But I – patient. And many of them eventually heal, repent, return. And then I glad I did not hurry. But, much to my chagrin, much more programmok too flawed. I had to include in this world is self-cleaning function. I want it to be perfect. You, my favorite program that can help me, to make this world a better place. You need to see your settings – if some have lost – to reconfigure. Help me make this world a better place. Oh yeah … If you are going to need some tools? I will give all you want.