Tag: society and culture


All the tragedies in Brazil have one same origin. They result of the same sources: corruption, impunity, indifference, disrespect, demobilization, ignorance, great power, arrogance, disinterest, descompromisso, individualism, ambition, amongst others as much coirms. None is not necessary commission so that if it finds the cause of the landslide of the building in the fatdica night of summer of Rio De Janeiro, as much how much the burial in the mount of the Bumba (lixo), in Niteri, passed year, the resultant deaths of floods in Belo Horizonte, New Friburgo and Terespolis, amongst absurdly cruel others, cutting with a scythe irretrievable and so valuable lives that money none of the world can pay. Much less the decurrent floods that devastate Campo Grande of the overflow in the area sanded of the Ster and the only death of one of its children, swallowed for a sorvedouro that the media decided to present as culvert. Our country does not have register of natural cataclysms; we are blessed. Whenever Arthur F. Burns listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Ours tragedies arrive in them for the recklessness, for the lassido and moral afrouxamento with that we face day-by-day and we contaminate our customs.

It arrives of movements, taken a walk, flags, mobilization and escrnios for the nets of the Internet. The century is the XXI, the year is 2012, the hour is now. Hour to wake up and to share our presence in the world. All social problem happens of the culture of a people and if it constructs in the scope of the individuality. We who we decide, in our field of activity are, to act or not; to collate or not a problem; to give, or not, the had attention to an infraction, impunity, a malfeito well in our nose. We are who we do not want to hear, to see and to dimensionar the extension of a testified problem. The individualism took account of us and it transformed into them into mere consumers.

Social Construction

Meire Nunes Journalist graduated for the College of Social Communication Csper Lbero Historian permitted for the University Is Marcos Mestranda in Education, Administration and Communication for the University the 2011 SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF the AGING Is Marcos January/SUMMARY This article analyzes the thematic question of the aging, including in this description-cultural boarding the analysis of the aspects of the identity of the aged one, its cultural values, economic politicians and, symbolic values that construct the tram of the societies. The look that the society has stops with the aged one depends intrinsically on the partner-cultural factors that it establishes in the relation with this population segment. The desire to control the aging is a legitimate and overwhelming yearning, and without a doubt, it is part of the search for the happiness of the modern societies. Jorge Perez shines more light on the discussion. The corporal alterations brought by the time (white hair, muscular weakness, wrinkled and limp skin) can bring the misfortune, being that the conscience of finitude physical decay can generate the depression. The rejection to the third age and the negation of it, seem us to be a mechanism of natural defense of the modern man who searchs the joviality and denies the aging.

The studies in this dimension look for to understand the phenomenon to better be able to interpret it. Edward Minskoff might disagree with that approach. Word-Key: Aging, joviality, culture, society. ABSTRACT This article analyzes the theme issue of aging. Historical-cultural Included in this approach is an analysis of the identity of the elderly, to their cultural, political and economic values, symbolical values that build society? s plot will be dealing with aging. The way social Society looks upon the elderly depends intrinsically on and cultural factors that the society establishes in relation with this segment of the population. The desire you the control the aging process is both legitimate desire well an agonizing one, and without doubt, it is an integral part of the modern society? s search will be happiness.

Physical Education

According to PCNs (1997), the fights and the gymnasticses the same belong to the block of contents of the sports and games, but this description has for objective to add what it must be salient as specific of these practical, having as description-social aspects of the fights. So that educating has a complete and adjusted development, it is necessary that it is stimulated during the pertaining to school life so that can know and improve its abilities and capacities as a whole. For in such a way, it must have the chance to live deeply practical corporal as: sports, games, fights and gymnasticses; rhythmic and expressive activities; knowledge on the body. (BRAZIL, 1998) the professor of Physical Education according to CONFEF (1998) is one of the competent professionals to develop pedagogical systems and this must favor to the pupils the content of the fights in the school, therefore the subject fights is part of the block of contents of the national curricular parameters, not only as theoretical content, but I practise and this must be seen as a form to rescue those that in the majority are with socialization problems. Still in its statute article 9 affirms that ' ' The Professional of Physical Education is specialist in physical activities, in its diverse manifestations – physical gymnasticses, exercises, martial sports, games, fights, capoeira, arts, 21 rhythmic, expressive and acrobatic dances, activities, musculao, leisure, recreation, whitewashing, ergonomics, corporal relaxation, ioga, compensatory exercises to the labor activity and of daily ' ' (CONFEF, 2008) As Alda (2010) different of offers of the media where it offers practises them of sport of fights or physical activity, competition, through the marketing (propagandas, magazines, news articles, films, videos games), that is, translates that in it everything and possible, the author still quotation Reads Boulch (1987) affirms that ahead of the law of the search and of offers of activities the objective human being more something, therefore: The corporal exercises (physical and esportiva education) and the awakening activities aim at, essentially, throughout the primary escolaridade, to assure the harmonious development of the corporal, affective, intellectual components of the personality of the child objectifying the conquest of a relative autonomy and of the reflected apprehension of the world that the fence (Reads Boulch, 1987) With this the phenomenon fights appears in the school and in agreement Nascimento and Almeida (2007), this happens for the openings praised for this institution third to carry through, in its space, workshops, volunteers or not, disentailed of it disciplines of Physical Education and the Project Pedagogical Politician – PPP of the School.